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2023-08-23 09:49:43 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题job


1.Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?

Well, it really depends on what kind of jobs you’re looking for. Like, if you want to work in state companies, it’s quite hard to get in, since you have to have relationships and connections, people who introduce you for the job, but for something in private companies, it’s quite easy actually, as long as you have a college degree and some relevant working experience, it’s a piece of cake.

2.What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?

I think there have been many changes in the types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.

3.What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?

Well, I’m not exactly that sure, but my guess would be that things like banking and real estate are probably the sectors which pay the highest, because I mean, there's so much money invested in property here in China, so the salary's bound to be pretty good if you work in real estate. And as for banking, well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relatively highly-paid, which is one of the main reasons why so many graduates here wanna find a job in a bank!

4.Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?

Yeah, I'd say it's perfectly fine to change jobs. I mean, I can't see any point in doing one job throughout your whole career if you're bored out of your wits! So for me I would say the main thing is to be passionate about your job, and if at any point you start to lose enthusiasm in what you're doing, then it might be a good time to consider moving on and doing something else.

5.What age do you think is suitable to start work?

Well, it's really kind of hard to generalize, because some people feel ready to start work as soon as they've finished high school, and a lot of people who've done this have ended up quite successful. But I guess it probably also depends on what job you wanna do, because highly-skilled jobs, like being a doctor or surgeon for example, require many years of training, whereas menial jobs, like working behind a till at McDonald's, hardly require any training, so probably any age from 15 would be suitable for that kind of work.


Do you like the city you are living in now?

Of course, there are many characteristics in shanghai. First of all, urban transportation is very convenient and fast. Everywhere, you can get there by subway, sometimes faster than driving. Road greening is also perfect, both sides of the road tree growth is very luxuriant, especially cool when walking in summer. Second, there are many shopping malls and bars. On weekends, you can go shopping. In addition,you can go to a bar to have some wine and relax. Finally, the most important thing is that my family and friends are in this city, whether happy or upset, you can talk to them.


Which city have you been to recently?

I have been to Beijing recently. It is a city with a long history. In Beijing, you can see the rich historical buildings and modernarchitecture. The most memorable is the Forbidden City, standing on the wall, you can see the golden glazed tiles, symbolizing power in traditional Chinese culture, a special shock. Beijing's Hutongs, let me feel the colorful life of the local residents, they are warmhearted, make me feel at home. However, the only disadvantage is that there are too many people, the subway is very crowded, and it takes a lot of time to get on and off each time.


Do you prefer the City or the countryside?

I prefer the countryside.Although there are no convenient and fast means of transportation, there are many boulevards. Walking in the summer is especially cool on the road. Besides, there are many lakes in my hometown. In summer, you can swim and boating, you can enjoy maple leaves in autumn, and you can skate on the lake in winter. Because of very few vehicles, the air is so fresh that it is very suitable for running at night. But the most memorable thing is food, especially fish dumplings, especially juicy and tender. Therefore, my hometown is my favorite city, it carries a lot of beautiful memories.



Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home

You should say:

Where it would be

How you would like to go there

What you would do there

And explain why you would like to go there

雅思口语Part 3

Where do Chinese people like to travel to?

Do people in your country like to have holidays?

What are the disadvantages of working overtime?

Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?

What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?


I’ve always wanted to go and see Niagra Falls near Ontario; well actually it’s on the border of Canada and the USA. There are three big waterfalls there and I remember seeing them in a documentary in TV when I was younger and I thought it was very impressive. It was my first impression of Canada.


I remember watching a boat do a tour of the Falls and it looked amazing as the people went really close to the waterfalls and the noise was incredible.


I’m planning to go with my friend. In fact we hope to go there next year because we have a plan to study English in Canada for a year and we’d love to visit Niagra Falls and lots of other places while we’re in Canada.


At the moment we’re researching possible schools to study at and all the different courses available but hopefully by the summer we’ll have made our final decision and organized our visas and everything so that we can go and live in Canada and improve our English. I think I might like to live there in the future.


There’s quite a lot to organize before we go, there’s a lot of documentation such as visa applications, medical exams, and some other official documents we need to arrange and send to the school we’ll be studying at.


When we’re there we’ll obviously go and visit some of the famous places in Canada such as Lake Ontario, the CN Tower and of course Niagra Falls, so I think between our studies and doing some travelling and sightseeing in different parts of the country we’ll be busy most of the weekends and any other free time we have.


I think it’ll be a great opportunity to meet a lot of different people and practice my English as well as learn about living in a different country and culture. I’m really looking forward to our trip because I’m sure it will be really exciting.



Is it better to travel alone or with a tour group?

Everybody is different and they have their own preferences. As far as I’m concerned, either way, it has its pros and cons and one way is not better than the other. Some people say that traveling alone is unsafe and that they would never do it. I, on the other hand, disagree because traveling in a small or large group can be dangerous too. Yes, I agree it can be more dangerous traveling solo sometimes, but one has to take precautions like not walking dark streets alone at night, hitching a ride with a stranger, or staying in high-risk neighborhoods. The same goes when traveling in a larger group.每个人都是不同的,他们有自己的偏好。就我而言,无论哪种方式,它都有它的优点和缺点,其中一种方法并不比另一种更好。有些人说独自旅行是不安全的,他们永远不会这样做。另一方面,我不同意,因为在一个小的或大的群体中旅行也可能是危险的。是的,我同意有时独自旅行会更危险,但你必须采取预防措施,比如在晚上独自走在黑暗的街道上,和陌生人搭顺风车,或者呆在高风险的社区里。在更大的群体中旅行也是如此。

What makes a tourist attraction popular?

I never considered this question before. I need some time to think a little……umm. I believe it has to do with what the place offers. For instance, take Machu Picchu in Peru. Thousands of people all over the world travel there because of its historical background of being the “Lost City of the Incas”. In addition, it has breathtaking views and ancient ruins. Now take the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Thousands of people pilgrimage there every year for religious reasons. I’m sure there are other motives that make a place a tourist trap, but these were the only ones I could think of.我以前从来没有考虑过这个问题。我需要一些时间来思考一下……嗯……我相信这和这个地方所提供的东西有关。例如,秘鲁的马丘比丘。世界各地成千上万的人都在那里旅行,因为它的历史背景是“印加失落的城市”。此外,它还有令人叹为观止的景色和古老的遗迹。现在在沙特阿拉伯的圣城麦加。每年都有成千上万的人因为宗教原因去那里朝圣。我敢肯定,还有其他的动机让一个地方成为旅游陷阱,但这是我唯一能想到的。


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