2023-08-17 15:49:41 来源:中国教育在线
雅思 大作文开头应该怎么写
1) 抛弃冗长模板
We can not imagine our life without (the mobile phone)。
(An increasing use of machines) is now being witnessed everywhere。
(Fast food such as KFC and Mcdonald's)now could be found everywhere。
(Urbanization) has established itself as a growing trend。
There emerged a growing trend that (people are pouring into urban areas)。
More and more people are choosing (to study abroad)。
More and more people tend to believe that (more risks than benefits have been brought by air travel)。
It is not uncommon to see that (female leaders are playing an equally important role as their male counterparts in various areas)。
It is not uncommon to see (people performing everyday task and even working at home)。
People are beginning to realize (the side effects of television on family relationship)。
Several decades ago, few people could have imagined that (our life would have changed so greatly due to the use of Internet)。
2) 开头具体化
具体化的开头是6分以及6分以上文章的一大特点,即 "要让考官觉得你这个开头是完全针对题目写出来的",要做到这一点,就必须紧紧围绕话题展开。比如下面这道题目:
The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other. In what ways does technology affect the types of relationships people make? Is it a positive or negative development?
(开头段一) As a matter of fact, the issue on the effects of science and technology is a complex and controversial one. Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds, therefore, there is no universal answer to this question. In some areas, some people believe that technology has brought benefits on people's relationship, in other fields, others mountain that it has some side effects。
(开头段二) It is undeniable that science and technology has played an increasingly important role in modern society. The benefits brought by such trend are obvious, but problems have also been welled up. As for its influences on people's relationship, I believe the advantages brought by technology outweigh its drawbacks。
(开头段三) Even two decades ago, few people could have imagined that we can perform our daily tasks via computer. Now more and more people are choosing to do the shopping, banking and even work online. So how can such trend affect the interactions between modern-day people? I will give my answer in the following essay。
开头段一为典型的模板式开头,废话多,与话题关系小,毫无疑问会引起考官的反感。开头段二虽然也使用了模板句, 但运用较灵活,不足之处是背景句没有紧扣话题,虽然谈到科技影响生活但没有具体到'relationship'。开头段三语言虽简单但紧紧围绕话题'relationships'展开,灵活的使用了一些简短的小套句,而这样具体化的开头最受考官青睐。
3) 简单即是美
Science and technology have changed people's relationships significantly, which I believe has more benefits than risks。
It is argued that more risks than benefits have been brought by the development of technology on people's relationships. Personally, I can hardly agree with this opinion.
1、语言能力很低,文法基本上都不通,词汇量也是相当有限的,雅思写作目标分数在5分。 此类学生最想要的是通过背诵几篇范文便可以在考试时得到5分。但大部分时候,却都是事与愿违,有的学生却日夜苦背,已经积累了十多篇雅思写作文章,到最后依然是连雅思写作5分都没有得到。而此类学生有两个最大的问题:不可以单独的写出一句完整正确的单句并且考试看不懂题目。这两个问题,后者更为致命。
2、有可以用在简单沟通的词汇量,还可以去撰写常见句式,单句撰写熟练。雅思写作目标分数:6分。此类学生成为了现在人数最多的,通常是在突六以及精六班级。这一类学生学习有很大的潜力,到了审题时没有大的差错时,一般得分5分到5.5 之间。这类学生在自己阅读范文时,喜欢积累难词和复杂句式,部分学生在考试时过度倾向于用生僻词汇,长句可写4-5行,甚至一段一句。这些学生普遍存在的问题是论证能力差,扣题不紧,对句子功能的把握不强。
3、有的考生语言功底很扎实,雅思写作目标7分或以上。 选择出不同种类题型的雅思写作范文简单阅读就行了。根本就完全没必要去研读雅思写作范文,要不然只会误导自己。
Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination, but others think there are more important factors, like money and personal appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
烤鸭们可以从题目中的success of life, 仔细想想这样的生活包含的方面。
l Success of life:
a well-paid professional job and an affluent materialistic life style, make great contributions to society, have access to high reputation (be appreciated and valued), have happy and harmonious family, maintain optimistic mood (keep the spirit of perseverance), be healthy physically and mentally
它们又与hard work and determination有什么关系呢?
l Hard work:
a well-paid professional job and an affluent materialistic lifestyle;
make great contributions to society;
have access to high reputation (be appreciated and valued);
l Determination:
have happy and harmonious family;
maintain optimistic mood (keep the spirit of perseverance);
he healthy physically and mentally;
l Money:
satisfy people’s needs: regular tourism, enjoy entertainment, eat nutritional food, success of life
l Personal appearance:
烤鸭们可以列举一些自己熟知的名人或偶像,依据外在的形象获得成功生活的人,比如Facebook CEO, 巴西球星内马尔,阿根廷球星梅西等。
It is generally accepted that the majority of leaders qualify perseverance. Typical example is Nelson Mandela, who was the south black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid. In spite of more than a quarter century of imprisonment, he still dedicates his life for the human rights and racial equality. Another case is Mother Teresa, who was the winner of the Nobel Peace, devoted the majority of her life to helping the poor in India although she was exposed to diverse adversities.
Admittedly, there is one major reason why people fail to balance their life and work. Modern communication technology seems to be primary culprit. At present, I frequently bring the work home, sending emails to my employers related to work placement or proposals; similarly, working as a surgeon, my father regularly supervises relevant emergent cases via mobile phones when he is on a vacation.
Unquestionably, it is advertising that gives general public access to two major strengths related to their life. The optimal facet is that practical information is available to populace with different age groups. Take tourism packing as a specific case, the graying population are likely to make wise decision where to travel thanks to diverse publicity on the advertising. Similarly, thanks to advertising, the youth tend to have access to their appealing digital products, like mobile phones, cameras… Luckily, mid-aged migrant workers seem to seek for their ideal jobs attributing to recruiting advertising. Another possibility is that its educational function. A case in point is the publicity related to wildlife protection. Watching such public service advertisement, audiences are likely to refuse to enjoy shark fin soap or wear clothes made from endangered species. Likewise, touched by images exposed on TV, general public may regularly visit their parents, showing filial piety towards them.
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