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2023-08-18 15:43:34 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题一本书


Describe a kind of book you like. You should say:

What kind of books you like most.

What they are about.

Why you like them most.

What effects books brought on you?

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.


a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma.

b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies.


a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life.

b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life.

There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.


a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others.

b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.


a) Autobiographies can be very interesting and revealing.

b) In the case of politicians, for example, we often find that they explain the reasons for actions that they took while in office.

5. So it is clear that I will keep or reading autobiographies in future.

雅思口语Decision making话题

1. What skills are necessary when making decisions?

关于decision-making的话题,以及关于skills的问题在part 3当中并不算少见,因此同学们还是需要多加注意,平时要多多积累语料。

这个题目在回答的过程当中,同学们容易陷进“skills”的陷阱当中去,很多同学对于skills这个单词的理解非常的狭隘,认为只有“技术性”、“技能性”的才能叫做skills,其实,只要是和能力相关,只要是表示“能做什么样的事情”,都可以用skills这个词来表达。比如雅思听力当中就常常出现writing skills和study skills这种表达,这个时候我们就不一定非要僵硬地把这个词组理解成“写作/学习技能”,而是直接说“写作/学习能力”更好一些。

更何况,在一个雅思口语part 3的答案中,流利的应对非常重要,相比较于花时间去纠结skills到底指的是什么,更明智的做法显然是联系decision-making的过程,描述这个当中需要的能力。

具体来说,做决定的时候,我们需要搜集信息,需要跟他人沟通讨论,有时候甚至需要坚持自己的主张(assert my opinions)或者控制情绪,这些都可以作为答案内容。

Making decisions is a complex process, which might involve a great many skills. For starters, the ability of collecting facts and figures is essential, because the first step of making a decision is to get a whole understanding of the relevant information. Sometimes, we need to be computer-literate to look up information on the Internet. Secondly, we shall be able to do some data analysis so that we can make a wise decision. In addition, we need to keep calm inside, even when it is an urgent situation and we are asked to make prompt decisions, otherwise we might decide on something and regret it quite soon. Finally, a good decision-maker should be able to control his own mood and never get emotional, since we are not likely to make a good decision when we are thrilled, furious or anxious. So to sum up, there are plenty of necessary skills when making a decision. Sometimes we are not even aware of them.

2. How can people improve their decision-making skills?



I think people can improve their decision-making skills the way they do to improve all other skills – by learning and practising. If someone feels that he is not good at making decisions, the first thing he might have to do is to observe – to find out how others will react when it comes to a similar circumstance. The second step is to compare and contrast. By doing this, people can have a clear understanding of the strong points and the weakness in their decision-making process, so that they could make a progress. The key point of improving the decision-making skills lies in practice. Just like everything, decision-making skills could get strengthened only when we put them into reality. Provided we keep training ourselves in this way, we can all become wise and responsible decision-makers.

雅思口语A practical skill话题

A practical skill

I’d like to describe a skill I learned, which is to edit songs on computer by using the software, called cool edit.

I love singing, so a skill to edit songs is very practical and important for me. I first heard about it when I was eleven years old. When I was surfing the internet, a net friend told me about this software. I began to learn how to use at once by watching many online classes about it. Soon I can record my voice on the computer and after a lot of practice; I can edit many audio files perfectly. For example, I sang a song named “take me away”, after being edited, it sounds just like the original singer’s singing. It is amazing, because I can even change a girl’s voice into a boy’s voice.

I like to play with it in my spare time, so my skill has improved a lot. When I told my friends about it, all of them were really impressed.


Describe an exciting sport you know.

You should say:

what the sport is

how you know about it

is it difficult

and explain why you think it is exciting.

I think the most popular sport in China is table tennis. It doesn't require intensive facility but only a pair of bats, a table tennis ball and a table, and doesn’t matter what the weather is, and is also easy to learn. You can find people at different ages playing it in the community, even some old people.

Actually, there are several physical benefits of playing table tennis, like your reflexes and hand-eye coordination would become quicker and more refined. And the most important is that it can build your body strength. Though I can’t play it, I often watch table tennis games.

Table tennis is our national ball, and our players have won so many prizes with their excellent skills. Their games always make us excited, and we are proud of them. I enjoy watching the games, and perhaps I’ll learn how to play it soon. In a word, this is a sport with a lot of fun. That’s why I think table tennis is an exciting sport.


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