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2023-08-28 13:56:05 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题celebrity


1.Who is your favorite celebrity in China?


My favorite celebrity is Jay Chou who is an outstanding singer and also an actor in China.I was attracted by his special style of singing when I was in primary school. His songs are unique and he has opened up a new era of music.

2.Do you like any foreign celebrities?


Yes,I do.My favorite foreign celebrity is Robert Downey Jr,who is the leading role in the movie .He is Very handsome and his smile is captivating.

3.Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?


Well, who doesn’t? Just kidding, but I mean it could be nice to be someone and get all the attention for a while. Having said that, staying famous is another thing. It could be exhausting to always be in the spotlight and be the topic for everyone to discuss, so, while I’d appreciate and enjoy the experience of getting famous, I guess I just don’t have what it takes to live and work as a celebrity.

4.Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy?


Of course,we should protect their privacy. Famous people have borne too much pressure of public opinion,and they also need personal life space. Being a celebrity is just a choice of their occupation, they also need privacy and the life of common people.

5.How do celebrities inflience their fans in China?


They influence their fans in different ways,such as the preference of choosing clothes or hair styles. Some fans even buy the commodities that represented by their idols whether they need or not.

雅思口语family member话题

Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with.

You should say

who this person is

what you often do together

what you think of this person

and explain why you spend most time with him/her.





范文:I’m going to talk about my mom, because I spend most time with her at home. Actually, we don’t do anything special together, but I feel relaxed, comfortable and safe with her.We often have meals together, especially the dinner. Mom cooks for the family and I often help her in the kitchen. I would say she is a good cook, although her cooking is not comparable with the chefs’ in top restaurants. However, on top of all the common dishes and traditional Chinese food, she knows some secret recipes that are really fantastic. More importantly, mom would adjust the flavor of the dishes to my liking. I guess that’s why I have been used to her cooking and the balanced, nutritious diet.Mom and I also talk quite a lot. Unlike other mothers, my mom tries her best to find common topics with me, although we obvious have a generation gap. I can tell that she really cares much about me. She would ask me questions about the animation series that I watch as well as the bands that I listen to. When we watch TV together, which happens quite a lot, we would talk about the story line and sometimes try to speculate plots and even the ending of different characters. We don’t always reach an agreement, however, it’s great fun.

雅思口语An antique or something old话题

Describe an antique or something old your family has kept for a long time.You should say:

What it is

How your family first got this thing

How long your family has had it

And explain why it is important for your family


What it is?

an antique or something old可以选择说a family photo, a painting, an old watch,a piece of silverware, a bracelet, a ring, an old book等都可以。然后描述物品的外形特征(如size, color, shape等),在讲述特征时也可以加入一些评论或是感受就更好了。

How you family first got it?

这个问题在回答的时候首先要特别注意时态,从got就知道这个问题应该使用一般过去时,这个问题可以通过讲述一个故事展开,这样会更生动有趣。以一个old dress为例讲一讲怎么通过讲故事展开这个问题。

Actually, it was my grandmother who bought this dress for my mother as a wedding gift. You know, at that time, a fancy wedding dress was rare. My mother was the first child to get married in her family, so her wedding was really significant. My grandmother asked her friends in Shenzhen to help her buy this dress. It took quite a long time to get this dress and cost her an arm and a leg.

How long your family has had it?

这个问题在回答的时候也要特别注意时态,主要的时态应该用现在完成时“have/has+动词过去分词”的形式。以an old book为例,我们看看如何使用现在完成时回答这个问题:

This book would be more than 70 or 80 years old and we have kept it on the shelf for the last 20 years.

Why it is important to your family?


My grandfather passed it down to me so it has a strong sentimental value to me.

It often reminds me of my grandmother who used to…

It is a kind of memento and something to remember my grandmother by.

They are the only tangible belongings that convey my grandfather’s reminiscences.

Though they don’t have their material values but they are priceless to our family.

As an heirloom, it can teach me a great deal about my family history and traditions.

Sample Answer:

An old thing my family has kept a long time is an antique bracelet. It is green and made of natural jade. My family got this bracelet from my great-grandmother who gave it to my grandmother when she got married. Then my grandmother passed it down to my mother on her wedding day.

I guess we have kept this bracelet for about 50 years. It is actually the oldest stuff in my home. My mother often keeps it very carefully in the drawer of her dressing table. She only wears it on some important occasions, like attending a formal party or something. She thinks it really matches her dresses and makes her look elegant.

When it comes to why it is important to my family, the most important reason is that as it is passed down from my great-grandmother, it provides a tangible link between family members. Actually we all regard it as an heirloom and really cherish it. The emotional connection family members have with the heirloom is what makes it valuable. Thus, due to it sentimental value, it is really precious for my family. Another reason is that as I have mentioned, it is made of natural jade. You know, in Chinese culture, jade symbolizes good luck, health, happiness and safety. So this bracelet is considered as a lucky charm for my family. We believe that it can protect us and give us good health.


1. What are the different ways that people communicate with each other?

视觉上的交流:verbal/ face to face communication/ by gestures/ facial expression/ video recordings/ speech/ lecture

First and foremost, most people will communicate face to face. This can happen in their daily life when meeting someone in the middle of the road, during the class, in the shared kitchen with their roommates or when they take part in a group discussion.They will also use gestures and facial expression to help the listeners to understand their meaning when they travel to some foreign countries where the locals cannot speak English.With the advance in technology, video chat and conference can be easily achieved in many websites or application on the phone or ipad. If two people stay in a different place but want to talk through something more clearly, they can just take a video chat by keeping online and using the same application.

听觉上的交流:audio communication/ telephone/ wechat audio message/.

However, face to face communication cannot be achieved all the time. We sometimes need to discuss with a person, but we cannot reach them immediately. In this case, the first choice for most people is making a phone call, since modern people are normally take the phone with them all the time even when they go to the bathroom.Also, some new apps such as Wechat allow users to send audio message, which can facilitate communication and improve efficiency, because many people think typing words time-consuming and find it hard to express their meaning as well as they emotion clearly through just words.

文字上的交流:written communication/ letters/ emails/ articles/ comment/ posters/ moments/

In addition, many people are comfortable with the form of written communication. They will send letters or emails to their family members, friends and clients, because these forms of communication are more formal and be easily saved and retrieved anytime anywhere with a device and internet connection.Besides, someone may prefer writing blog online as a way to record their everyday life and share their experience with the readers. And this way seems to be more widely accepted for many celebrities because the famous people want to have a word to their fans directly and ordinary people are always curious about the private life of the celebrities.

2.Do old people and young people use the same methods to communicate?

Old: 面对面、电话、出行(爬山、钓鱼、麻将等)、饭局In think older people like to communicate face-to-face. If they have something to discuss, especially some very important issues such as signing a business contract and making a travel plan, we will like to meet the guy directly. Only by doing this can they feel reliable.Also, they like to make a phone call whenever they come up with something. For example, I often receive lots of unexpected calls from my parents even in the middle of a exam, and they call me sometimes just to make sure I have locked the doors before I left home this morning.They all like to arrange some social activities as a way to exchange information and meet their old friends. For example, my father goes fishing with his old friends each month, and goes hiking with his workmates every two weeks.Old people also like to discuss business on the dinner table, and in China, you know, people may drink a lot of wines and liquor in order to show respect to others.

Young:facebook、朋友圈、博客、打游戏、喝一杯Younger generation will be more likely to use some social networking websites to communicate with their peers, by posting their photos on a daily basis, writing articles in their blog and commenting on other’s most recent tweet.Sometimes, youngsters may play an online game together as a way to exchange information and keep everyone in the group connected. They will discuss before the game to set up the strategy, during the game to cooperate and fight against the opponent players and even after the game to review and try to improve their skills for the next game.Young people may not as interested in having formal meals in a big restaurant as the elderly, but they will find any type of eating out convenient if the food is delicious and clean. So they might go for a drink in the local bar near their home to have a quick meeting with the friends passing by, or to drive a long way to a small but famous local market to try some exotic food from nearby village.


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