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2023-08-25 15:51:46 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题外国食品


1、Have you ever tried foreign food?

Yes, certainly. There are various foreign foods in China. I have tried rice steamed with pineapple from Thailand, sushi and ramen from Japan, sandwich, Hamburg and chips from the UK and America. All of them are delicious.

2、Do you like to try new food?

Yes, every kind of food brings me a unique experience. It is not just on the level of taste, but also on the level of culture. It is always interesting to learn stories behind a particular kind of food, like why they use this ingredient and choose this cooking method.

3、What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Korean-style roasted meat. The sauce they use is very unique. It has a mixed taste of sweetness and acid, very delicious. I want to have it again.

4、What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

Many kinds of foreign food are popular in China. But the first one comes to my mind is Sushi from Japan. Probably because of its placid taste and fresh ingredients, it was regarded as a kind of high-class food in my country.

5、Do you like any food from the countries near China?

I am quite into steamed rice with pineapple from Thailand. The fragrance of pineapple is perfectly mixed with the smell of rice, which makes it a bit sweet but not too much.


Q: u like what clothes?

A:I like the clothes which are comfortable for me to wear. I especially like sweat shirts, T-shirts and jeans

Q:the prescript on clothes when u r working?

A: Because I work for new high technology company ,all the male colleagues wears western-style clothes. They includes ties, white shirts, black suits, and black shoes. but female colleagues wears black skirts. The main reason for this is to establish a gooa enterprise image.

Q:and just the prescript on clothes in school.

A: In China school clothes are blue trousers, white shirts.There is a picture or name of the schools.

Q:the different between the older and younger people on clothes.

A: Generally speaking, young people like to wear fashionable clothes. but older people like to wear traditional ones.

Q: talk about your favorite restaurant. why do you like it?

A: There is a food street near my home. It has various kinds of foods such as Japanese, Italian and domestic foods from other regeional ones for example sichuan spicy food. shanxi food. On the food street, not only can we taste foreign foods and other regional foods but also eat my hometown foods, especially the noodles in my hometown, The foods are very cheap and clean.


1.What are popular types of advertising? 哪类广告最受欢迎?

Well, nowadays, there are numerous marketable ways that companies use to target their audience. One of the most favoured ad types is corporate sponsorship which embraces everything from different sports teams to fairs and festivals. It is also considered to be an effective means of increasing the company's visibility in the community. One more well liked type of advertising is banner ads. They literally clutter up the Internet, which means they are well received by consumers too. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention leaflets which are still actively distributed by people in public places and, of course, hoardinqs that virtually plaster cities with different kinds of messages.

2.What type of media advertising do you like most?你最喜欢的传媒广告是哪类?

Well, I would say that I prefer Internet advertising because the Internet is the only type of media I am using these days. Ads constantly pop up on the screen of my computer chasing me wherever I go online. What I like about it is that the adverts that appear are based on my previous browsing history, so, even though I am disturbed by them, at least, they show the stuff I am interested in.

3.How does advertising influence children? 广告如何影响儿童?

Well, it differently affects kids' wellbeing mainly leading them to unhealthy choices, changes in behaviour and even eating disorders. Children are an extremely vulnerable target audience. They believe the messages in advertisements without a doubt and then may make excessive demands on their parents for the products they see in the ads. Children are in a development phase and not able to understand the persuasive character or ironic connotations hidden in advertising messages taking everything at face value, which poses a threat to their health and behaviour. Though, the cases when adverts influence kids in d positive way setting a good example ' them to follow. So, it depends.

4.Is there any advertising that can be harmful to children? 有哪些广告对儿童有伤害?

Unfortunately, there is. I am more than sure that it's not good for kids to see advertising of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or unhealthy foods 'cause children are cognitively and psychologically defenseless against advertising and often imitate specific behaviours they see in the media. So seeing somebody smoking or drinking a glass of something strong can push a child to trying the same, which is, no doubt, unhealthy and harmful for them in young years.


1. What makes a city a good one to live in? 是什么让城市宜居?

Oh, a lot of factors, to my mind. The ones I consider the most important for life are affordability, I mean housing expenses, the prices for consumable goods, the price of petrol, utility services, taxes and stuff like that, and accessibility, appearance and amenities, that is the presence of the airport, train and bus stations, good transport links, a number of educational institutions, a wide array of recreational facilities, shopping malls, parks and gardens and, of course, hospitals. I would also add good employment Opportunities and low rates to my priority list, oh, and the climate as well.

2. What can people do to improve the air quality in the city? 为了提高城市的空气质量,人们可以做哪些事?

Well, stop using polluting vehicles, first of all, I mean petrol and diesel cars, and start using battery-driven vehicles or public transport. This will significantly improve air quality levels as well as save some money for car owners. It's also a good idea to ride a bike if there are special cycling lanes in the area or walk around instead of using private cars. One more really vital thing for improving the air quality is greening the city. I mean planting trees, bushes and flowers in the yards, gardens and parks.


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