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2023-08-27 11:27:18 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题地方


Describe a quiet place you visited.

You should say:

where it was;

when you went there;

what you did there;

and explain how you felt about visiting that place.




For all the places I have visited, the National Art Museum of China is the quietest place I have ever been to. I was there last year for a painting exhibition.

This art museum is one of the largest in China. It was built during the 50s and completed in the early 60s. When I was there, I realized that there weren’t a lot of visitors. Maybe the locals don't quite understand art and painting, and as a result the museum was very quiet, that you could have heard the sound of a pin dropping. Quickly, I put my cellphone into silent mode so that I wouldn’t make a noise and disturb others. For the day I was there, I enjoyed the quiet and observed the paintings silently. The museum’s permanent collection includes both ancient and contemporary Chinese artworks as well as notable Western artworks. Although the museum contains a collection of imperial Chinese art, its main mission is to serve as a national level art museum dedicated to displaying, collecting and researching China's modern and contemporary artistic works.

When I got out of the museum, I could barely take the noise out there, as my ears had got so used to the quiet inside. How great it would be if the world got really quiet like the museum once in a while!


1.What do you think motivates people who seek fame?


这道题虽然在问考生自己的观点,但是需要注意的是,考生一定不要举特定的个例进行说明。因为作为part 3 的题目我们在答题的时候一定要注意题目所涉及的范围和群体,本题可以说明自己的观点,但是需要用群体为单位进行论述及说明。比如:一类有才能的人有真正的动力,但是另一类只为了出名而出名的人不具有真正的动力等等。


In some ways I think there are two types of motivation, or two pathways, if you like, to fame. There are those who deliberately set out to become famous and that is their goal from the beginning. It doesn’t really matter if they have talent or anything, they just crave fame and I think they are motivated by wanting lots of people to like them, and the attention and perhaps the money also, but I don’t think that is the main motivation. Then there are people who simply do what they love and become famous doing it. They are motivated by their talent, I believe.

2.Some people argue that celebrities and famous people have no right to expect privacy because they are in the public eye. What’s your opinion?

这道题的论点偏向性可能对于大多数来讲会比较一致,大家可能都会认为这个说法并不合理或有效(valid).名人并不是因为出了名就简单的变成了public property公共财产,我绝对相信他们被给予了与其他人一样拥有隐私的权利。就拿戴安娜王妃做例子 – 她被媒体和狗仔队(paparazzi)不断侵扰最后到了导致她死亡的程度。当然,名人也是人,他们有和我们其他人一样有对于隐私的基本权利。

对于part 3 中表达自己观点的题目,考生不必多虑自己持有的观点与考官持有观点的一致性。因为在很多这样的题目中并没有正确的答案,考生只要对于自己持有的观点能够有合理的,充分的论述理由就可以,不必担心或多虑是否与考官观点一直。只要紧扣题目,能够自圆其说就不用担心在正确性方面的分数。

参考答案:I don’t think this is a valid argument at all. Famous people do not become public property simply because they are famous and I certainly believe they are entitled to as much privacy as the rest of us. Take Princess Diana as an example—she was hounded by the media and paparazzi to the extent that it killed her in the end. They are human beings and have the basic right to privacy like the rest of us. The only exception to this would be related to politicians and information which the public needs to be aware of in order to keep them honest!

3.Many celebrities have begun using their fame to raise awareness of social issues. Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?

许多名人已经开始用自己的名誉来唤醒社会的意识,这是一个非常好的positive的趋势。但是名人应该对于自己代言或宣传的内容做以了解,而并不是只为了提升或丰富自己的经历而做一些完全不知道具体相关内容的事情。名人不能用这样的方式来只为他们自己获得好处,这一点需要他们认真的考虑。用名人效应来唤醒公众的意识并为一些重要的事情筹集到需要的钱款绝对是有益处的一件事儿,比如说为了汶川地震筹款而举行的慈善音乐会(the benefit concert)就是一个很好的例子。

如果考生想要对于part 3的题举例,就一定要注意题目中所涉及的范围。如果题目或考官都没有提到个人的内容,考生一定不要以自己或自己的经历作为例子,如果实在要用,必须将人称或范围换成与题目一致的范围。最好给出大范围的具体事例比较保险,比如这道题中涉及的汶川地震的慈善音乐会就是合适的,但是最好不要给出某一位名人为此而做的贡献。


I think this is a positive trend, but I also think celebrities have to be informed and knowledgeable about the issues they claim to believe in rather than just lending their names to causes they know nothing about in order to promote their own profile. They can’t just use it for their own gain, they have to be genuinely concerned. When it’s done well, there’s a real benefit in having celebrity power in raising awareness and money for important issues, such as the benefit concert for the earthquake in Wenchuan for instance.

4.Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?

对于使用名人做广告其实是一个相对容易的题目,许多公司之所以用名人来代言是因为很多人都努力或憧憬(aspire)能够成名或者至少尊重名人的品味。当然大家也都认可大多数名人都很富有。因此,如果人们看到名人们正在使用某个特定的商品,他们会对于这个商品的impression印象是一个quality product优质的产品。另一个原因是名人总是富有吸引力。找一个有吸引力的人做广告来吸引人们的注意力(draws in people’s attention)总会比使用那些没有吸引力的人来代言的效果要好很多。

这道题的相关内容还可以用在有关于广告类的题目当中,比如涉及到名人带来的广告效应,为什么人们更愿意购买自己喜欢的明星代言的产品等等。无论回答哪类题目,还是需要注意第三部分中一直在强调的答题范围,还是需要注意举例时例子涉及的范围。如果对于用个性来讨论共性的问题,nice 点的考官可能会打断考生并强调下范围,如果遇到严厉的考官,考生可能因此而丢分。


Some companies use famous people to advertise their products, because many people aspire to be famous or at least respect famous people’s opinions. It is also a well-known fact that most famous people are very wealthy. So, if people see that someone famous is using a certain product, they get the impression that it is a quality product. Another reason is that famous people are usually attractive. Having an attractive person in you advertisement draws in people’s attention, and will keep people’s attention longer than unattractive person.

雅思口语weather and seasons话题

1. What do you think are the disadvantages of raining?



I think there are several disadvantages of the rain. First of all, it might bring some inconvenience to our daily life. When it rains, it’s kind of messy to go out. Your clothes and shoes might get dirty and wet, and driving becomes tricky because you could not see so clearly. Some activities need to be cancelled because of the rain as well, like some outdoor activities or some production procedures. What’s more, even the rain is usually good news to the crops, too much of it can be dangerous to them. If the things people grow have too much water than they need, they would wither and the farmers would suffer economically.

2. Can you give any examples of unusual weather in your hometown?



范例1 广州下雪

My hometown is Guangzhou, and it’s almost in the far south of China, so it is very warm even in the winter, and it never snows. But, it snowed last year and it was huge. The snow was actually quite light, and you can barely gather it, but the whole city went crazy and we all went out to feel it. Some people made a teeny tiny snowman on the hood of the car and took photos of it, which soon became meme on the internet. All the people from the north were saying that it was the smallest snowman they had ever seen. Anyway, we loved it.

范例2 东北下大雪

There was a really heavy snow in my city a couple of years ago, which was rare. Actually it is quite cold in winter in my hometown, and it snows every year, but it was always acceptable. But one year, around the new year, the snow lasted for over 40 hours and it was literally waist-deep when it stopped. You could not drive, and you could barely walk on the road, the whole city was trapped. But I kind of liked that snow, because the school stopped for a couple of days, and I really needed some rest.

3. Do you like the changes of the four seasons?



范例1 喜欢四季变化

I have never lived in a place that has similar seasons, but I am sure that I prefer 4 different seasons. First of all, I can wear different clothes, which is very important and very interesting. I guess I like to see the changes because I like to feel the time and the season. When it is always the same, then you forget about it sometimes. For instance, you only remember to praise the summer when the spring is about to end or the autumn is about to start. The changes of the seasons remind me how time flies and how precious and lovely time is.

范例2 不喜欢四季变化

I do not like the changes of the four seasons. In fact, I prefer to live in a place that has only one mild comfortable season. If I want to experience the difference of the seasons, I prefer to do that when I travel. I do not like too many changes in my life, because I have to react accordingly and it is just too much trouble.


1.Do you have a favorite teacher?



answer + example/experience + reason/result





I like/ admire/ adore…


teaching competence

teaching quality

good lesson plan

clear logic

interesting class

lots of activities in class

positive feedback



talented/knowledgeable 渊博的


Patient/Considerate 关心人的

Sense of responsibility/responsible 有责任感的

sense of humor/humorous 幽默的

encouraging and inspiring 能鼓励/启发学生

Sample answer:

Yes, the teacher that I love the most is Mrs. Wang who taught me English in high school. She is very humorous, who can always make her classes hilarious and interesting, and she is also very encouraging and inspiring, you know she never forced us to learn but tried to motivate us to learn, using some activities in her classes to get us involved.

2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?



short term speaking… and long term speaking…


未来想不想做教师,很多人可能没有想过这个问题,没有关系, 可以实话实说。如果未来想做老师的话,就可以说一下做老师的好处,或者其他的原因,例如以前有什么老师对你有深刻的影响等等;如果未来不想做老师的话,也可以讲自己计划做别的职业,并且说自己的目标职业有什么好处等等。



sense of achievement

make a positive influence on other’s life

a rewarding and meaningful job

a decent job


gain respect from others

one of my teachers made a great difference to my life…

I have never thought about this question…

I am not sure about that…

Sample answer:

Well, to be frank, I am not quite sure about that, coz I have never thought about being a teacher in the future, but, maybe that is a good idea. I mean, teaching is a really rewarding and decent job, and being respected and loved by students will definitely be a nice thing.


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