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2023-09-06 12:28:57 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题休闲时光


1.Tell me about your typical weekday and your typical weekend.

Well, on a typical weekday, I get up early in the morning, take a shower and eat my breakfast. Then I hurry for my office/ classes and the bad traffic kills some time on the roads. After I reach the office/ university, I need to concentrate on my work/ study & classes and I return home at around 6:30 pm. I eat my dinner at around 8:30 pm, read the daily newspapers or a book, watch the news channel and browse internet. I study/ spend time with my family till 11:30 and then prepare to go to bed. I usually sleep at around 12:30 and always try to read something or listen to music before I sleep. If I have an exam/ office deadline, I study/ work till late night. On the contrary, during my weekend, I wake up late in the morning, grab the newspaper and look at the headlines and in some interesting news sections. Then I take a shower and eat my breakfast. I watch some TV programmes and then go outside to meet my colleagues/ friends who live nearby. I spend some time outside and then return home before lunch. In the noon I take a nap and in the evening I either go to a shopping mall to buy necessary things or visit a theatre to enjoy a movie with friends/ family members or go to a park to walk. In the evening I either play video games or spend time reading a books or browsing internet. I usually take my dinner at around 10.30 pm during my days off and go to bed after 1.30 am.

2.How do you usually spend your holidays?

I mostly spend my holidays with my family members. Typical days are busy days and I scarcely get time to spend the whole day with my family. That’s why my first preference on my holidays is to spend some quality times with my family members. Apart from that I often hang out with my friends in the evening or play outdoor games with them.

3. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit? Why?

Well, I would love to visit Rome because of its historical significance and tourists attractions. It’s been quite a while since I have I planned to visit this city specifically to see Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Roman Forum, Piazza Navona, St. Peter's Basilica, Piazza del Campidoglio and Vatican Museum.

4. What do you usually do in your spare time?

As I told you, I mostly spend time with my family members and friends in my spare time. I often watch movies with them, play football and chess, and go out for shopping. I also read story books and maintain my personal blog in my free time.


Describe a special day that you went out but didn't spend much money

You should say:

What day it was

Where you went

What you did

Who you were with


When it comes to a special day out that didn’t cost too much, well, I would like to talk about a trip I had to the Huashan Mountain, which is located in the Hua County, somewhere in the east of Xi’an.


I remember it was a summer day before my first semester of college in Xi’an that I went there for the first time. A military officer who once worked with my father in the army invited our family to have a one-day trip to this world-renowned scenic spot. We got up extremely early in the morning like 5 pm and drove to the foot of the mountain and began climbing. The mountain wasn’t like the traditional single peak one, it’s actually kind of a combination of many. We climbed all four summits at one go. That’s was probably the most energy-consuming activity during that whole year, but it’s definitely worth it!


Although we were fully prepared for this trip, it seemed none of us felt so confident about every detail of small scenic spots, because there’s quite a lot for you to discover along the way, and we didn’t find any single chance of being bored. When we reached the highest southern summit of the mountain, we felt a kind of sense of achievement.


We all felt this was a really healthy and money-saving trip. Because we just spend no more than 300 RMB for beverages and the entrance tickets during the whole trip. And we got more fitness exercises compared to those who hit the gym with more than 300 RMB membership fees.


Someone said that it’s sometimes dangerous to go to those huge mountains, but I have to say that we only live a life for once, why not try it? Basically, it’s not that risky, right?


1. Do you often look in the mirror?




look into the mirror 照镜子

every now and then 偶尔/有时

check my make-up 检查妆容

check my good looks 查看美丽的外表

check how I look 检查下美不美

hair style 发型

with the help of… 在……的帮助下

get rid of… = remove… 去掉……

sleepies 眼屎

stick around 粘着

be addicted to… 沉迷于……

get smudged 晕染了

embarrass oneself 丢脸


Well, sometimes! You know, I’m a lady and I’ve got to make sure I look good 24/7. Plus, every now and then I need to check if I’ve got any sleepies sticking around the corner of my eye.


I guess so. You might not know this, but I’m quite addicted to heavy make-ups and that. So I kind of have to constantly check my face to see if I’ve got my eyeliners smudged. Otherwise I could potentially scare some people. Did that once actually. Was pouring that day, so my whole face was all gone.


Not particularly. You know what, I don’t even own a mirror to be honest. But sometimes I do borrow other people’s mirror for a second just to check the spot on my face. Other than that, I don’t really spend much time looking in some mirrors.

2. Do you often buy mirrors?


误区:有的同学会就用粉饼盒子当镜子,但是英文又不确定怎么讲,没关系的,稍微解释一下就行‘I just use my face powder box or container, you know they always come with a powder puff as well as a mirror’


free gift 赠品

cosmetic products 化妆品

blusher 腮红

foundation powder 粉饼

plastic wrapping 塑料包装纸


Not at all. In fact, most of the mirrors I’ve got are free, I think. They are either from my friends or just came in some magazines, you know they always put some free gifts in the plastic wrapping.

3. Where do you put mirrors?




hang… on the wall 挂在墙上

hang… in the bathroom 挂在浴室

be scared 害怕

horror films 恐怖片

all those years 这么多年来

avoid doing… 避免做……


Well, if you mean the baby ones for my make-ups and that, I always just stuff them in my handbag. But when it comes to the bigger mirrors, you know the ones you put in the house, I think I might prefer to have one on my bathroom wall or anywhere else except in my bedroom, cause I would be quite scared. You know, I’ve watched too many creepy horror films all those years.


Describe your favorite season of the year

You should say:

How is the weather like

Why do you like this season

What activities do you usually do during it

How would different kinds of weather affect people

My favorite season in Canada is summer. The real summer in Canada lasts only two months, July and August. During these two months, the temperature climbs above 20 and it's always sunny. The trees become green again and the whole city is full of various flowers. Day time is longer and night time is shorter. Most time we have sunlight until 10 in the evening.

The reason that I like summer is because summer time is the best season for outdoor activities. I love hiking, jogging, and biking. I can go to national parks or city parks easily in summer. Summer gives me so much fun.

Just like what I've said, I love hiking, jogging, and biking in summer. I still remember I went to different national parks last summer for hiking. I saw beautiful lakes and mountains. I even encountered a bear looking for food, which was pretty amazing experience.

Weather may affect people' choice of activities. It's warm outside in summer, so more people will choose outdoor activities. We always have more music festivals or food festivals in summer. Winter is super cold in Canada. People would like to stay home instead of going outside.


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