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2023-08-27 18:02:53 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述爱好


Describe something that you want to learn more.

You should say:

What it is ;

How would learn it ;

And explain why you want to keep learning it.


唱歌 singing

打篮球 play basketball

做饭 cooking

跳舞 dancing

踢足球 play football

游泳 swimming

画画 painting

打羽毛球 play badminton

人际沟通技能 interpersonal skill

弹钢琴 play the piano

打乒乓球 play table tennis

外语 foreign language

拉小提琴 play the violin

瑜伽 do yoga

园艺 gardening

书法 calligraphy


I want to learn something more about painting in the future. In fact, the first time I painted was 20 years ago when I was 3. My mum said that I was so naughty that I made the room into a mess, because I painted everywhere, such as sofas, walls and even my bed. At the age of 5, I started to learn painting from a teacher almost every weekend. I painted no matter when I finished my homework. However, I gave up painting when I went to middle school, because my parents wanted to focus all my energy on the academic studying. Although I was unwilling to do that, I had no choice but spend all my time doing homework and taking exams.

I would learn more about painting from professor Chang who is the best artist in my university. I plan to take his class next semester as an optional. When it comes to the reason why I want to keep learning it is that I love painting. Actually, painting used to be one part of my life. I was fond of expressing my emotion through my paintings when I was a primary school student. Now, I want to pick it up as a hobby.



1、雅思口语PART2遇到“Describe a hobby”话题时,先考虑几个疑问词:what, when, where, why, who with. 接下来,为大家一一解释具体含义。

What: One of my hobbies is photography.

When and where: I take photos on my phone almost every day, and I have a proper camera that I use on special occasions. If I see something interesting or I want to record a particular memory, I take photos wherever I am.

Why: I take photos so that I have a record of the things I’ve seen or done.

Who with: Most of my photos are of friends and family, but I also take pictures of interesting things that I see.

2、雅思口语PART2话题“Describe a hobby”,描述你的观点和感受

e.g. I like photography because it’s a creative hobby and it makes you notice the world around you. I love capturing special moments or unusual or beautiful images, and it’s a great feeling to be able to look back through my pictures and relive different experiences. These memories usually cheer me up.

3、雅思口语PART2,尝试讲一个和话题"Describe a hobby”相关的故事

e.g. The last time I took photos on a special occasion was at my friend’s wedding a few weeks ago. I got some great pictures of the bride and groom and their guests celebrating. After the wedding I made an album of all the best pictures and sent it to my friend as a present.


1. Do you like your name?

Well yes, I quite like the way my name sounds in my language. In addition, it is very meaningful because my grandmother picked it for me. It means...

Well, I must admit I'm not a big fan of my name. I think it sounds a little bit stupid and boring. In Chinese my name means...

2. Do you like flowers?

Yes, definitely! I find them colorful and beautiful. I think they look great in a garden

or in a house. I especially like roses but I'm also a big fan of daffodils and water lilies. ButI must confess that I really dislike plastic flowers, you know, the fake ones. I think they just

look terrible. They reflect bad taste.

3. What types of music do you like to listen to?

Well, I listen to many different kinds of music, but I particularly enjoy listening to pop music, and I really think that Michael Jackson was the king! In addition, I'm a big fan of a

Chinese singer called__ because he's very creative and his voice sounds amazing.

4. What is your favorite sport?

Basketball, without a doubt! I'm a huge fan of the NBA, and I watch basketball on TV on a weekly basis. In addition, I try to play as often as possible. I really like this sport

because it's fun and exciting. I love learning new moves from my friends and trying them out after school. On top of this, basketball is a great chance for me to hang out with my friends and socialize.

I have become addicted to yoga. I really enjoy this sport because it's relaxing and very healthy. I practice every day and attend lessons twice a week at a gym near my house.

It's a great chance for me to exercise, and forget about my daily problems at the same time. I would recommend it to anyone without any hesitation.

5. What do you do in your free time?

Well, it really depends, but I'm a big basketball fan, so I try to play as much as possible. I also enjoy reading, and of course I spend quite a bit of time chatting with my friends online or over dinner. On some occasions, I find it great to go hiking in the mountains that surround my hometown. It depends on the weather and on my mood.

6. What sorts of things make you happy?

Well, a lot of things make me happy. It could be anything, really. I find it nice to get together with my friends. I always enjoy having a great dinner and watching a good movie

with them. In addition, I can get some satisfaction from my job when my customers are pleased with the service I provide. Or whenever I have dinner with a pretty girl: that's always

enjoyable, and it definitely makes me happy!

7. Do you enjoy spending time with friends?

Yes, definitely! I love hanging out with my good friends. They are so much fun to be with! We have dinner and we occasionally go shopping. We often get together to watch a

movie or play sports sometimes. I really trust them, and it's great to have someone to share stories or laughter with.

8. Do you like studying English?

I'll be honest with you: not really. I can't say I dislike it, but I can't say it's a lot of fun either. I find it hard to remember a lot of new words. In addition, the grammar is very

tricky, especially with the prepositions at, by, for, and to. I never know when to use the right one. On the other hand, I really like watching foreign movies in their original version. I find

it great to be able to understand what they are saying.

9. What do you enjoy writing most?

I'm keen on writing emails to my friends or short messages on my cell phone. I can type very quickly, and I don't need to worry about the style. It's always very casual. On the

other hand, I really dislike writing about literature or philosophy at school. My mind usually goes blank, and I find it hard to come up with new ideas. Most of the time, I just recite what

I have read. I think it's so boring (=sooooboring)!


1. Is it dangerous for people to spend too much time on hobby?


It depends. If we do a lot of entertaining indoor and outdoor activities, we can develop not only our spirit but also our physical body.


2. Do you think hobby is beneficial to social life?


Yes.I think hobby is advantageous to social life. People will engage in their hobby and the stability of the society will be increased. Otherwise,maybe some people will develop bad habits and even commit crime?


3. Why do people like to watch games?


Watching games can enrich your leisure life and make your life colorful.


4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching games?


Watching games makes our leisure time meaningful and entertaining,but if a person spends too much time watching games,it can affect his health and work. For example,it's bad to watch a game too late into the night.


5. What sports do you think demand enough courage?


Every sport needs courage and perseverance.I believe football requires the most courage from a player. It's very dangerous and sometimes they will get hurt.


6. What are the sporting facilities like in your hometown?


My hometown has got a lot of modern indoor and outdoor facilities. For example,we can play ten-pin bowling,table tennis or go swimming.



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