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2023-08-16 17:21:26 来源:中国教育在线



描述天气 雅思 口语



1.What's the weather usually like in your hometown?

The weather is quite extreme here, actually. I mean it's humid and scorching in summer and freezing cold in winter. Although spring and autumn are rather mild and delightful, they are normally too short even to notice.

2.What season do you like best? What do you do in that season?

My favorite season is winter. I usually enjoy snowflakes and play snowballs. I like to take a hot spring bath or make a massage in winter. Well, that would be fantastic!

3.What season do you think is most suitable for work and study?

It must be the autumn. That is a joyful season with beautiful sceneries. Autumn weather is unpredictable and beautiful. It is the transition from hot to cold weather. Trees bare their leaves, birds migrate south and the nights are cool.

4.Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?

Yes, the weather in summer becomes hotter and muggier and the winter in Wuhan becomes chillier.

5.Describe the four seasons in your hometown.

In winter, it has snow and everything is covered in white. In spring, it's beautiful and all the flowers are in bloom, plus everything is green over again. In fall, all the leaves turn orange, red, and yellow, so it looks gorgeous. But summer sucks here because of the stupid hot weather you can't play sports without sweating buckets, you get hot and easily irritable and you can't do anything about it.

接着看下part2的个人陈述题,关于describe a bad weather you experience

Well, one particularly unpleasant experience that sticks in my memory was the time I went to Huangshan with my mum and brother, which must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when my mum came over to visit me in Hangzhou. We had decided to go travelling to Huangshan as none of us had been there before, and we’d heard a lot of great things about it.And basically what happened was that we got caught in a big storm, which eemed to spring up out of nowhere, because one minute it was pretty sunny, and the next it was, quite literally, pouring down with rain, and I mean, REALLY chucking it down!What didn’t help us was the fact that, at the time the storm hit, we were right on top of a mountain.

and because we hadn’t checked the weather forecast, we didn’t have any umbrellas with us, so we got absolutely soaked!And the worst thing was, when we reached the cable car to get down the mountain, we were told that it had closed early for safety reasons, coz there were some flashes of lightening, and this apparently made the cable car unsafe to go in.So we ended up having no choice but to walk down the mountain instead, and because it was still raining when we got to the bottom, we couldn’t find a single free taxi. So there we were, completely drenched and utterly exhausted, stuck in the middle of nowhere.Thankfully, though, after what seemed like an eternity, a minivan finally pulled up and gave us a lift back to where we were staying, which was a huge relief.

I honestly don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t come, because it was getting pretty dark and most people had already left the mountains, so thank goodness it came!And looking back on it now, I would say I actually gained quite a lot from this experience, as it’s really kind of taught me to appreciate the times when I do have easy access to transportation, which is most of the time.So yeah, that’s pretty much it, and I hope the story wasn’t too boring!


1.What kind of weather is preferred by people in your country?

Generally speaking, most people prefer the hot weather in the summer, although it can be a little uncomfortable at times when temperatures soar in July and August. There are some people who prefer the winter because it’s easier and more comfortable to work. For example, when the temperature isn’t so hot, but the majority of people like the summer time because they get to spend more time outside and there’s a lot of tourist activities in the summer. So things are a lot busier and more lively. Young people like to spend a lot of time at the beach and doing activities outsider

2.How does the weather affect people in your country?

It affects people in different ways, or not at all, in some cases. Some people are just happier in the summer because they like the warmer weather, and likewise some people are glad when the winter comes because it’s a nice break from the intenseheat of the summer, and then there are people who like both seasons. Personally, I get a bit sad when it’s too cold in the winter.It’s just not very comfortable when you go outside, especially when it’s raining and cold at the same time… it’s horrible.

3.What kind of activities do people do in the different seasons?

During the summer, most people spend a lot more time outside. They might spend time travelling, and in particular if they live near the coast they’ll typically spend a couple of days a week at the beach, especially at the weekends. You’ll see whole families camped out for the day or maybe even the whole weekend at the beach, enjoying the ocean and all the water sports and activities you can do. In the winter, it’s different. People spend more time inside than outside and so parties and events in the winter are all organized indoors. I guess we do typical things inside like watching TV, movies, meeting friends for a drink or meal and other stuff – just inside more than outside.


1. What kind of weather do you like?

I love it when the weather is gloomy, or when it’s windy and the cold wind hits my face. I like it when it’s so windy that you could hear whistles. But unfortunately, I live in California so I only enjoy the weather for a short period of time, most of the time, it’s just a lot of humidity and hot weather.


2. What sort of weather do you least like?

I hate the freezing days, it’s too tormenting outside & I have to squeeze myself into the bloated clothes that make me look plump.


3. What's the weather like in your hometown?

The weather is quite extreme here, actually. I mean it’s humid and scorching in summer and freezing cold in winter. Although spring and autumn are rather mild and delightful, they are normally too short even to notice.


4. Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather?

My favorite season is winter. I usually enjoy snowflakes and play snowballs. I like to take a hot spring bath or make a massage in winter. Well, that would be fantastic! Summer sucks here because of the stupid hot weather; you can't play sports without sweating buckets.


5. Do you think the weather can affect people's moods?

Yeah it definitely can. Some people have a thing called seasonal depression where for example, during the winter months they are depressed throughout that whole period but they get better when spring comes along.



1.Do you like raining?

Oh, absolutely not. I hate raining days. I have to admit that weather is able to exert dramatic impacts on how I feel. If it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy. Sometimes my shoes and socks get wetted by the rain and it is very likely for to catch a cold in this way.

2.What kind of weather do you like the most?

Sunny and warm, without doubt, and that is the reason for me to favor summer above all the other seasons. Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. Lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away, and I guess that’s why people living in rainy places suffer more depression than those who live in sunny regions.

3.Does weather have any influence on you?

Oh, weather can have dramatics impacts on how I feel. Walking under the sun in the morning gives me hope and energy for a whole’s work. Also, lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away. On the contrary, if it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy.

4.Which season do you like best, why?

Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. I fondly look back to summer throughout all the other months of the year. I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. More importantly, drinking coca cola, eating ice-cream and swimming for hours are all perfectly justifiable thanks to summer.

5.Which one do you prefer, a place with changeable seasons or a place with unaltered seasons?

As I have mentioned, I love summer, so I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. Unaltered season means that I do not have to worry about a wide range of clothes that best suit different temperatures. All what I need to worry about is fashion and style. Besides, living with only one season doesn’t require a person to adjust him or herself frequently, so the chance of catching a cold will be relatively low.


Describe your favourite weather

You should say:

what kind of weather it is

when this weather usually occurs

what you usually do during this weather

how this weather affects you

and explain why you like this type of weather.


Ok, well I’d say my favourite weather would have to be sunny weather, which I guess is the same for most people.

And as for when this weather usually occurs, well unfortunately, not often enough! Because where I’m from, it seems torain the whole time, and when it’s not raining, the sky’s usually quite cloudy, so we don’t really get all that much sun in my hometown, but hopefully this year will be a bit better – fingers crossed!

Anyway, regarding what I usually do when it’s sunny, well I guess it probably depends on how much free time I have. So I mean, if I only have a little bit of free time, then I might just go for a walk around my neighbourhood or chill out for a bit in the gardens of my apartment complex. And if I have more time, then I might arrange to play some tennis or basketball with a few friends, although if it’s too hot then I probably wouldn’t bother.

And with regard to how this kind of weather affects me, well basically, I’d say it normally always puts me in a good mood. So for example, waking up with the sun shining through the windows is always a great feeling, as I’m sure you’ll agree. And another thing to mention would be that the traffic usually tends to be better on sunny days than rainy days, so it means that I can get to work quicker. It’s funny, because it always seems that there are more cars on the road on rainy days, which I can never quite figure out!

Anyway, finally then, as for why I like sunny weather the most, well, I suppose it’s really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that there are generally more things you can do when the sun's out, like playing sport and walking around outside without getting wet! And as I mentioned a bit earlier, it’s much easier getting around when it’s sunny, for example, the roads are less congested and it’s normally a lot easier to find a taxi, as you may have found out yourself!

So yeah, I guess that pretty much sums it up, and I wish I could wake up to a bright sunny day every morning!


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