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2023-08-21 12:55:41 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述一次合作


You should say:

who this person is

what kind of person he or she is

whether you’ve worked together before

and explain why you would like to work with this person (more than with other members of your family).


Let me tell you about my brother that I’d like to work with in my business. He is very considerate and thoughtful person who has always done his best to help me make decisions in the face of day-to-day difficulties.


My brother has a strong personality and he never lets others tell him what to do. I learned how to be more responsible and also more determined in my daily life. Although we’ve never worked together in business before, he always reminds me that things are not as easy as they appear and that I should work hard in order to get results.


I’d like to work with my brother because it’s lucky enough to find a wonderful partner in him, both personally and professionally. We can be honest with one another, and I trust him significantly more than I’ve trusted partners in the past. My brother is very loyal and I believe he will always watch my back. Although, I will say it is very important to define roles and boundaries with family immediately. He does tend to push the limits of what is acceptable if rules are not clearly defined. It also just so happens that our skill sets are completely opposite and complementary.



1.体贴周到的人; considerate and thoughtful person

2.面对:in the face of

3.日常的困局: day-to-day difficulties

4.如果更有责任心和决定:how to be more responsible and also more determined

5.个人和专业的角度:both personally and professionally

6.完全相反和互补的:completely opposite and complementary

7.我们对双方互相信任:we can be honest with one another

8.非常相信他:trust him significantly

9.定义角色和界限:define roles and boundaries

10.倾向于:tend to


what it was

what you did

and how you felt about it.


I’d like to talk about a team project that I was involved in during my final term at business school. There were four of us on the team, and our task was to work with a local company to research a new market, in a European country, for one of their products or services. Our objective was to produce a report and give a presentation.


The first thing we did was split into two groups of two. We had been assigned a company that produced a range of bicycle accessories, so two of us spent some time getting to know the company while the other two researched the market and the competitors in the target country, which was Germany. In the end, I think it was a successful project because we managed to identify a possible gap in the market in Germany for one of the company’s products. Our group presentation also went really well.


Until that point, the course had been all about business theory, so it was quite a learning experience to work with a real company. I felt a real sense of accomplishment when we handed in our report and delivered our presentation, and I think all of us were proud of what we had done.



Do you prefer group-work or working alone?

I honestly don't mind working in either setting. You may think that working individually means you'll get things done quicker and with less hassle, but at the same time you may struggle for ideas and inspiration.


What are the benefits of group-work?

It can be useful to have more than one pair of eyes and ears working on a project. Group work allows a greater range of opinions to come to the fore and also shares the work around so the result isn't just dependent on one person.


Did you have any experience of group working when you were young? How about now?

We would occasionally have group projects when I was at school, but when it came to final grades we were mostly judged on individual work. Now that I am older and have a job, I work in groups much more regularly. I guess at school group work is about promoting teamwork, whereas in the work place it is about putting that teamwork into action to get the best result.


What is the most difficult part of group working?

Obviously working in a team leads to a greater number of ideas, but also opinions. It's great if everybody agrees or is willing to listen, but sometimes there can be a clash of heads when two or more people don't agree.


What kind of people would like to work in groups?

I think the sort of person who likes to work in a group is a good team player. They don't think they are better than other people or that their ideas are any more relevant, they are a good listener and are willing to get their head down and work hard for everybody. They might also be level headed and keep calm in heated situations.



Last class in my preparation we worked in teams. The first question of our teacher was: I need you form teams so, do you want 3 groups of 2 members or on the opposite 2 groups of 3? I immediately propose 3 groups because I thought it would be more dynamic and we will have more competition. All my classmates agreed and the teacher said ok let’s do it but you need to fill out this matrix. Here was where we found the disadvantage of a group of less members so it would be more difficult because when you have more partners we can distribute the duties among more people and each person has less to do. So, we wanted change the teams but it was late, the decision had been taken.

We worked in pairs and we did the best as we could, but of course it was a little more difficult. Besides we had a limit time. But we needed to learn to organize and to assign activities.

In particular I don’t like work in teams if the option is teams or individual job I prefer individual because sometimes I don’t trust my partners only when I know them very well and I know they are responsible, and they are interested in what we are doing. I know that this is wrong with me because I have to learn to work in teams. And more because I know I will use this technique when I was teacher. So it is better to get accustomed to that. And avoid wanting to do everything. But I think every time that is easier for me.

My experience was very good. We could work well and we learnt a lot of this activity. Working in teams is easier because the responsibilities are shared and you are more dynamic, paying attention, developing your skills of collaborative and cooperative. Better than the boring and hard work alone. We must learn to work in teams and destroy all that bad habits we have. The problem is since basic education where our teachers need motivate us a lot and teach us how to work in teams and enjoy that, realizing all the advantage that it has in our process of learning.


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