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2023-08-29 09:19:01 来源:中国教育在线




Social morality isthe set of social-moral rules that require or prohibit action, and so grounds moral imperatives that we direct to each other to engage in, or refrain from, certain lines of conduct.

Notice that Gaus emphasizes that he is not talking about the whole domain of the normative. Instead, his focus is on a particular kind of normativity, one that involvessocially practiced demands and imperatives.

An essential feature of social morality is that it serves a social function; it “has its roots in this requirement of social life.” The rules of social morality “structure social interaction.” Gaus emphasizes that social morality must have the practical function of making us better off: “certainly one of the things morality must do is allow us to live together in cooperative, mutually beneficial, social relations.”

The “Baier-Strawson” view of social morality is that social morality is a set of rules that allow us to live well together and that require our obedience. Social morality is contrasted with personal values or “individual ideals.” Social morality is comprised of rules that both “provide the conditions for the successful pursuit of these ideals” but also “simultaneously constrain our choices about how to pursue them.”

Social morality provides “the basis for issuing demands on others that they must perform certain actions.” Gaus contrasts this view of modern social morality with an ancient, Aristotelian teleological account of morality that understands moral rules in terms of the ends they promote.

For Gaus, social-moral rules have a prescriptive function. They have their home in our social practices. Gaus is clear to emphasize that he rejects the simple contrast between descriptivist and prescriptivist accounts of the semantics of moral statements. Instead, following R.M. Hare, he claims that many moral statements have both elements. This key feature of social morality makes social morality a social phenomenon. In other words, partof the essence of social-moral rules is that they are used to control others. We use moral rules to tell each other what to do. Morality, furthermore, makes “my action your business” because it assigns standing to you to make demands of me.

A critic might reply that the authority of morality is distinct from the authority of those who interpret it. But Gaus follows Hobbes and Kant in pointing out the fact that morality does not “fax its demands from above” but is instead often unclear. People disagree about what absolute or True morality consists in. As will become clear, social morality is a method of resolving disputes about what the True morality is. However, social morality’s claims must have authority that all can recognize despite their disagreements about what Morality-with-a-capital-M is. If social morality cannot ground authority despite disagreement about ultimate normativity then our social practices cannot be authoritative despite disagreement. The authority of social morality in a diverse world becomes impossible. But surely, Gaus suggests, this cannot be true.

The sixth feature of social morality is that it is constituted by claims of moral authority, but moral authority understood as “a claim to deference in judgment.” In its most fundamental mode, moral authority is the authority to demand that others follow your interpretation of Morality-with-a-capital-M. Moral authority “qua moral power” is important but this form authority is downstream from moral authority as a claim to deference in judgment.


Nowadays,most people learn academic study in university, but others think we should encourage to learn vocational skills more, do you agree or disagree? 现在,多数人在大学学习,但是,有人认为我们应该学习更多的职业技能,是否同意?


【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without education, many of us believe is the victim of adversity. However,people’s views differ greatly as to whether or not specialist is superior to generalist. To voice my opinion, focusing on academic study in university enjoys more benefits.

【二段】 学习职业技能的利好

Granted,those who advocate vocational training are, to some extent, never without their reasons. First,zeroing in on vocational skills can help learners secure well-paid jobs quickly, therefore, the family’s financial burden can be greatly reduced. From our life, we can find some examples to prove that job candidates from vocational training schools are very popular because what they have learnt are career-oriented and job-related. Also,Jack-of-all-trades is master of none. In comparison with studying a wide range of subjects,specializing in specific field can make one stand out in a crowd considering that one’s time and energy is limited


What I want to rebut, however, is that we can never ignore the immense value of academic study at university. The most glaring merit is that those who receive university education have plenty of room for career development because they have access to manifold knowledge and techniques. In addition to tapping one’s unlimited potentials in various aspects and helping one realize overall development, experiencing university life can bring more wonderful memories of colorful campus life. Last, this can benefit a nation, all-round education can train more comprehensive talents for a country,which will inject new life into the further development of a nation.


Overall,my stand is that compared with attending vocational training schools,receiving university education is more feasible and rational because it helps students realize comprehensive development and cultivate more personal talents. Likewise, our society need talents with a wealth of knowledge.


Task:Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Nowadays, there is a common view that in terms of the limited scientific funding, the government should give priorities to research for "hard sciences" over "soft sciences." Personally, I think this assertion fails to grasp the values of these less useful subjects, and my reasons would be explored as below.

Admittedly, there is a necessity for the government to keep the primary investment into scientific research, because whose breakthroughs can make practical contributions to our society. To begin with, with more financial aid from the government to be used in the medical research, human beings will profit much from it. Indeed, a new breed of medicine needs to be experimented many times prior to being introduced to us and benefit us. Without money, experiments are hard to be proceeded. In addition, it is obvious that funds used in technology may contribute to the improvement of our living standard. For instance, the invention of air conditioning, fridge, and air plane has made our life more convenient than before, again by thousands of experiments which also cost much money.

However, I strongly believe that so-called less-valuable subjects deserve the funding, because they are the foundation of practical subjects. Obviously, there is no denying that mathematics, a typical theoretical course, is the basis of science of computer, chemistry, physics, medication and engineering, because the former can provide basic calculating methods, ways of data record and analysis, formulas and testing tools which substantially support the studying of the latter subjects . In other words, with ignorance of mathematics, students would fail to find the doorway of scientific research.

Besides, seemingly pointless and unpractical courses in university have been proven to provide life-long values to all students. Specifically, philosophy equips students with critical thinking, which instructs them to make wise decisions and judgments in daily life. Similarly, through history learning, a student can obtain precious lessons and social experience to avoid repeating same mistakes happening in the past. Law courses also instill students with social morals and rules, which enables them to be law-abiding, with the ability of distinguishing the right from the wrong. That is to say, under this function of university, a new generation can grow up into maturity and independence fully, and make positive contributions to social civilization. Consequently, by being education with theoretical courses, students can turn into eligible citizens.

To sum up, I agree that the research on science to be paid more attention and money is reasonable. However, it does not mean that the other subjects cannot get any funds and attention. I propose that limited budget to be allocated wisely and efficiently is the best way to get the balance.


Some people think that students at schools and universities learn far more from teachers than from other resources(the Internet or television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为:对于其他的学习渠道,例如网络教育或者电视教育,学生在学校和大学可以和老师学习更多,是否认同?


首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

The contrivance of the Internet and innovation of high-tech products greatly diversified people’s option of receiving education. Currently, numerous people could acquire knowledge via various teaching resources,with the popularity of on-line education, people have been debating whether conventional teaching is as indispensable as it once was. My firm conviction is that students still ought to follow teachers even though tele-education or television learning was available.


1. The contrivance of the Internet and innovation of high-tech products greatly diversified people’s option of receiving education. 互联网的发明以及高科技产品的创新极大地丰富了人们的教育选择。

2. Students still ought to follow teachers even though tele-education or television learning was available. 即使远程教育和电视教学可以利用,学生应该被鼓励和老师学习。


In this new era,although people’s choice to get educated has been greatly diversified, under no circumstances can we overlook the immense value of conventional education and the indispensable roles of educators. 在新时代,尽管人们获得教育的方式更加多元化,但是,任何情况下我们不是忽视课堂教育的价值和老师的不可替代性。


Compared with on-line education, traditional classroom education enjoys more glaring merits. First, the overall efficiency of learning could be enhanced when students follow teachers those excellent educators. After all, teachers could vividly disseminate knowledge through face-to-face communication. Also, instructors can provide students with more valuable things such as the bright life outlook, moral education, and the courage to brave the challenges in life and so on .


1. Teachers could vividly disseminate knowledge through face-to-face communication. 教育者可通过面对面的交流,更加生动地传授知识。

2. Instructors can provide students with more valuable things such as the bright life outlook, moral education, and the courage to brave the challenges in life and so on . 老师可以传授更加有价值的东西,例如:乐观的人生观,道德教育,以及面对人生挑战的勇气等。


My second convincing argument is that the competitive atmosphere, the pressure from the peers and supervision from instructors could help those who lack self-regulation zero in on academic study. Meanwhile, one’s personal quality such as interpersonal skill, good speech-craft or teamwork spirit could be fully tapped by group experience.


1. The competitive atmosphere, the pressure from the peers and supervision from instructors could help those who lack self-regulation zero in on academic study. 竞争的氛围,来自同龄人的压力,来自教育者的监督可以帮助缺乏自律性的学生专注于学习。

2 One’s personal quality such as interpersonal skill, good speechcraft or teamwork spirit could be fully tapped by group experience. 通过群体性的经历,一个人的品质,例如人际沟技能,良好口才,团队精神可以被充分地开发。


Indeed,some reasons could be found to justify that other educational sources still enjoy some merits. Initially, increasing numbers of learners could benefit from new mode of education. Specifically, tele-education not only surmounts the geographical barrier but also economizes large amounts of time. Hence, it is particularly suitable for some special groups such as disabled learners or occupied employees. Further, academic schedule could be arranged according to personal willingness. Nevertheless, I still remain suspicious of on-line education or television education because some students might revel in computer games, fascinating TV shows , and thus cannot focus on learning.


1. Tele-education not only surmounts the geographical barrier but also economizes large amounts of time. 远程教育不仅仅克服地域的障碍,也节省了大量的时间。

2. Nevertheless, I still remain suspicious of on-line education. 然而,我依然对于在线教育持有怀疑态度。

尾段:再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)

To sum up,I re-affirm my stand distance education greatly conduces to people’s study, yet, on no account can we ignore the immense value of traditional education.



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