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2023-08-31 10:07:30 来源:中国教育在线





Describe a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

what this news was

when and where you heard it

how you heard it

and explain why you think it was good news

sample answer:

After I finished my graduation, I applied for 2-3 jobs and faced the interviews in these companies. One day I got a phone call from one of the companies from the HR department and the caller confirmed that I was hired for the job I applied for. This was a very exciting and good news for me as I was expecting to start a job so eagerly.

I did not know the person who called me at that time but later I found that he was the head of the human resources department of the company and his name was Kane. I heard it in (…say a year i.g. 2004…) and it was probably June.

My parents and relatives wanted me to get involved in a job right after my graduation and I felt the same. Some of my classmates were already doing jobs and I thought I should start a job as well. After I got the job confirmation call, I was very excited and happy. The first job confirmation in my opinion is very significant and exhilarating and I felt no less. I was so happy that I instantly confirmed that I’d be joining the job from the next week. Then I shared the news with my parents and sisters and they were very happy as we.



Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.

You should say:

What the news was about

When and how you got the news

What people were mentioned in this news

And explain why this news was interesting

sample answer:

I have not experienced a circus and recently came to know about the event of a circus in our locality. There is a large field adjacent to our village and it was heard that a circus party will arrive soon.

In fact, Dhamsa is a remote village in Haora district under West Bengal in India. The village people pass their days amid the ancient ways. Modern technology is not accessible to everyone in the village. In such a condition, the arrival of a circus helps to excite the people to some extent. Circus is a great mode of entertainment for the people living in the rural areas in India and when I heard about it, I also felt glad indeed. I did not have the chance to see circus under a large tent. Usually, the organisers hold circus under a very large tent covering a substantial space in an open field. Accordingly, the field of our locality was being cleaned by the scout team of the circus party. I have heard many stories about the circus team from my grandparents and most of the descriptions were filled with thrills and excitements. They told different attractive stories over the circus.

The village I live in is a bit backward from the other places and villages in West Bengal. Majority of the people have telephone but internet connections are not available for everyone. So, when any special event is to take place in the locality, the issues is announced through public announcement system. Often a loudspeaker is hired and an announcer starts announcing details about the event. While playing cricket on the field with my local friends, I heard the announcement and learned that the circus party will arrive shortly in our village. The announcer was describing the features of the circus party and they included some interesting issues. The announcer was describing that a large and trained elephant will entertain the audiences while there would be some trained ferocious animals like tiger and lion. Besides, the circus party will also exhibit some thrilling shows on night times. Bike riding encircled with fire was another interesting thing.

As a preset rule, the circus parties start announcing their arrival on any place one or two days before performing the shows. So, the announcer was saying that the circus party will arrive the very next day and thus he invited us all to collect some advanced tickets. It was evening and I was on an empty space beside the field where the tents of the circus party were supposed to be set. I was playing with some of my local and childhood friends. But when the announcer entered into the village, we stopped our game and started listening to him. In the beginning, it was somewhat difficult for us to realise his dialect which was unfamiliar to us. Then we gradually understood that he was announcing about the circus party which has rumoured for past few days. In fact, the village people somehow came to know about the arrival and started discussing the issue among them. As a result, I could not get any solid information about the circus from the villagers. All of my confusions were removed when the announcer declared the arrival and also distributed some leaflets about the circus party.



Describe a good news from TV or the Internet.

You should say:

when you heard about the news

what this news was about

how you got this news

and explain why you think it was a good news

sample answer:

Well, I’d like to talk about the news about the law to cut the use of the plastic bags. Several years ago, our Chinese government approved a law to reduce the excessive consumption of the plastic bags which proved to be a main source of pollution because the bags aren’t degradable. I got this news in the CCTV-1 news channel.

In the past, people could get the plastic bags from various supermarkets for free. As a result, our country had witnessed high consumption of the white pollution for years which would take centuries to degrade. Therefore, we’d like to see a law banning the use of plastic bags in supermarkets and shopping malls while encouraging people to use paper or cotton bags, or repeatedly use the handy plastic bags instead.

Consequently, things are improving. Large supermarket chains, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour in China, have started to introduce reusable bags and give some rewards to customers who refuse to use plastic bags. As well as that, the law also raises the public’s green awareness to protect our environment, with various efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. For example people tend to buy the fuel efficiency vehicles instead of the gas-guzzlers in order to emit less carbon dioxide in the same mileage.


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