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2023-09-03 10:44:11 来源:中国教育在线



  教育类雅思写作范文之外语学习话题,为帮助大家更好准备雅思考试,现在陆续为大家提供雅思作文考试新真题和范文及其译文,希望对大家雅思考试有所帮助,一起来看:教育类雅思写作范文之外语学习话题。  【考题解析】  考题重现:Some people think it is better for children to begin to learn a foreignlanguage as early as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree withthis opinion?  核心词汇:foreign language, as early as possible  文章结构:辩论型片面式话题  【9分范文】  Learning a new language at any age is an enormously rewarding experience in many ways. While language learning is an enriching experience for all ages, children have the most to gain from this wonderful experience. Quite simply, starting early offers the widest possible set of benefits and opportunities.  What we cannot deny is that a longer learning experience enables one to grasp something new quickly and efficiently. The foreign language is never an exception. However, there are tiny differences between language acquisition and knowledge obtaining.  Two benefits of learning foreign languages at early age are as follows: For one thing, children understand intuitively that language is something to explore, to play around with, and to enjoy.Their enthusiasm is both infectious and effective. The quickness with which they pick up their first language is nearly miraculous-and such a joy to watch as a parent. As children grow, all parents can attest to how much fun their children continue to have as they speak new words they hear and even invent new ones with a huge, bright smile. The joy with which children explore their first language makes childhood the ideal time for a second language-even if all the other reasons for an early start did not exist. For another, children are always discovering new things,but learning a new language is a uniquely rewarding experience-at any age. For children, the feeling of accomplishment that comes with their first steps towards a second language can spurt hem on to a deeper and broader passion for learning in general. And because children are at a special “window of opportunity” in which language learning is intuitive and natural, the ease and pleasure of the experience may boost their confidence and their desire for new discoveries.  In short, there are many other reasons, and while this list does not exhaust the number and variety of advantages starting a language early can provide, these are just some of the most notable benefits of acquiring some languages in the bilingual society.  【范文译文】  从多方面而言,无论在何种年龄学习新的语言都会受益良多。然而尽管学习语言对于各年龄层的人来说都是一种丰富的阅历,而孩子们是从中受益多的。简言之,学得越早,随之而来的优势和机会也就越多。  不可否认,较长时间的学习经验会让人在接受新知识时更快速、有效。外语的学习自然也不例外。然而,语言的习得和知识的掌握之间还是有些许差异的。  早年开始学习外语的好处主要有两点:一方面,孩子们会自然而然地发现语言本身就是一种探索,游戏和享受。他们的热情有效并极具感染力。他们掌握第一语言的速度如此之快简直就是奇迹,作为父母看在眼里也会很高兴。随着孩子一天天地成长,所有父母都可以证明,在孩子们继续说出所听到的新词汇或者干脆大笑着“发明”新词汇时,他们感到无比愉悦。哪怕其他理由都不成立,孩子探索自己母语的乐趣也让幼年成为学习第二语言的理想时期。另一方面,尽管孩子们总会发现新鲜事物,但在任何年龄语言学习都是一种独特的有益体验。对于孩子们来说,学习第二语言时,迈出的第一步所带来的成就感会激发他们对于更深更广的领域的学习热情。还因为孩子们学习语言的方式较特殊,他们的学习是凭直觉的自然的过程,学习的轻松和愉悦可以增强他们的自信心并激发其探索新事物的欲望。  总之,原因众多,以上列出的无法尽现早年学习语言所带来的全部优势,仅举出其中较为显著的伏势而已。  【亮点句型】  sth. offers the widest possible set of A and B。  某事提供A和B的大可能  Quite simply, starting early offers the widest possible set of benefits and opportunities.  what we cannot deny is that…  我们无法否认的是……  What we cannot deny is that a longer learning experience enables one to grasp something new quickly and efficiently.  the feeling of accomplishment that comes with sth. can spur sb. on to sth.  成就某事的感觉会鞭策某人去做某事。  For children, the feeling of accomplishment that comes with their first steps towards a second language can spur them on to a deeper and broader passion for learning in general.


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