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2023-09-03 10:25:27 来源:中国教育在线



  amusement park游乐园  botanical garden植物园
  ocean park海洋公园   theme park主题公园
  wildlife park野生动物公园  aquarium水族馆
  Disneyland迪斯尼乐园   safari park(澳大利亚)野生动物园
  water park水上乐园   zoo动物园
  ancient tree古树   arch bridge拱桥
  flowerbed花坛   lawn草坪
  pool水池   pavilion亭子
  artificial hill假山   bush / hedge 灌木丛
  fountain喷泉   lush茂盛的
  pond池塘   rail fence 栅栏
  sculpture 雕塑   stone stairs石阶
  winding path弯曲的小路  waterfall 瀑布
  spring 泉   stream / brook小溪
  tower 塔   weeping willows垂柳
  astrojet 旋转飞机   giant stride旋转飞椅
  merry-go-round旋转木马  mad-mouse 疯狂老鼠
  roller coaster过山车   swinging boat秋千船
  swing秋千   excursion boat观光游艇
  ferris wheel摩天轮   mini-train小火车
  revolving boat碰碰船   seesaw跷跷板
  sliding board滑梯
  to enjoy the fresh air乘凉
  to go camping 露营
  to go hiking远足
  to hang out 玩,闲逛
  to play chess下棋
  to take a walk散步
  to fly kites放风筝
  to go boating划船
  to go on a date约会
  roller skating轮滑
  to practise tai chi打太极拳
  to walk dogs遛狗
  1) The park lies in the centre of the neighbourhood. offering a soothing place for the local residents.
  2) The park is situated in the suburbs. People can get away from all the noise and pollution of the city.
  3) The park is located in the rural area. It takes over one hour to drive there.
  4) Situated in the western outskirts of Beijing, the Summer Palace is 10 kilometres from the city centtre.
  5) It's rather secluded and quiet.
  6) It's really tranquil and serene.
  1) Hundreds of years ago the Royal Parks used to be the private grounds for the royal family togo hunting in, but in the 1800s they were opened up for the general public.
  2) The Summer Palace was first built in 1153 and served as an imperial palace for short stays away from the capital.
  3) The Summer Palace was opened to the public in 1924 and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.
  4) Disneyland has seen 54 summers pass since its gates first opened in 1955.
  5) The history of Suzhou's gardens can be traced back as far as the Spring and Autumn Period.
  1) Hyde Park's got a little bit of everything. It's 142 hectares in size, with over four thousand trees, a lake, a meadow and even horse rides.
  2) Regent's Park is even bigger than Hyde Park. It's also the venue for the Open-air Theatre and the home of London Zoo.
  3) The three main views of the Summer Palace are Longevity Hill, Kunming Lake and Long Corridor.
  4) The park is pretty sprawling. A whole day is needed to view it in detail.
  5) Although not large, the park offers an open feeling.
  6) The park is around 10 square miles. There is a river running through it.
  7) The scenery here is dominated by hills and water.
  8) It's really more like the open countryside than a city park.
  1) A gurgling stream traverses the park.
  2) At the gate of the park stand several graceful sculptures.
  3) You can see an artificial hill upon entering the main gate. A waterfall runs down it.
  4) In the centre is a lake, which adds vitality to the whole park.
  5) The water is glimmering under the moonlight.
  6) Around the park there are lush bushes.
  7) The wide meadow covers the large part of the park, with several winding paths through it.
  8) There is a green water pool surrounded by weeping willows in the garden.
  9) The winding corridors with pavilions link the hills and pools together.


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