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2023-09-04 09:28:15 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语常见病句


1. Chinese people use trees as chopsticks. (拿树当筷子?这筷子也太大了吧......应该是use trees for making chopsticks吧?由此可见雅思口语中准确使用动词的重要性.)

2. I think environmantal protection is essential but not so important. (典型的逻辑混乱......essential就等于very important,环保是至关重要但是不是那么重要的?......无语......)

3. Without electricity, the world would become so dark that a person could not even see a hand in front of his face. (缺了至关重要的时间状语at night!这么说的话古代人都是一直生活在伸手不见五指的黑暗中的吗?)

4. Watching TV is convenient and people can avoid traffic jam (这又是什么逻辑?看电视和避免交通拥挤有什么关系?)

5. I like writing because it is good for your health.


6. My grandmother is 98 years old so she is very pure. (为什么98岁就必然“纯洁”?)

7. As we all know, every advantage has its disadvantage. (......好深奥......)

8. The rate of net-cheating has boomed by 1.27% in the past 2 years. (说这句话的人一定是雅思图表作文没学好.Boom=Increase rapidly,增长1.27%算rapid吗?应该用climb或edge up.)

9. Modern ways of life brings people some healthy diseases. (疾病还有“健康的疾病”?貌似说这句话的人想表达的是健康方面的疾病吧?那就直接用desease就可以了,因为所有的疾病都是“健康方面”的,要么还有哪方面的?)

10. My father is a photograph...... (我爸爸是一张照片?这个强劲的......应该是photographer.)

11. The data is very astonished! (“数据非常吃惊”?典型的没有学好现在分词和过去分词的区别,应该用astonishing-“让人惊讶的”.)

12. At that time, I was studied at university. (“我那时候在大学里被研究?”你是小白鼠吗?应该是I was studying at university.)

13. Traveling can enlarge our eyesight. (旅行能够拓宽我们的视力?应该是broaden our horizon吧.)

14. Today, more and more people are getting old. (不是more and more people在变老,是everybody!只要你是地球人都在getting old的......)

15. -Are you a student or are you working now?

-Oh, in my opinion, I am a student. (为什么要加in my opinion?难道别人都不承认你是学生?)

16. You need some skills, such as a partner, to play table tennis. (Partner是一种skill吗?)

17. China is a big country, so we have four seasons. (无数小国家就没有一年四季了吗?)

18. My boyfriend doesnt fit me. (Fit是指“大小尺寸适合”......应该用suit,不然会让人想到很A的方面......)

19. To be my friend, you must be like animal! (“要当我的朋友,你就得像动物一样”?多了个不必要的be意思差别好大哦!)

20. Most Chinese people live in the north,south,east,and west of China. (除此之外还有哪里呢?)

21. I go shopping for sports equipment. For example, I bought a cat yesterday. (......这句话让我快笑抽了.估计他想说bat-球拍吧?)

22. She is a good person, because I know her father. (什么逻辑?)

23. As we all know, every corn has its two size! (每个玉米都有两种尺寸?)

24. I study in a computer. (谁会在电脑里头学习?应该是I study with a computer.)

25. I want to go to America to learn hotel management so I can take this IELTS test. (关系词乱用的典范.)

26. I live in a small city, so it has poor education.(剑桥和牛津都是所谓的small city哦!)

27. I come from a small village-Xian. (您老也太谦虚了吧?)

28. As we all know, people cant live without life. (......最让我喷饭的一句......真的无语了......)

29. Dancing is an indispensable part of peoples lives.


30. Young people dont like old buildings because old people go there. (同学,就这么恨old people吗?)


1. fantastic 奇异的,很棒的

2. amazing 惊人的,很棒的

3. absurd 荒谬的

4. unbelievable 难以置信的

5. intelligent 聪明的

6. annoyed 惹恼怒的

7. gorgeous 华丽的,豪华漂亮的

8. brilliant 辉煌的,卓越的

9. monotonous 千篇一律的

10. doleful 无聊的

11. stringent 严格的

12. efficient 高效的

13. outstanding 杰出的

14. adventurous 爱冒险的

15. impatient 没耐心的

16. practical 实际的

17. romantic 浪漫的

18. deliberate 故意的

19. ambitious 有雄心壮志的

20. organized 做事有条理的

21. reserved 矜持的,寡言内向的

22. sociable 好社交的

23. talkative 爱说话的,唧唧喳喳的

24. unusable 于众不同

25. avid 贪婪渴望的

26. greedy 贪婪的

27. understanding 善解人意的

28. dedicated 专注的,献身的

29. incurable 无可救药的

30. pretty shy 非常害羞的

31. outgoing 外向的

32. disorganized 有条理的

33. frank 坦白的,

34. generous 慷慨的,大方的

35. tolerant 容忍的,宽容的

36. inexperienced 无经验的

37. mischievous 恶作剧的,淘气顽皮的

38. sensitive 敏感的

39. sensible 明智的,有判断力的

40. emotional 富有情感的,易动感情的

41. sentimental 伤感的

42. responsible 有责任感的

43. innocent 天真的无辜的

44. supportive 能给予帮助和支持的

45. passive 被动的

46. costive 小气的

47. stingy 小气吝啬的

48. malignant 恶意的

49. vigilant 警惕的

50. omnipotent 全能的, 万能的

51. fierce 凶勐的,残忍的

52. severe严重的(SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

53. intriguing 有趣的,迷人的

54. retarded 反应迟钝的

55. discreet 谨慎小心的

56. discreditable 丢脸的

57. thrifty 节俭的

58. furtive 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的

59. shabby 破烂的,褴褛的

60. assertive 过分自信的




例句:Maxdoesn't care much about food hygiene.

2.词组:cooking utensils


例句:Thishardware store offers a wide range of cooking utensils.

3.词组:be nutritious


例句:Rawvegetables are actually more nutritious than cooked vegetables.

4.词组:good nutrition


例句:Morepeople attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care andbetter nutrition.



例句:Take moreexercise and try to avoid fattening food.

6.词组:be in season


例句:Strawberriesare in season.

7.词组:be out of season


例句:Thetechnological breakthrough will allow UK retailers to cut down on importingout-of-season pears from Spain.

8.词组:food supplies


例句:Fish werea vital commodity in growing towns and cities, where food supplies were aconstant concern.

9.词组:frozen food


例句:Manypeople feel that frozen food is inferior to fresh food.

10.词组:canned food


例句:Cannedvegetables usually contain a lot of salt.

11.词组:TV dinner


例句:Somemanufacturers are trying to make TV dinners low in salt and additives-free.



例句:What canbe bought to cut down on the waste produced by staff refreshements?

13.词组:a wholesome diet


例句:Somepeople believe a salt-free diet is wholesome.

14.词组:an unhealthy diet


例句:Publicawareness of the dangers of an unhealthy diet should be raised.



在part 1和3部分中,考生们可能会被问到一些自己所不熟悉或者听了一遍之后没有听懂的内容。这时候有些学生可能会情急之下干脆直接问:What?或者Pardon?靠蹦单个词来进行沟通显然不是很好的方式。

如果有可能的话,大家可以采用更长一点的句子来表达自己:I didn't quite catch your question/I zoned out a bit, could you repeat/rephrase your question, please? (在part 1问题中,考官通常会一字不差地重复一下自己的问题;而在part 3当中,考官往往会换一种方式来解释自己的问题,帮助考生理解问题的意思)这样一来,即使不能在口语中完全理解考官的意思,至少也能够保持沟通的畅通。


有时候(尤其在part 3之中)考生会被问到一些自己从来没有思考过的问题。这时候可以采用一些技巧性的句子来给自己争取后面的思考时间。事实上,有些句子所表达的意思也是考生被问到问题后的第一反应。

例如:“Actually...I've never thought about this question before, but if you have to ask me, I would say that the first thing jumped into my mind is that...”

或者“To be honest with you, this is the first time that I actually think about this question.”

甚至“You got me on this one!....No, just kidding.”



有些问题确实在短时间内很难想到妥善的作答方式,因此建议大家不要用“I think there are three reasons for this issue. Firstly..., Secondly,... Thirdly...”这样的固定结构来回答问题。在对一个问题没有妥善地思考和完整的把握之前,先为自己设定要回答三个方面的支持观点显然很容易让自己掉入自己设定的“圈套”,万一最后想不出第3点了、或是勉强挤出一个不合逻辑的观点来,对于作答都是一种不太好的方式,无形中给自己也添加了不必要的压力。

因此,建议大家给自己留出足够的自由度来发挥,随着思路的推进来表达自己的意思。如果想到了论述的思路就随着这个思路先作答,有可能的话可以举举例子,充实一下自己的回答内容。随着回答的进行,有时候会自动想出下一个观点。这时候只需要再补上一句“There's another point I would like to mention, which is....”之类的话,就可以很轻松第连接到下一个观点上面了。如果没有想到额外的内容,也可以就此打住,完成对于这个问题的作答。

因此,在part 3问题中给自己留出一定的自由度是很必要的,可以根据自己的思路随时进行调整。



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