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2023-08-27 15:19:33 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语范文运动员


Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:

Who he or she is

How you know him or her

What he or she has achieved

Why he is famous

Hopefully everyone reading this is at least familiar with some famous sports stars. You don’t need to be a fanatic to answer this question well… but it might help! You just need to be able to think of a person, describe what he or she does, when and where you first encountered this person, and give some reasons why you admire them.

As always, you should be writing some short notes in preparation, rather than any sentences. Mark down any vocabulary that comes to mind and which you think will help. But mostly write down words that will help you to structure your speech – this makes your words sound more natural.

1.brainstorm 口语话题笔记:

Leo Messi

Argentina-> Barcelona



10 years ago



My favourite sports person is Leo Messi. He’s a famous football player, and some would say he’s the best football player in the world. He started his career in Argentina, where he was born, but moved to Barcelona, in Spain, when he was a teenager. He had a disability, for which the Spanish team agreed to pay his medical bills. Despite his health problems, Messi developed into a modern legend. He has won numerous trophies over the course of his career, including five “world footballer of the year” awards – which is a world record. I remember first hearing about him about ten years ago, when he was first making headlines. I admire him because of his triumph over adversity. I think that his inspiring story of perseverance is a lesson for us all.


Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result

You should say:

When it happened

Who you complained to

What you complained about

And why you were satisfied with the result

Part 3

Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?

What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?

Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?

Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complains before?

Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?


On a recent flight from Los Angeles to New York, something went amiss. I used miles for a first-class ticket, and although I had booked my seat months in advance, when I tried to check in online 24 hours ahead, it told me to do so at the airport, always a bad sign.


There was no seat for me. I asked what happened, but the ticket agent could offer no explanation. Instead of ranting and raving, I remained calm, went to the lounge and asked the front desk what could be done. I was put on a flight leaving 59 minutes after my original flight, same seat.


Because the delay was less than an hour, the airline didn't owe me denied boarding compensation. Because I was polite about the situation, the lounge agent found me and handed me a $400 travel voucher anyway. Maybe I would have gotten the voucher even if I had ranted and raved. I suspect not.



Describe something you made that you gave to other people

You should say:

What it was

What it was like

Who you gave it to

And how you felt about it


Have you received anything that were made by the giver?

When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something bought in stores?

Which is better, self-made food or food that you buy?

Are art classes important in schools?


I made a simple kite for my son during the last National Day. Since I’d never made a kite before, I’d thought it would be a tough task. But it turned out that making a kite was actually just a piece of cake.


I decided on its shape first. I just chose a flat one because it was virtually the most basic structure and could be easily carried around. Then I got a sheet of coloured paper and cut out the shape.


My son got thin plastic strips for me. I tied them together with a string, which apparently would be the frame of the kite. After that, we made the bridle which connected the frame to the control line. Finally I glued the paper to the frame.


It seemed to be an arduous work as it took me a whole afternoon to finish it but finally it turned out to be quite rewardful. The kite flew pretty well in the garden the next day. Our hard work paid off. I chose a hand work as a gift because I reckoned it more precious for my son than the toys bought in the shops. Besides, doing a hand work offered me and my son an opportunity to experience the simple pleasures of life.



Q. Do you think that present giving will play an important role in daily life? Why?

Answer: It seems to me that this is a bit ambiguous. More precisely, present giving is something that occurs in special events, for example, at birthdays, festivals, anniversaries, wedding, graduation day, on name days, when someone visits others and so on. I don't think that there are many people around the world who give presents to their loved ones or to friends on a daily basis.在我看来,这有点模棱两可。更确切地说,现在的捐赠是在特殊事件中发生的,例如,在生日、节日、纪念日、婚礼、毕业日、名字日、当某人拜访他人等等。我不认为世界上有很多人每天都给他们的爱人或朋友送礼物。

Q. Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving? What's the difference between them?

Despite my young age, I have some memories of such presents that my family and relatives gave me. I would say that in the past, specifically 10 years ago, the types of gifts exchanged were primarily clothes, toys, household appliances and books. Apart from the fact that they weren't related to technology, they were also significantly important, educational and in most cases really expensive. Nowadays, presents are more of symbolic rather than substantial or useful. People these days often give and receive technology related gifts which were quite rare in the past. 尽管我很年轻,但我对我的家人和亲戚给我的礼物有一些记忆。我想说的是,在过去,特别是10年前,交换礼物的类型主要是衣服、玩具、家用电器和书籍。除了它们与技术无关的事实之外,它们也非常重要,有教育意义,而且在大多数情况下都非常昂贵。如今,礼物更多的是象征性的,而不是实质性的或有用的。如今,人们通常会赠送和接收技术相关的礼物,这在过去是很少见的。


Describe a law/rule that you think is good

What it is

how you knew it

Who it affects

Why you think it is good


What kind of people can become police officers?

Do you think both men and women can be police officers?

Do you think police officers are paid too much?

Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?

Do all Chinese people obey the law?


The law that prevents the child labour is the one I really appreciate and like. The law regarding the child labour prevents the employers from engaging anyone below 18 years old to be engaged in any work that possesses a threat to the child.


Though I am not an employer and do not face the situation where I need to decide whether I should involve a child to such work, I should not say if I abide by this law or not. Nevertheless, I fully support the law and would never violate it. If I am even remotely involved in abiding by this law, I would definitely obey this law.


I feel that this is an important law and everybody should abide by this law. Children are our next generation and their safety should be our priority. So we should never engage them in hazardous work and should make sure that they are getting the proper education. Though the government and the parents of those kids have a responsibility to nurture them and ensure their education, sometimes it is beyond their control and each of us should make sure that we are not violating this law.


I like this law because it prevents the greedy employers to engage the children to hazardous and dangerous works because of low payment. The children who should be at school and in playground should not get involved in works that possess dangers to them. Since this law strictly prohibits the citizens from doing such thing that ruin the children future, I really feel a great respect for this law.



What international law should be applied all over the world?

Children are the most vulnerable section of the society and it appears that the International law on children to protect their basic rights should be applied globally. In most of the countries, the rights of children are regularly being violated; they are forced into labour, prostitution, domestic help, and more other hazardous jobs. So, the global leaders should come into an agreement to enforce the law strictly across the world.


Who are more popular, the lawyers or the police?

The lawyers are less popular in the country comparing the policemen. The lawyers are always seeking chances to trap the victims while the police members help the victims more than the lawyers to get justice. The lawyers unusually increase the minor case litigation processes while the policemen try to solve such issues in the police stations so that the citizens could have less legal complexities.



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