2023-09-04 09:50:26 来源:中国教育在线
持某观点: claim ( contend, deem, reckon, assert, share the belief that )
支持某观点: advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of )
反对某观点: contradict (criticize be against cast doubts on )
合理的:justified ( sensible feasible convincing, persuasive, rational, practicable, logical, wise, sagacious, viable, preferable, advisable, appropriate, hold water bear much analysis)
好处: advantage (benefit, merit, positive side, upside, boon, pros)
弊端: disadvantage( defect, demerit, negative side, downside, flaw, drawback, bane, cons)
肯定:undoubtedly (indeed undeniably there is no denying that)
不确定:be likely to ( potentially presumably)
重要的:essential (significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable)
有益的:beneficial (conducive instrumental )
有害的:detrimental (harmful virulent)
有争议的:controversial (disputable, contentious)13.普遍的:widespread ( prevalent, universal)
显著地:considerably (significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially)
明显的:evident (apparent, manifest)
增强:enhance (strengthen,boost)
减少:decline (descend, collapse, relieve)
大约:approximately(nearly, around, estimated, roughly)
趋势: trend(tendency, inclination)
预见: predict (expect, project)
lobby 门厅
annex 侧厅或边房
bypass 旁道,边道
pedestrian crossing 人行横道
intersection 十字路口
underpass 地下通道
corridor/aisle/passage 走廊
signpost 路标
reception/information counter /inquiry/enquiry/front desk 服务台/前台
internet unit 互联网部门
student center 学生活动中心
self access room 自主学习中心
self-access lab 自主学习实验室
multimedia room 多媒体教室
computer laboratory 电脑机房
common room 公共休息室
staff room 员工休息室
canteen / cafeteria / refectory / dining room 食堂
student residence 学生宿舍
accommodation office 宿舍管理办公室
gymnasium 健身房
tea and coffee facilities 茶饮设备
complaint office 投诉办公室
financial office 财务室
souvenir shop / gift shop 礼品店
bicycle parking lot / place 自行车停放处
pigeon room 鸽子屋
parking place /car park 停车场,
lock-up garage 租用车库
children’s playground 儿童游乐场
I have part of the fault 我也有责任。
distract her with a doll 拿娃娃哄她开心
They are all well received 收到的反响都很好。
talk you up 说你的好话
stand firm to 努力坚持
I was just leering 我只是用余光看看。
organize my thoughts 整理思绪
get a little preoccupied 事先有事
no way to recover 没有掩饰的机会了
bouncy 活泼
Intern 实习生
drug dealer 毒贩子
admire your candor 你还真胆大
We are rolling 摄像机正在拍摄。
hairnet 发罩
go through this stack 看看这一叠
Are you spying on me? 你监视我?
Just messing with you! 跟你开玩笑呢!
Enough is enough! 闹够了!
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