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2023-08-28 14:25:04 来源:中国教育在线




1. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live?

Yes, there’s a park in the city centre. The park contains several natural-looking lakes and ponds, which have been created artificially. Activities, like jogging, boating and rock climbing are all available here.


2. Do you often go to a park or a garden?

Yes, I often go there and it’s a nice place to relax. If you live in the city centre, the park must be the right place where you can escape from the noise and traffic. It’s the most visited park in the city.


3. What do other people do in these places?

Well, people can participate in different activities. There’re many species of woodland birds in the park, so tourists can feed them. Also, two ice-skating rinks are available for the residents to go ice-skating in winter.


4. Do you think parks are important to a city?

Yes, it’s quite important. It’s a nice place for city dwellers to relax and have chance to appreciate the spectacular natural beauty. Also, it’s an important area provided for recreational use, which allows for sporting activities.


5. Do you think every city and town should have parks?

Absolutely. It's a matter of quality of life and of community. I’d much rather see parks and public gardens than nothing but concrete.



Describe your favourite park/garden.

You should say:

Where it is

What can be seen there

How often you go there

And explain why you like it.


Well, as you can imagine, I've been to quite a few parks and gardens, but if I had to pick a favourite, I guess I would probably say Taiziwan Park, which is somewhere in the centre of Hangzhou, not far from the West Lake.

And regarding what you can see there, well I guess the first thing to mention would be the tulips, which are really gorgeous, and are all over the place. In fact, I'm sure if you look on the Internet, you'll probably be able to see some photos of the park and the flowers. And as well as the tulips, another thing that a lot of people go to see is the cherry blossom, which is quite literally stunning, especially in the spring time. Unfortunately though, I've seen quite a number of people shaking the blossom off the branches, which means it disappears quicker than it would do naturally. So it's a bit of a pity, as nothing much can really be done about it. But anyway, it's honestly no exaggeration to say that the park is incredibly beautiful, and that's why you'll also see a lot of young couples there taking wedding photos.

Anyway um, as for how often I go there, well if truth be told, I don't really go there all that often, probably only something like three or four times a year, the main reason being that it gets really crowded on weekends, and it's a bit of an effort to get to from where I live.

So finally then, with regard to why I like this park, well there's not really that much more to say about it, you know, it's just a really nice and scenic place to go and relax. Oh yeah, and the other great thing about it is that it's free entrance, which didn't use to be the case a while ago, so I guess I'll be going there more often in the future!

That's pretty much it, then, so thanks for listening.


【Question】Describe a park/garden you like to visit

【Answer】When talking about parks or gardens, the first place that comes across my mind is Xiaoyaojin Park, a park which I spent much of my childhood. Xiaoyaojin Park is situated in the centre of Hefei city, and in my memory, it is one of the largest parks in this city. The entertainment facilities, which are comparatively advancing, attract people in all ages: children played on the huge lawn near the main entrance of the park, teenagers or youths camping or boating in the park, and old people usually play chess or taichi everyday.

If you ask me why I love this park, I would say that the main reason is because it just 5-minute-walk from my house and I do not need to spend a large amount time on the way to it. Also, for me, it is an excellent place for relaxation. The limpid water and tranquil serene make me feel very comfortable, which is quite different from the rush of modern life.


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