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2023-08-14 09:39:03 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题房子



I didn't expect the rent for a one-bedroom apartment to be so high.


It's very hard to rent a satisfying apartment.


I can't afford that rent.


expect v. 预期,预料到

rent n. 租金 v. 租用,租

apartment n. 公寓,单元住宅

satisfying a. 令人满意的,令人满足的

afford v. 买得起,负担得起

I want to share an apartment with a friend.


I need to find a roommate.


I have one room for rent.


I need to rent an apartment.


share v. 分享,共有

roommate n. 室友

for rent“供出租”

It's much safer to rent an apartment through a real estate agency.


I don't like to deal with the real estate agent.


estate n. 地产,不动产

agency n. 代理行,代理处

agent n. 代理人

real estate“房地产”

real estate agency“房地产中介公司”

deal with“与…打交道,应付,对待”

House prices have really risen a lot during the past several years.


House prices rise/fall again.


House prices keep going up/down.


House prices have rocketed by up t0 11.2 percent in a year.


House prices increased at the same rate as the CPI last year.


rise v. 上升,上涨,增加(其过去式和过去分词分别为rose和risen)

rocket v. 飞速上升行.火箭

percent ad. 百分之

up to“(数目)到…之多,一直到”


CPI是Consumer Price Index的缩写形式,指“消费者物价指数”。

Almost everybody is talking about housing.


Who doesn't want his own house?


The house price is people's big concern.


housing n. 住房,住宅,提供住房

concern n. 关心,所关心的事

Some people buy houses on speculation.


Some people speculate in/on houses.


I most people buy houses to live in.


speculation n. 投机,…投机买卖

speculate v. 投机,做投机买卖

speculate in/on(doing)sth.“做…投机买卖”

The real estate market is down now. The house prices are acceptable.


acceptable a. 可接受的

It's the right time to buy this apartment.


I'm not sure whether I should buy a flat now.


I should think twice before making the decision of purchase.


purchase n. & v. 买,购买

make decision“做决定”

It's the right time...表示“现在正是…时候”,

I think twice before doing sth.表示“在做某事前要三思”。

People will not be able to a仟ord housing if prices keep rising.


How can the house prices become stable?


The developers have made a lot of money over the past few years.


stable a. 稳定的,稳固的

developer n. 开发者,房地产开发商

make money“赚钱”

I want to sell my apartment in a couple of years. It will be worth a lot more then.


My house will increase in value.


worth a. 值…的,价值…的,值得…的 n. 价值

a couple of“(数量)两三…”

be worth...“值... "

Most banks require a 20 percent down payment.


We've almost got enough money to make a down payment on a house.


It took us nearly five years to save enough money for a down payment.


require v. 要求,需要

payment n. 付款,支付

down payment“分期付款的首付款”

It'll be years before we've even paid off the loan.


I have to take out a loan of 360,000 yuan.


loan n. 贷款

pay off“还清,付清”

take out“通过申请取得”


Buying or Renting an Apartment买房还是租房

Christine: I heard you are going to get married at the end of this year. Have you bought an apartment?


Raymond. No. House prices are too high. We can't afford it. We're going to rent one.


Christine: You're right. People will not be able to afford housing if prices keep rising.


Raymond: I hear that house prices have dropped a lot in some cities, which gives us some hope.


Christine: Yeah. I think housing to some extent should be under control by the related government department.


Raymond: Yes. Some people buy houses on speculation.


Christine: Did you ever think of buying a second-hand house then?


Raymond: Yes. It's a little cheaper but it'll cost more in down payments. We can't afford it either.


Christine: People normally can't afford an apartment at an early age. Many young couples in developed countries also live in rented apartments.



Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone.

You should say:

· what it was

· what you have done

· why you have chosen this person(s) to work with

and explain what you did to finish the project.


Just last month we finished a project at the university, it was a research project which involved various entities both here in India and abroad and communication was one of the most challenging aspects of it.

I think there were about 15 people in total in the team. It was coordinated from France by an academic research foundation based there. We were investigating various aspects of environmentally friendly air transport; looking at ways to reduce noise and fuel consumption, and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The project dealt with researching possible methods of improving current engine technology and involved an in depth study of flight physics as applied to most commercial airliners nowadays, mainly based on lightweight structures and possible changes or improvements which could be made.

The long term aim of the project was to evaluate and then test some completely new types of aircraft structures and concepts.

I think it helped me develop on a professional level more than on a personal level, although I did get a lot of opportunity to interact with different people from various different countries and practice my English a lot. But professionally it was very challenging and very interesting for me. It is the first international research project I have been involved in so it was quite exciting as well.

As I said, there were people from France, Germany, the UK, the USA and some other countries. We used to have regular teleconferences to discuss the progress of the project and any problems we encountered, share research results and information, and discuss possible solutions and areas of further investigation. I was working closely with one of my senior professors here at the university who is very experienced in this field of engineering.

Overall, I think I learned a lot more about collaboration, as well as gaining some useful experience in negotiating and discussing in English.


Describe an old friend you enjoy talking with

You should say:

who this person is

how you knew him/her

what you usually talk about

and explain why you want to talk to this person


I think friendship is extremely important. Friends are like our brothers and sisters and sometimes more then that. My best friend is Rahul. We met in a boarding school in Shimla when we were studying in 3rd class. So both of us studied in the same school and in the same class. So I can say we have been best friends since our childhood . At that time, we often used to go to school together and return back home. We also used to go to a nearby forest every Saturday and Sunday. Presently, He is doing his M.B.A from U.K. These days I stay in touch with him through emails and sometimes we even chat and once in a while, he calls me when he gets time.

He is a very hard working person, even now he is doing a part time job in a bakery along with his studies; as a result, I admire him very much. Since he is one year older to me he advises me about so many things; for instance he is the one who told me to go for IELTS class at Way-Ahead Institute and plan about studying in U.K.

I share everything with my best friend and he also shares everything with me; like he is always the first one to wish me on my birthday; also he was the first person I called up as soon as I got my higher secondary result.

He helps me whenever I need him; for example’ when my sister wanted to study in U.K he arranged her prospectus and helped her with her accommodation.

What I like the most in my friend is that he is very simple and straight forward person and always speaks the truth. He even criticizes me when I am not right; like, when I argued with my teacher one day, he straight away told me that I was wrong and I should feel sorry about it.

We both even have similar liking. Both of us like to listen to old Hindi songs and also eat South Indian food. Our favorite is Kishore kumar and we like to eat Dosa very much. Whenever he comes back during his holidays we definitely visit a south Indian Restaurant in our hometown, what more, he is very good cook himself and also plays very good guitar. I am longing to see him as soon as he returns to India after completing his studies. He has promised me that he will get a laptop for me when he returns.


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