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2023-08-25 13:56:04 来源:中国教育在线



和工作有关的 雅思 口语话题题


I’ve always wanted to be a manager of movie stars or singers.

First of all, I can make truckloads of money. I heard, I can get half the money my celebrity makes. That’s a huge amount of money, if you think about it. I mean, they can make more money than the rest of ordinary people do in a lifetime by just making a commercial. And some singers can also make a fortune by holding a concert. So the payment of being a manager is awesome.

Also, when my singer goes on tours or my actor needs to make a movie in a foreign country, I can travel around the world with him or her. I get to see exotic views and try tasty and authentic local food. Just the thought of it could make me pumped.

The best part is, I get to meet other celebrities in show business. I can dress up and go to award ceremonies with my stars, which must be fun.

Plus, it’s easier to know those celebrities’ gossips and the inside stories. I know it sounds like I’m spying, but I really want to know the truth. You know, what’s on the news about those celebrities are not always true, like who’s dating whom or who’s having an affair.

So that’s why it’s my dream job.


Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh

You should say

What the program is

When you watched it

Who you watched it with

Why it made you laughed


What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?

Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?


A TV program that I found really funny was an American show called “How I met your mother” which was broadcast every Sunday last summer.


It was a sitcom with 9 series, each of which included about 24 episodes. I watched all of the episodes and found them absolutely hilarious. The series followed the main character, Ted, who recounted to his son and daughter the time when he met and got married to their mother. The special thing was this – all the events Ted had experienced with his best friends before meeting his wife were illustrated in a highly amusing way. For example, in one episode, Ted described his dates with a girlfriend whose name he had forgotten, so Ted and the other characters had to refer to her as “Blah-blah” all the time.


Because of the characters’ eccentric humor and natural acting, this show made me laugh a lot. So, at present, whenever I feel stressed, I replay this series so that I can just put my feet up and have a good laugh.



Describe an outdoor meal or picnic that you had

you should say

Where did it take place

What was the occasion

What did you eat and drink there

and explain whether you enjoyed it or not


I can remember so many outdoor picnics with my friends and family members. In fact, we used to go outing and had our meals outside as part of the picnics very frequently even a few years back. One such picnic was a boat trip to a nearby island called (say a name) where we went 3-4 years ago. It was a small island and that island had some old buildings as well as a beautiful relaxing spot surrounded by natures. The water around the island gives the impression that you have come to an exotic land. We had our picnics on this island. There was no particular occasion for the picnic; as far as I recall the community people of our locality were planning for a picnic and they settled the day in the mid-summer. On the day we had a big boat that took us to the island and we spent the whole day there.

I remember eating fried rice, roasted mutton, chicken, desert, different cookies fruits and some other food items throughout the whole day during our visit to the island. We drank plenty of waters as the weather was hot. We also drank fruit juices and soft drinks at different times of the day.

It was a great occasion for me. All of my family members and neighbours were present in the picnic and that was a really relaxing occasion for me. I enjoyed the boat journey and the picnic spot a lot. I played and chatted with the neighbouring kids and that was a very interesting and enjoyable gathering in my opinion.


Describe a movie you would like to watch again.

You should say:

what it was about

when and where you watched it

who you watched it with

and explain why you would like to watch it again.


Well, the movie that I’d like to watch again is Finding Neverland. You probably watched it too.


It tells a story of Barrie, a Scottish play writer develops a strong friendship with the widowed Sylvia and her four young sons whose imaginative behaviour gives him ideas. He incorporates them into a play about boys who do not want to grow up. The play, Peter Pan, proves to be a huge success after Sylvia becomes increasingly weak from an unidentified illness, so Barrie arranges to have an play performed in her home. She dies shortly afterwards, and Barrie finds that her will is to have him and her mother look after the boys.


I downloaded this film from the Internet last year, and watched it at home on the couch on TV.


I guess that Finding Neverland is a warm, heartfelt drama with an engaging story. Finding Neverland is a simple story, but in the tragic and painful ending, it digs under the skin of everyday life to ask a big question that as we grow up, we left behind too much innocence in the childhood, which touches on the deepest emotions of normal people, so I really want to relive these touching moments in the future.



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