2023-09-13 09:59:06 来源:中国教育在线
雅思 关于健康的作文怎么写
Some people believe that improve public health should increase the number of sports facilities; others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Sample Answer (359 words)
The construction of new sports facilities are definitely needed in an environment where people's health is in a declining state. However, there are those who believe that the way to improving people's health should lie in other measures that governments have to come up with to get people to live more healthily.
In many countries around the world, sports facilities are diminishing at an alarming rate, with existing ones being threatened with closure or face redevelopment in favor of housing and commercial development. The lack of sports facilities has directly led to a sharp decline in the general public's involvement in sports activities, which is the major culprit for ill health and excessive weight nowadays. If a wider range of sports and fitness facilities (swimming pools, basketball court and gymnasiums etc.) were available, then people would be more willing to spend time in these facilities to train their bodies and to improve their fitness, instead of living a sedentary life at home watching television, playing video games or using computers.
However, the building of such facilities may become a waste of time and taxpayers' money if they are built far away from where people live or if they are too expensive to use. There are scenes of empty sports grounds in many cities because it takes too much trouble to get there, and many sports clubs are receiving fewer guests because they charge unreasonably high membership fees. In these cases, the government should be spending more on advertising healthier life style instead of just wasting money on facilities that are not going to be actively used by the people. For example, it is important for people to know that little things like jogging or taking the stairs provide as many benefits as using exercising equipment in a sports club.
All in all, the government should be spending more money on the campaigns of getting the people to be more involved in a healthier lifestyle instead of wasting taxpayers' money on sports facilities that are barely used by the general public. This is by far the best way of improving the health standards of a nation as a whole.
一、 时间安排上要计划证大作文的完结
二、 答卷细节——笔、纸、橡皮一样也不可忽视
第二,在答卷开始前,一定要看清task 1 与task 2的位置,一定要避免写错位置,酿成不可挽回的损失。
三、 写作四步走
步, 审题。
1 变量作主语
The number /percentage of sth went up/down from ----in--- to ---in ---
From ---in ---to ---in -----
Go up from --- to --- in 从多少上升到多少,from 和 to 后?面加数字 in 加年?份时间;如果时间是某?一天,则?用介词 on;如果时间是某?小时,则改为 at 。
2 时间作主语
The years from --- to --- saw a rise in the number of teachers from --- in --- to --- in .
3 “趋势”作主语
The trend showed the steady increase in the number of teacher from --- in --- to --- in
4 地点作主语
China saw a rise in the number of teachers from --- in --- to --- in ---
5 There be 句型
There was a rise decrease in the number of teachers from --- in ---
to --- in ---
6 地点
China saw /experienced /witnessed
The number of full-time teachers was at 5 million in 1960 and was 3 million in 1961 ,the trend showed an increase in it in to 6million in 1963,the years to 1965saw a decrease in the quantity of these instructors to nearly 5 million . China witnessed a growth to 8 million in 1975 , which was followed by a leveling out in the next ten years until 1985, Finally , a rise can be found in the number of these full-time teacher to 10 million in 1990.
The number of full-time teachers went down from 5 million in 1960 to 3 million in 1961.After that , the trend showed increase in it about 6 million in 1963 .The years to 1965 saw a decrease in the quantity of these instructors to nearly 5million .China witnessed a growth to 8million in 1975,which was followed by a leveling out in the next years until 1985 . Finally , a rise can be found in the number of these full-time teachers to 10 million in 1990
The number of full-time teachers went down dramatically from 5 million in 1960 to 3 million in 1961.After that , the trend showed an enormous increase in it about 6million in 1963.On the other hand ,the years to 1965 saw a slight decrease in the quantity of these instructors to nearly 5 million . From then on , China witnessed a gradual growth to 8 million in 1975 , which was followed by a leveling out in the next years until 1985. Finally , a moderate rise can be found in the number of these full-time teachers to 10 million in 1990.
1 雅思考试前两天就不要写了,把所有的作文题拿出来,训练自己在两分钟内想出自己的观点和三个支持自己观点的例子和论据。
2 雅思写作考试时千万不要看了题目之后提笔就写,那样你会在发现开了头之后,你就不知道如何动笔了。
3 写之前大概要有一个提纲,那样会写得比较紧凑的,具体的。
4 雅思考试的时候,推荐先写大作文,因为TASK2占的分数比较多。
5 注意段落的明晰,而且一定要有一个漂亮的开头和结尾,考试的时候,字迹要清楚,这和高考一样。不要挤在一起看不清楚。
6 不要用重复的单词和短语,尽量写长的句子,语意和成分要清晰,开头简洁一点,论点一定要明显,不可以模棱两可。
7 写小作文,开头概括文图表所示的内容,然后做横向的比较,然后还有纵向的,后是综合类比,注意数据的准确性,要有图表之间的分析,切记不要加入自己的评价
8 如果是流程题,只要把顺序写清楚,每一步交代好,一般不难,考到的机率很小,但不代表不会考。
9 好还是练一两篇。先写TASK1的,注意不要写错页面,我就犯了这样的错误,小作文写到一半发现写错了地方,当时很紧张,但还是顺利地完成了,在试卷上画了大大的箭头。
10 后来问了考官,没什么问题。时间到,老外叫STOP,务必要停笔了,我身后那位老兄就因为警告了两次而被取消了考试的资格,连雅思口语都不用参加了。
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