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2023-08-29 10:36:45 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题tv


1. Do you like watching TV program?


Yes, I’m keen on sitting in front of the screen during evening. I love all kinds of TV programmes, like chat show, fantasy, cartoon and so on. Well, these programmes do not require a lot of deep thinking and watching TV is a form of entertainment to ease my mind.



deep thinking 深度思考 entertainment 娱乐 消遣 form of ...的形式 ease my mind 放松大脑

2. What types of TV programmes do you like to watch?


Well, I enjoy watching TV series, especially soap operas that based on a page-turner. These TV series are not only a good way to kill time but also able to provide more chances to inspire imagination and satisfy curiosity.



soap opera 肥皂剧 based on 基于 kill time 消磨时间 not only....but also 不仅...而且... inspire imagination 激发想象 satisfy curiosity满足好奇心

3. Do you prefer reading a newspaper, or watching TV programmes?


I love to watch TV, especially the news report, because I can have a better and fully understanding of the news. Apparently, the contents and articles in the newspaper are not as objective as the on the spot reports on television.



Apparently 显然地 实际上 objective 客观的 fully understanding 充分的理解 as objective as...和...一样客观


1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

Um…I suppose the main one I use is weibo, which is basically the equivalent of Twitter in the West. And um… as well as that, I occasionally use a website called renrenwang, which is essentially a Chinese version of Facebook, although I don’t really use it as much as I used to, cos I think weibo’s a bit better.


2. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

I’m not really that picky actually. I mean, if anyone’s interested enough to get in touch with me on a social networking site, then it feels quite nice, you know, someone’s gone out of their way to contact me. So I kind of appreciate it, and I’m generally willing to make friends with them.


3. Are you a social person?

Yeah, I’d say I am, cos I mean, I like hanging out with my friends a lot and doing stuff with them. And… yeah, I just generally enjoy being around others, and you know, I’ve always found it quite easy to strike up conversations with people, even complete strangers! So yeah, I’d say I am quite a social person.


strike up conversations – start conversations

(If no:)

Not really, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you! Because um… how can I put it…, I’m just not the kind of person who actively strikes up conversations with others. You know, to me that’s just too much effort, and I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about! So I tend to just keep to myself.



Describe something given to you that you really need

You should say:

What it is

Who gave it to you

Why you need it

And how you felt about it


A couple of months ago I went to the supermarket to buy some seeds, because I wanted to plant a tree in the garden and help with the process of reforesting my hometown. I chose the appropriate tree for my home, a small one with tiny roots and good for the summer, because the space where I will plant it is narrow and very hot.


The lady in the shop told me that the brand had a campaign supporting the care and promotion of home-grown plantations. She was giving away some extra seeds for the purchase of a tree, so she gave me some other seeds as a gift, which I could choose from a long list of possibilities. And I thought that it would be a good idea to accompany the tree with some flowers.


The gift package had fewer seeds than the one I had bought; however, there were enough to plant some beautiful flowers in the garden. I started to read the instructions and put water and the necessary elements for planting as well as making the land fertile to plant the seeds correctly.


I thought that the gift was very useful and complemented my purchase very well, because the flowers I planted grew before the tree, decorating the garden quickly while the tree grew. I decided to plant the flowers around the tree and that was a good decision because finally when both were fully grown, the garden looked very colourful.


This whole process helped me to understand the planting procedure and the care that plants require.


Receiving this gift made me feel good for two reasons: first, because I really like the campaigns which endorse care and consciousness about the environment, promoting reforestation.


All this helps people and encourages them to plant and be more aware of being committed to improving the planet. Second, I was happy with the idea of buying a tree, planting it with some flowers and growing a beautiful garden in my home.


Overall, this was a pleasant experience that I highly recommend, because it makes you feel connected to nature by contributing to improve the ecosystem.



Describe a time when you had some medicine

You should say:

When it happened

Who gave it you

Why you had it

And how you felt about it


Hospital is that one place where no one would like to visit. I personally hate going to the doctor’s. But I had to visit one recently. Due to frequent travelling to varied altitudes and atmosphere, I got home having terrible cold and viral infection. It was accompanied by heavy head, continuous sneezing and a runny nose which left me in moderate discomfort.


I felt too sick and in pain. Due to the ever-growing headache I couldn’t concentrate on any thing and found it impossible to do even the smallest everyday task. My head felt like it weighed a ton and I could barely keep my eyes open due to the developing stress. After no more resistance, I decided that I need to visit the doctor’s.


The doctor checked me and asked me how I was feeling. He checked my pulse and my body temperature. He asked me to open my mouth, take my tongue out and checked it subsequently for any possible infections and if there are any possible symptoms of typhoid. He further checked my blood pressure and concluded that I have developed intense allergy infections probably due to the temperature changes and dust inhaled during the travels. He prescribed me some medicines and a cough syrup to be taken at regular interval for 3 days. He advised me to avoid any cold food items and beverages. He also suggested that I drink turmeric milk and ginger lemon honey tea for instant healing. He asked me to take plenty of rest and avoid going out in the dirt. The suggestions were useful and my health improved significantly in a couple of days.



>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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