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2023-08-23 18:15:32 来源:中国教育在线



  教育类雅思写作范文之大学教育与职业技能教育,为帮助大家更好准备雅思考试,现在陆续为大家提供雅思作文考试新真题和范文及其译文,希望对大家雅思考试有所帮助,一起来看:教育类雅思写作范文之大学教育与职业技能教育。  【考题解析】  考题重现:Some people think young people should go to university to further theireducation while others think they should be encouraged to work as carmechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.  核心词汇:university education, car mechanics or builders  文章结构:辩论型对称式话题。  【9分范文】
  Should one go to university to further his education or take a professional training course? Someprofessors from Peking University believe that only advanced education can complete one's lifeeducation. However, others hold that skilled vocational diplomas enable people to hunt for idealjobs. Personally, both sides of the issue should be taken into consideration.  When it comes to professional training, there are two main benefits: For one thing, it is one ofthe most efficient ways to train people. In other words, within a short limited time, it is possiblefor the training to transform a green hand into a qualified worker instead. For another, it enablesone to find a stable job with a sufficient wage. Without a skilled vocational diploma, and onlya college degree, it is hard for a university student to find a good job after graduation. Therefore,skilled vocational diplomas are a must for modern society.  However, further education can never be replaced for some good reasons: If one wants to makea living, he or she needs a job at first. Then, if one wants to live better, he or she should have agreat taste brought by further education only. In other words, further education can not onlyprovide people with the whole educational system, but also provide a platform on which onecommunicates with people in common smoothly. Through all these activities, one can perfecthimself; therefore he may lead a qualified life in his daily routine.  In summary, my point of view on this issue is as follows: Skilled vocational training can onlyfulfill our basic requirements while further education can fulfill our desire psychologically aswell. Training is for living; further education is for living better.
  【范文译文】  一个人应该上大学深造。还是参加职业培训呢?一些北京大学的教授相信只有高等教育才能完善人的终身教育。而有人认为资深的职业教育能让人找到理想工作。个人认为。问题的双方都应考虑。  谈到职业教育。主要有两方面优势:其一,职业教育是有效率的培训渠道。换言之,在有限的短哲时间内,职业教育是可能将一个什么都不懂的新手打造成一个合格的工人。其二,职业教育可以让人得到一份薪水优厚的工作。毕业生如果没有接受过职业培训,而只凭一张大学文凭是很难找到工作的。因此,在现代社会。职业教育是很必要的。  然而,继续教育永远不可被代替。原因如下:首先,为了谋生,人得先有一份工作。然后。人想要活得好一些,他就应该有更高的品位。这只能从高等教育中获得。也就是说。高等教育不仅可以给人提供完整的教育体系,而且还能够提供让志同道合者相互交流的平台。通过这些活动。人能够完善自我,从而过上高品质的生活。  总之,我对于此事的看法如下:职业教育只能够满足人的基本需求。而高等教育同时也能够满足人的心理需求。职业培训是为了活着。而深造是为了活好。  【亮点句型】
  only with sth. it is hard for sb. do to sth.
  …and only a college degree, it is hard for a university student to find a good job aftergraduation.
  provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.
  In other words, further education can not only provide people with the wholeeducational system。
  my point of view on this issue is as follows
  In summary, my point of view on this issue is as follows
  A is for living; B is for living better  A是为了活着,B是为了活好。
  Training is for living; further education is for living better.


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