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2023-08-29 10:44:07 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述一次迟到


Describe a time when you were late for something.

You should say:

When it was

At what time you arrived

Why you were late

And explain how you felt about it



There was one time when I got really late for an important appointment and nearly missed it. Today, I am going to share with you about that incident.

Two months ago, I sighed up for an IELTS test. My speaking exam was scheduled on June, 13th, 9:00 in the morning. I was supposed to report at the test venue no later than 8:30 am.

Unfortunately, it rained heavily on Sunday evening, right before my test day, and the weather forecast predicted incessant rain for a few days. Considering the bad weather, I set an alarm for 6:00 am and went to bed early. Truth is, I was feeling quite nervous through the whole night and couldn’t sleep well. Despite all that, I managed to wake up on time next morning. After getting everything ready, I left my home to catch the bus. To my surprise, when I arrived at the bus station, no buses or any other commuters were in operation, all stranded due to the bad weather.

It was quite chaotic at the bus station then, since no one knew when the bus service would be back in operation again. And for me, things got even worse, because there were no other means of transportation to reach Peking University, my test venue, from the place where I live. It was 7:50 am and I was still trapped at the bus station. My anxiety was building.

Fortunately, one of the buses started to move at 8:00 am and I rushed onto it without hesitation. However, it took a lot of time, longer than usual, for the bus to take us to Peking University. Guess what, we encountered a head-on collision between a truck and a car on our way there, which caused heavy traffic jam. Yeah, you can see it was definitely not my way.

Finally, I reached the test center at 8:55 am. I explained the situation to the test manager and asked him to put my name back on the list. He was very understanding. Later, I was given the permission to take the test.

Now, whenever I think about this incident, my heart just couldn’t stop beating fast. I guess I’ll just have to be more careful in the future to avoid things like that.


Describe animportant occasion when you were late.

You should say:

· when this happened

· what occasion you were late for

· why you were late (Or, how you explained yourlateness)

and explain the result of your being late

when this happened& what occasion youwere late for

Well,I recalled the experience of my beinglate for a flight which is the unique flight during the whole week. And Ipromised that I will never do such a stupid thing again. It was last term thatI went home from Beijing to spend my summer holiday.

recall 回忆(recollect remember memorize)

why you were late & how you explain yourlateness


Inorder to avoid missing the plane, I arrived at the airport at 2ish pm. When Ireached the airport, firstly I looked up the information of my flight as usualby the electronic notice board. Ichecked it many times and finally convinced myself of thedeparture time, which was 5.30 pm. Then I decided to wait for thetime in a cafeteria near the check-in desk. It was about 4.30 that Icame back to get my boarding cardand security pass. However, to my surprise,the plane had already gone! What was worse, no one took responsibility to explain it to me of the wrong time writing onthe board.

· electronic notice board 电子告示牌

· departure time 航班起飞时间

· cafeteria 餐厅

· check-in desk登机服务台

· boarding card 登机牌

· security pass 安检

· take responsibility to 负责

explain the result of your being late


I was keeping the time to get to the airport,but indeed I still missed the flight. The behavior that they changed the timewithout informing the passengers in advance annoyedme so much. In the end, I had to reissue my ticket to a week later with someextra money. I thought that it was not my fault but I paid the price for it!

· annoy sb. 让某人生气

· pay the price for it为此付出了代价


Describe a time that your were late

You should say:

When it was

What time you arrived

Why you were late

How you felt


The experience I am going to talk about is that I was late for the final exam of mathematics, an important course in my senior year, whose result would decide whether I got the scholarship. The exam began at 8.30 in the morning and would last for 2 hours. But when I opened my eyes in the bed, it was already 9 o’clock. With no time to wash my face and brush my teeth, I put on my clothes, rushed to the examination room and arrived at a quarter past nine.


So I only got 75 minutes left to finish the test, which was almost an impossible task. I could see the scholarship had walked away. During the test, I could not stop blaming myself. Why did I stay up so late the night before and why did not I set several alarms in case I missed one? I almost cried out.


Fortunately, my teacher sympathized with my feelings and gave me another half an hour to complete the test. I was so grateful to him and promised I would never make a mistake like this again.


Let me talk about an important occasion that I was late for. A couple of days ago, I got an email from a training center and they told me to go to a job interview the next morning. I applied for that job last month and really hoped I could get it. At first I felt very excited. But then I felt kind of worried and nervous and I got very little sleep that night. So the next morning, I woke up late, like 8:30. You know, they told me to get to their center at 9.In a great hurry, I took a taxi and told the driver to drive as fast as possible. But there was a serious traffic jam then in the city and we got stuck. We moved so slowly so I got totally mad. I shouted at the driver but he told me he really couldn’t do anything about this situation.

At that time, I had no choice but to call the manager of that training center. I told him that I would probably be late for the interview and felt really sorry about it. To my surprise, that gentleman was very nice and calm and told me not to worry about it. They would just wait for me. He even told me to ask the taxi drive to drive safely.

Finally (Eventually) I got there and had the job interview. I answered all their questions about me and about my past experience very fluently and clearly. They were very impressed by all my answers and told me I got the job. I felt totally excited. That experience was really special coz I felt I was so lucky to ace an interview I was late for. But on the other hand, looking back, I think I should have said sorry to that taxi driver. I shouldn’t become mad at him even though I was late for an important occasion.


>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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