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2023-08-27 15:01:44 来源:中国教育在线




1. Do you often wear jewelry?


Answer + how often + description + reason





首饰种类 -



ring 戒指

earrings耳环 (clip-on earrings夹式耳环, drops坠落式耳环, studs耳钉, dangles吊饰耳链)













freshwater pearl淡水珍珠



sterling silver纯银

18k gold / silver-plated镀银

rose gold玫瑰金

stainless steel不锈钢

来源 -

可以说是朋友送的,可以是自己在哪里买到的纪念品(souvenir),或者传家宝(family heirloom)

原因 -

可以说很喜欢,出门必戴wear it before leaving house或者有些场合需要戴首饰need to dress up and put my jewelry on for some special occasions 或者戴上感觉很好,很幸运feel good wearing it, it brings me luck.


Yes. I have a nice amount of jewelries, which were given to me by my grandma. The one that I wear fairy often is a brand new necklace that has a lot of crystals on the pendant in a sterling silver chain, which is so gorgeous that I like to wear it everyday and I feel good wearing it.

当然,也有烤鸭们不会戴首饰,觉得戴首饰是女生的事(girl’s matter), 也可以说不喜欢戴首饰的原因。


No, I am not the one to wear much jewelry, as I hate anything tight around my neck, wrists or fingers. More importantly, I wear mostly hang-around clothes during the day, which certainly does not call for any accessories.

2. Have you ever sent some jewels to others?


Answer + description of the jewelry + to whom + reason



Yes, I have. I remember last month I gave a rose gold bracelet with aquamarine to one of my roomies on her birthday , which is the birthday stone to her. I was delighted to see that she pretty liked it.

如果没有送过首饰,你可以说自己不是特别擅长这个方面(not an expert at doing sth.) 原因有很多种,可能是因为首饰普遍很贵(pricy, can’t afford), 也可以说不太知道别人的喜好,很难送(don't exactly know their preferences, hard to send a suitable / right one for them)

3. Why do some people like to wear jewelry?



1,有的人是为了追求时尚( make a fashion statement)可以搭配衣服,或是吸引别人注意。

Some young people wear jewelry just for fashion, as it can complement their outfits and significantly improve their overall look. Or they would like to draw attention from a mate.


A piece of jewelry that looks expensive is a sign of one's status. 例如虎眼石就是一个权威的标志(tiger’s eye is a symbol of power and evinces strength.)


Someone who believes in a particular religion may believe that the piece of jewelry protects them or wards away evil spirits.


Jewelry can also remind us of a special person or experience. We wear it to keep a memory fresh in our minds.

4. What sorts of jewelry are the most common to see in China?

答题思路:classify + reason

在part1中有时也会出现不是问personal information的问题,就像这个题。像类似这种题,我一般会建议分类去答,然后借鉴着上一个题的reason可以补充完整。


Well, I suppose that necklaces and earrings are more likely to be worn by ladies, because those jewelries make them look stylish and beautiful. While, jewelry with gemstones are welcomed by men, as these jewelries are not too girly for them, also gemstones are usually a sign of one's status.


1. What kind of jewelries do you like?

Well, I think I like all kinds jewelries, like the necklace, the ring, the earring and so on. Since the women are natural jewelry-lovers, I think the jewelry has already become a part of my life.

2. Have you given other people jewelries?

Yes, I have. I remembered that I sent a beautiful necklace to my best friend when it came to her birthday. The necklace was made of the white gold and crystal, and its design was very unique. My friend fell in love with it at the first sight.

3. Why do people like it?

Well, on the one hand, people like wearing jewelry according to the style of their clothes. In this case, they will look more elegant under the decoration of the jewelry. On the other hand, the jewelry also symbolizes the social status and the social background.

4. What is your attitude toward jewelry?

Well, I think the jewelry is very important since it can show a person's taste and quality. However, I do not think that people should buy too much jewelry since it may make people look like an upstart.

5. Why so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry to maintain value?

Well, I think buying expensive jewelry is also a kind of investment. With the development of the society, the currency may be devalued due to the inflation. Since the material and the design of jewelry has their own value, people may chose to invest on the expensive jewelry in order to make money.

6. How often do you wear jewelry?

Well, I do not often wear jewelry. In most of the cases, I will only wear the jewelry in some special occasions, like my friend's birthday party, some annual events.


1.Do you like jewelry?

I'm fond of collecting jewelry, but I rarely wear most of the pieces I own.I purchase jewelry on every trip as sentimental souvenirs

2.What kind of jewelry do you wear the most?

i have no peferrence for any kind of jewelry, but. i have a long gold chain with a diamond cross on it that belonged to my grandmother that I've only taken off about 5 times since it was given to me.

3.Why some people like to wear jewelry

Today, people wear jewelry to express themselves. These days, everything in fashion is about being oneself, or about projecting one's personality. Jewelry is not exempt from this trend / motto. This is why there are eye-catching statement rings; and why reputable jewelry retailers accept custom-made orders.

4.Have you bought any jewelry?

yes, I'm fond of collecting jewelry. I bought beautiful Venetian glass bead necklaces and bracelets on a trip to Italy when I was thirteen.I then began purchasing jewelry on every trip as sentimental souvenirs. I also buy jewelry as gifts rather than picking up tee shirts or other items from tacky tourist shops.

5.Do you wear many jewels?

I don't wear too much jewelry but I wear studs and small hoops in my ears everyday and sometimes I wear small necklace

6.Have you ever sent someone jewels?

yes, but only once,it is a purity ring on a silver chain and the giftee is my girlfriend.i bought it for her first birthday since we met.


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