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2023-08-29 09:18:19 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语环境话题


Describe an environmental problem that has been in the news. You should say

when this was

where the event happened

what actually took place

and say how you felt about this problem.

Martin: Well … this is an interesting question … there are so many issues I could think of … natural disasters like earthquakes and floods seem to be in the news almost every year … but there was one story recently about some animals that were under threat … it wasn’t focused on one place in particular … it was looking at various animals that could actually become extinct in different African countries … if we don’t take steps to protect them … these were really iconic animals like gorillas … leopards … rhinos … and apparently they’re now listed as endangered species … what made it really depressing was they were in danger thanks to us … in some cases it was due to a loss of habitat either because people need more agricultural production … or even worse I think … because of hunting and poaching … I hate to think of future generations being robbed of the chance to see creatures like these in their natural environment … it’s lucky we have lots of organisations that focus on wildlife conservation … hopefully with their help we can put pressure on those in power to do something to stop creatures like these dying out …


Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:

Who he or she is

How you know him or her

What he or she has achieved

Why he is famous

Hopefully everyone reading this is at least familiar with some famous sports stars. You don’t need to be a fanatic to answer this question well… but it might help! You just need to be able to think of a person, describe what he or she does, when and where you first encountered this person, and give some reasons why you admire them.

As always, you should be writing some short notes in preparation, rather than any sentences. Mark down any vocabulary that comes to mind and which you think will help. But mostly write down words that will help you to structure your speech – this makes your words sound more natural.

1.brainstorm 口语话题笔记:

Leo Messi

Argentina-> Barcelona



10 years ago



My favourite sports person is Leo Messi. He’s a famous football player, and some would say he’s the best football player in the world. He started his career in Argentina, where he was born, but moved to Barcelona, in Spain, when he was a teenager. He had a disability, for which the Spanish team agreed to pay his medical bills. Despite his health problems, Messi developed into a modern legend. He has won numerous trophiesover the course of his career, including five “world footballer of the year” awards – which is a world record. I remember first hearing about him about ten years ago, when he was first making headlines. I admire him because of his triumph over adversity. I think that his inspiring story of perseverance is a lesson for us all.


Describe a film you enjoyed.

You should say:

what the film is

when and where you watched

what it is about

and explain why you enjoyed it.

I’m not a regular cinema-goer, I prefer the comfort and convenience of watching movies in my own home, where I can download them and view them on my TV. However, occasionally there is a film that I feel I must watch on the big screen, the most recent of which was Transformers 4: Age of Extinction.

It’s the newest film in the Transformers franchise, which is based on old toys that were made in the ‘80s. They tell the story of massive robots that can transform into different machines, like tanks or fire trucks, and fight battles on Earth. In this instalment, evil robots that look like dinosaurs, called Dinobots, battle it out against the good robots, called Autobots.

The film was released in the summer of 2014, the time of the year when a lot of big blockbusters are brought out because it’s the school holidays, so they can make more money. I chose to watch the film in a 3D IMAX cinema. Nothing beats the experience of seeing a big budget movie on a huge screen, with the characters popping out at you. The sound system at the cinema is also amazing, with surround sound making you feel like you’re in the centre of the action.

Although the story wasn’t all that great, I loved the action sequences and the special effects. Some of the film was also shot in China and the Chinese actress Li BingBing made an appearance, so even though it was a Hollywood movie, I could relate to it more easily.

雅思口语A practical skill话题

I’d like to describe a skill I learned, which is to edit songs on computer by using the software, called cool edit.

I love singing, so a skill to edit songs is very practical and important for me. I first heard about it when I was eleven years old. When I was surfing the internet, a net friend told me about this software. I began to learn how to use at once by watching many online classes about it. Soon I can record my voice on the computer and after a lot of practice; I can edit many audio files perfectly. For example, I sang a song named “take me away”, after being edited, it sounds just like the original singer’s singing. It is amazing, because I can even change a girl’s voice into a boy’s voice.

I like to play with it in my spare time, so my skill has improved a lot. When I told my friends about it, all of them were really impressed.


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