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2023-09-08 13:56:16 来源:中国教育在线



  教育类雅思写作范文之出国留学,为帮助大家更好准备雅思考试,现在陆续为大家提供雅思作文考试新真题和范文及其译文,希望对大家雅思考试有所帮助,一起来看:教育类雅思写作范文之出国留学。  【考题解析】  考题重现:More and more students choose to go to another country for highereducation. Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems?  核心词汇:go to another country,highereducation  文章结构:辩论型对称式话题。  【9分范文】
  No one could avoid the tremendous influence of going overseas, more or less, which is one of the hottest topics of late. Some experts advocate that it is dangerous for youth to take such an task.Personally, going overseas contains both pros and cons as a whole.
  The benefit of overseas education is manifested in several ways: Firstly, it is essential for youth to improve themselves with the help of first-rate educational systems. Besides, they would also benefit from the language atmosphere of foreign countries. Secondly, a reputable university's diploma is a must for an ideal profession, which is equivalent to a sufficient wage; in addition,it brings about qualified social welfare as insurance for the rest of one's life. Lastly, a multi-cultural society enables people to broaden their horizons day by day. Naturally, it would boost the international links between countries. Then one will have a full-scale awareness of globalization.
  However, there are also some drawbacks of education in another country: Firstly, a recent study reveals that more than 70% of overseas students in the U.K. encountered serious language barriers in the first half year, which may lead to misunderstanding and other issues. Secondly,expensive and unreasonable tuition fees would keep countless students who live in undeveloped areas away from higher education. And it is impossible for them to participate in part-time jobs,for this would disturb their routines sharply. Finally, not all pupils can deal with the sense of culture shock. So the discrimination gives rise to some psychological issues at the same time such as loneliness and homesickness.
  All in all, although going overseas means facing a brand-new living situation alone, it is really stimulating for the beating heart of every young fellow.
  【范文译文】  或多或少,没人能够躲避出国的强大影响力,这也是目前热门的话题之一。一些专家主张出国对于年轻人而言是件危险的任务。我个人的看法是,出国整体而言有好处亦有弊端。  出国留学的好处显而易见:第一也是重要的一点。在国外一流教育体系的帮助下。学生可以进一步完善自身。此外,他们还能够从国外的语言环境中受益。第二,一张名校文凭已成了找到理想工作的必要条件。此外,它还带来不错的社会福利。这些都是一个人后半生的保障。第三,多元化社会让人的视野日渐开阔。自然而然的。也促进了国际间的交流。之后人们才能对全球化有全面的认识。  然而,出国留学也存在一些问题:首先,近期一项研究表明超过70%在英国读书的留学生在他们就读的前半年,曾遭遇严重的语言障碍。这都会引起误解和其他相关问题。其次,昂贵而不合理的学费让很多来自于不发达地区的学生无法进入国外大学学习。而对他们而言。参与兼职工作根本不可行,这会严重影响他们的学习安排。后。并不是所有学生都可以忍受文化冲突。因此,歧视会导致一系列的像是孤独或思乡等心理问题。  总体而言,出国留学意味着独自面对全新的生活环境。对于那些心脏跃动的年轻人来说。这些都显得很刺激。  【亮点句型】
  sth. contains both pros and cons as a whole
  Personally, going overseas contains both pros and cons as a whole.
  sth./sb. would benefit from sth./sb.
  Besides, they would also benefit from the language atmosphere in foreign countries.
  sth. is a must for sth./doing sth.
  ...a reputable university's diploma is a must for an ideal profession, which is equivalent to a sufficient wage.
  sth. enables sb. to do sth.
  Lastly, the multicultural society enables people to broaden their horizons day by day.


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