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2023-09-14 09:50:39 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述蛋糕


Describe an activity near the sea

you should say:

What it is

What you should prepare

And explain how you feel about it




Well, I in my life I have tasted so many birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, and marriage cakes. But after reading the word “special cake”, there’s only one cake which I think is special. So here I would talk about it.

It is a red velvet cake. Red Velvet cake is a red or red-brown layer cake and this cake is usually topped with yummy cream cheese frosting. Unlike normal cakes, this cake has a blood red interior. It's common ingredients include buttermilk, butter, cocoa, and flour for the cake, beetroot for the colour.

As it is commonly served on Christmas or Valentine's Day, So I got chance to taste this cake last year.

I tasted this cake in a Christmas Party held at Hyatt Hotel in Ludhiana. Overall, it was a Christmas party with lots of fun and games. Hopefully, I would be going there this year also.

As I said earlier I tasted this cake in a party, so I had this cake with everyone who was present in the party. No doubt, majority of them were not known to me, but while celebrating, we all enjoyed the party together. I was familiar there with only one person, and that was my friend – Barack Obama.

Well, I believe this cake is very special. It is because for the first time in my life, I tasted a cake which was red in colour. Moreover, it was 4 tier cake. And interesting this about this cake is that Red velvet cake is colored with beets, instead of artificial food colouring. This cake is also called as “red Waldorf cake,” “red carpet cake,” “red mystery cake,” “flame cake,” and “$300 cake”.


Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special

you should say:

what kind of cake it is

when you ate the cake

who you ate with




A special cake that I have had was on my friend's last birthday.

My friend and I booked a lovely afternoon tea for celebrating her birthday last summer. Tea salon was quite hot at that time. This store ranked top as a matcha afternoon tea restaurant in my city.So, we arrived there 15 minutes earlier than our reservation to make sure we can get into the restaurant without queuing.

The staff there were so helpful and polite. They introduced the desserts with clear details and nice smile. We ordered three different cakes and 2 cups of matcha tea. The sizzling matcha ice cream cake is the most special cake I have ever eaten because I was so surprised by the taste and the look of the cake. Actually, the cake was eaten in an unique way as the ice cream mousse cake was served on a heated iron plate. After the cake served to the table, I covered the ice cream mousse cake with matcha sauce which is a whole set of this course. It was amazing when the matcha sauce touched the cake and the iron plate. You know what, the heat plate generate heated the cake with matcha sauce. They were perfectly matched together. The cake tasted very smooth and soft on my tongue, then my mouth was full of sweet.

We took many pictures of this cake and posted it to the social networking websites. I think no cake can beat it at that moment. It became one of the must try when I recommend dessert to others.


地道用词:the must try

高分句型:The sizzling matcha ice cream cake is the most special cake I have ever eaten because I was so surprised by the taste and the look of the cake.

After the cake served to the table, I covered the ice cream mousse cake with matcha sauce which is a whole set of this course.



1.Do you like science?

2.What do you find most interesting in science?

3.Are there many science museums in your hometown?

4.Did you like science classes when you were young?

5.Do you think school children should learn both art classes and science classes?


1.yes, definitely. Who desen’t want to know how things work? I’ve always been curious about a whole range of things, and science is all about learning how they work.

2. I like science in that it challenges ideas that we thought/think are ‘right’! It makes us push our understanding and want to know more about everything! There is always something new and interesting to discover and the journey to get there can be really really exciting.

3.not a single one yet. I was born in a mountainous town, so maybe a science museum is still not so high on the local government’s agenda.

4. Except the test part, I like any bit of science classes at school. As a kid I took stuff to bits all the time to see how it worked (much to my parents annoyance!) and I think science classes is just a focused, more general way of finding out how stuff works and where it comes from!

5.Of course they should learn both. Arts are all about creativity and science about curiosity, so each of the two classes serves a great purpose and, also they converge when they both teach children to see and find the beauty of the world. No wonder great scientist are often big fans of some sorts of arts or music.


1.It is the best tool for answering questions about the universe, right down to the very tiny (particles and atoms) up to the very huge (galaxy superclusters) we have learned it all through scientific enquiry!


2. It has the ability to make the world make sense, I suppose. That sort of clarity is addicting.It's why people like myself will spend a lifetime chasing it.


3. 've studied it ever since i was 4-5. It just has so many explainable things, and quite pretty pictures. Math is sorta boring. History can be changed. English... i use it everyday, but it eventually get boring. PE, too tiring. Science is amazing. We can learn so many things, and there's still more to learn. So many questions, yet so little time. Science is interesting. Books about space, chemistry, biology... So fascinating. Whoever says that they hate science... i immediately hate them. Science was the basic subject of my life. Ever since age 4 or 5. I still got more to learn.


4. Why is the sky blue? Where did babies come from? Every kid is curious about the world he is in. I think curiosity is main reason why people study science


5. For those geared to understand it; and dedicated to its pursuit, science defines us; defines our world, our universe. Without science (especially physics, mathematics, and biology) there can be no true understanding of nature or ourselves. The persisting drive to know, that what science means to me.



Describe one of your favorite songs(你最喜欢的歌曲 ).

You should say:

- what the song is about

- when you listened to this song for the first time

- how often you listen to this song

and explain why you like this song so much


介绍一首你最喜欢的歌曲,是雅思口语考试历年来换来换去都换不走的一颗钉子户,在part 1和part 2里面披着不同的外衣反复出现。关联度较高的话题有“music”,“musical instrument”,“singer”等等,相关词汇和表达可以互通。

首先,通过英文定义确认大致选材范围。“song”一词在牛津和朗文字典中的定义均为“a short piece of music with words that you sing”,因此最妥当的范围是要排除一些纯音乐,例如钢琴曲或一些没有歌词(lyrics)的现代编曲作品等(对于这一点,烤鸭们最好额外长个心眼哟,因为那些被考官从定义上纠正“National Day is actually not a festival, it’s just a HOLIDAY”的同学们很容易反应不过来其中区别的)




1)关于第二和第三两个小问,需要注意的是时态上的切换——尤其是第二小问“when youlistened to this song for the first time”从动词的时态上就提醒了各位同学,要用过去时描述这一段内容。答题时除了提及大致的时间(例如I listened to the song for the first time 6 years ago)还可以对那时进行一个简单的场景扩充(例如when I was a high school student, one of my roommates used hismobile to play that song loudly in our dormitory at 6 am - right after we wokeup)

2)如果是一首中文歌,歌名应该是说中文还是英文?个人建议有三,各位烤鸭各取所需:一,如果本身它就有一个比较官方的英文名,就直接英文名上阵;二,如没有,可就地翻译一个:任意抓取歌名中的一个词进行翻译,例如周杰伦的《告白气球》如果不知道告白怎么说,就直接用“气球”的英文“the song is called the Balloon”即可;三,如果不愿意翻译,直接中文名上阵也行,然后在后面加上一句简单的解释,说明一下大致意思就好了。


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