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2023-08-21 16:39:27 来源:中国教育在线




Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

You should say:

who they are

how you know them

how long they have been married

and explain why you think they are happily married




I am going to tell you the happy marriage between my father and my mother. You know, the thing I am quite proud of is that I come from a close-knit family, I mean, my father, my mother create a culture of good feelings in our home and in their marriage and that’s what really makes a home “home”.

I started realizing my father is so considerate, gentle and well-balanced is because, I never saw him lose his temper, not even complain about any tiny chores in the family. In my memory, every time when my father was talking to my mother, he always started a sentence with “I love it when…” for example, in stead of “Why haven’t we gone for a date recently?” In a very gentle manner, he was always like “I love it when we go out together. Remember when we went to the restaurant that night? I had so much fun.Let’s do that again!”

They have got married for roughly 30 years and the most interestingly unusual thing is, my father and mother would always switch roles at home. I mean, domestic tasks can never be gendered in my family, my mother has a portfolio career, she is super busy and does more paid work. So sometimes she just does the minimum amount of domestic chores that she needs to do to get by, whilst my father covers a lot such as, doing the laundry, organizing my school and social lives, putting the rubbish bins out…the list goes on. But they are both happy with the give and take respectively.

I think they have a happy marriage because…they can always find happiness in little things and what they should aim for, rather than what we don’t have. That’s very simple but important. All those small moments build a habit of seeing each other through a rose-tinted spectacle, of course, they may also be negative moments but more importantly, they always try to remember the good ones and appreciate them. So they are not always eye to eye, but always heart to heart.


地道用词:a close-knit family

roughly 30 years

domestic task

a rose-tinted spectacle 玫瑰色眼镜

高分句型:I started realizing my father is so considerate, gentle and well-balanced is because, I never saw him lose his temper, not even complain about any tiny chores in the family.

I think they have a happy marriage because…they can always find happiness in little things and what they should aim for, rather than what we don’t have.

All those small moments build a habit of seeing each other through a rose-tinted spectacle, of course, they may also be negative moments but more importantly, they always try to remember the good ones and appreciate them.


Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.

You should say:

Who they are;

How you knew them;

What they usually do together;

and explain how you feel about their marriage.




I have a lot of friends, and most of them are still young. However, there is a couple, they both are my friends because we studied Chinese in the same class, and they got married four years ago. They are a very nice couple because they love and respect each other very much. Surprisingly, they both have active and dynamic characters. In my opinion, I think there is something very strange which is very hard to explain happening between them, for example, they always have the same ideas, opinion, and hobby. They especially like the same food and sport.

Moreover, they never make decision without asking his/her partner opinion even a very small thing. In addition, when we have party, birthdays or weddings, they never participate separately. They always go by couple, in case a husband or wife can not go, the other will stay at home with his/her partner. As a result, they absolutely trust in each other. The husband always reserves the best for his wife, and his wife treats him respectfully. That is why I rarely see they have argument even a tiny argument.

I admire them very much; however, I usually tease them about their romantic and lovely marriage. They told me that the most important factor which is keeping their happy marriage is they always respect the partner ideas, opinion, and thinking. Now they have a daughter, and their happiness increases excessively. Their daughter resembles both father and mother closely, and she is so lovely as well.

If I were them I would be very happy and proud of the marriage, I would try my best to preserve my marriage because that is the most precious thing in my life. In my opinion, I think it is not easy to find an appropriate partner as we want like this couple. Not only I adore their marriage but all of my friends have the same attitude.


Describe a happy marriage you know.

You should say:

who they are

how you know them

how long they have been married

and explain why you think they are happily married


Ok, well the first married couple that came to mind when I saw this topic were some neighbours of mine, because as far as I know, they are very happy together, so I’d like to tell you a little bit about them.

So firstly, as for how I know them, well I basically got to know them when I moved into my flat here, because they live just next door to me, so we often bump into each other, and we’ve now become pretty good friends.

And as for how long they’ve been married, well, I think it’s only been for about two or three years, because they’re both quite young and only in their mid-twenties. Although if I remember correctly, I think one of them told me that they were together for quite a few years before they got married, because they met each other at high school, so taking that into account, they’ve actually been together for about ten years.

But anyway, with regard to why I think they’re happily married, well I would say one reason is that, whenever I see them, they always seem to be happy and cheerful. I mean, I’ve never seen them argue or shout at each other before, and they’ve also never said anything bad about each other, apart from when they’re joking of course!

And I get the impression that they treat each other really well. For example, I’ve noticed that the husband always drives his wife to and from work every day, and she often buys a lot of clothes for him, which I know because on several occasions, I’ve seen him wearing a nice-looking shirt and have asked him where he got it, and every time he told me that his wife got it for him, which is just as well, because she’s got a much better taste in clothes than him!

So yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re really happy together, and I think they’re actually great role models for how to keep a marriage strong and healthy.


Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage 美好的婚姻


You should say:

Who they are


How you got to know them


How long they’ve been married


And explain why you think they have a happy marriage



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