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2023-09-08 12:56:05 来源:中国教育在线




Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?



1. 广告让人们变得个性化。举例,大量的广告标语,如“的”,“特别的”,“最好的”,“不一样的”,都是在暗示人们去购买那些不那么大众化的产品来突出自我。

2. 但是,广告的基本功能却是帮助大公司垄断市场。举例,投入巨资打造的闪亮广告能不断巩固那些大品牌在大众中的形象,这吸引了越来越多的人来购买同样的产品。相反,那些小公司却因为缺乏资金做广告而陷入破产边缘。最终,整个市场会被单一品牌垄断。

3. 广告的另外一个作用是制造流行趋势,这刺激了人们对同一个时尚进行盲目的购买。举例,在大厂商的广告诱惑之下,很多的人们总是购买同一个有名品牌的衣服,鞋子,包包,这让她们的外表缺乏区别。


Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has made too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience have the similar look by driving them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be explored as below.

Admittedly, the literal intention of advertisements is to sharpen the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including "new", "innovation", "uniqueness", "revolution", "the best", "the only", "the first". It is clear that core values of these words bring people a motivation to change, and a desire to try something distinctive. Consequently, the gap between people can be broadened, because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to express their personalities by buy different items, instead of following common tastes.

However, when considering practical effects of advertisements on the society, I strongly believe they play a role of depersonalizing the audience, and the first reason is that commercials are the key tool for big companies to monopolize the market. One hand, many big companies invest billions of dollars annually in making fascinating and prepossessing advertisements to attract the public, which consistently maintains the loyalty of patrons, and cultivate good impressions of potential customers on their brands. On the other hand, small companies have too limited financial ability to afford these costly publicity campaigns, so that their names and influences continue to fade and lose consumer groups. That is to say, advertisements, an expensive privilege only for rich and big companies, help these companies exclusively occupy the market, as well as reducing the diversity of brands. In this situation, people definitely look the same, because they have no other options but buy the same-brand food, clothes and devices produced by a dominating company.

Another reason supporting this assertion lies on the fact that exposure to advertisements standardizes thoughts and tastes among audiences, especially in terms of their appearance. A typical example comes from fashion, cosmetic and shampoo commercials which highlight the close-up of images of certain model or celebrity. This is a strong brainwash by implying that images of these actors are common standards of human beauty, and then triggering massive public imitation shows round by round. In too many cases, large groups of hypnotized people, regardless of ages, careers and races, blindly follow and chase so-called iconic figures in an advertisement, mainly through buying and using the same lipstick and perfume, wearing same clothes, watch, ornaments and bag, even copying the same hair style.

In conclusion, I believe the main social influence of advertisements is to make people have the similar images apparently. Although slogans of advertisements tend to individualize the audience, the truth is that advertisements not only let big companies rule the market solely, but also manipulate the public’s minds to buy the same things.


Task:The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?

Sample answer:

Since the first mobile phone was invented, this technology has already changed our lives. However, while it gains its popularity, a lot of criticism also follow. Personally, I believe that it should not be banned.

We cannot avoid the fact that the mobile phone brings much convenience to our lives. In the old times, if we want to contact with a friend in a distant place, we may write a letter, which will take more than half a month before he gets the letter. But with the help of the mobile phone, we can get the connection with our friends in less than 10 seconds. In addition, the mobile phone is able to achieve many features, such as shopping online, GPS, buying tickets and so on, which not only saves our time and spending, but also brings much more entertainment.

At the same time, mobile phone industry creates great quantity of business opportunities. In the past one decade, mobile phones are sold by hundreds, bu thousand, by million and provides unaccountable jobs in the modern world as well. For example, according to a survey, Samsung has made great contribution to Korean’s GDP. However, the mobile phone also has an effect on our physical and mental health. As we all know, if we insist to play digital games on our phones, we may suffer some eye diseases unless we realise its harmfulness. To make thins worse, nowadays many people would prefer to spend their time with some virtual friends rather than keep their families accompanied in reality.

In conclusion, I consider it has more benefits than drawbacks. If the mobile phone is used at a right place and right time, it still can be put into excellent usefulness.


题目:Space travel has been possible for some time and some people think space tourism could be developed in the future. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?


As we all know, people are always curious about space and expecting to travel in space. Now, inspired by space technology, some ambitious explorers have extended their eyes beyond the earth. But there are still a few key problems which may prevent space travel from becoming a reality. So I'm holding a negative view on the future of space travel.

In modern society, some businessmen have built numerous tourist sites for economic benefits, considering little of the ecological balance, so that a lot of damages have been done to the natural environment. Now, universe, a kind of new resource in some people’s eyes, has great potential benefits especially in terms of space tourism, which will certainly attract many profit-seeking businessmen. Yet if the space travel is developed on a large scale before we have gained a full understanding of the universe, the ecology of the universe will be seriously upset. Then what is at stake will not be one or two tourist sites, but the entire earth.

As space tourism has just started recently, the security issues of space flight should also be taken into consideration. In the space travel, the tourists must be able to withstand the unbearable loud noise, the overwhelming vibration, the strong radiation, the physiological effect of weightlessness, to mention just a few. However, the current science and technology cannot guarantee everything is without risk. Therefore, space tourism may pose great pressure on people’s health. Moreover, ordinary passengers are not possibly trained as astronauts, so psychologically and physiologically, they may not be suitable to do space travelling.

To sum up, space travel is detrimental to the universe environment and may have a lot of risks out of our control, so basically I hold a negative view on its future. I think space travel is possible only when we have a better understanding of the universe and meanwhile a strong technological support.


Task:Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1. 应该,严肃的法律能起到一种威慑作用,让青少年们不敢再次犯罪。举例,今天我们对于青少年罪犯的法律惩罚实在是不痛不痒,甚至是太仁慈了,这让年轻人藐视法律,他们会想,即使犯罪也没什么大不。所以像成年人那样惩罚他们很必要,比如说关监狱,而不是简单地口头教导。这些痛苦的惩罚让年轻人不敢随便挑战社会法规。

2. 然而,年轻人的司法体系应该更加灵活一些,这是因为年轻人很年轻,不成熟,他们的犯罪动机很可能不是那么邪恶。举例,成年罪犯的抢劫动机很明确,就是通过袭击他人来获取财富。相比之下,青少年伤害他人的行为很可能只是因为来自同伴的压力,或是因为一时冲动。考虑到他们并不是有意要犯罪,所以给他们较轻的判罚是可以理解的。


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