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2023-09-14 12:14:08 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题building


What is the interesting building in your country?

What is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

I think the interesting building is the Great Wall. It runs across north China like a huge dragon. It was used to enemies. Soldiers used to keep watch on the Great Wall. When the enemy came , fires were lit to warn other soldiers. I think the Great Wall is the most interesting building. Because it is one of the wonders of the world and it was one of the few man-made objects on earth that could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon. Also, the Great Wall has become a symbol of both China's proud history and its present strength.

1) Are there some old buildings in your hometown? Where and Describe it?

Wenfeng Tower, built in 1420, is located in the southern of Anyang City. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, people came to the tower to worship the God of Heaven and pray for a good harvest. Nowadays, it serves as a museum of history . Murals of Wenfeng Tower give visitors a feel for the great artistic achievements of ancient Chinese civilization. In a word, I think the Wenfeng Tower is the most interesting building, and it is the oldest building in my hometown.

2) Compare the differences between the constructions in your city with them in

20 years ago? Describe the building styles in detail?

The traditional buildings are made of the red brick and always have curved eaves. Thousands of buildings look the same. But now, various buildings with different colors and styles have been going up in my hometown. In addition, room is equipped with kitchen and bathroom. This is very convenient.

3) What are people's attitudes to old building today and that of our later generation? Should we protect them? Why?

People, including our later generation, advocate that government should protect old buildings .Because old buildings represent the great artistic achievements of ancient Chinese civilization.

4) What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?

Oh, modern buildings are for us to live and work, while old buildings are for us to visit and research.

5) Compare the differences between house and apartment?

In China, there is a big yard beside house, where we can plant some flowers and trees etc. But house is more expensive. Apartment is convenient and cheap but small.



What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade?



Well, everything is changing, so is education.

The most important change that took place over the past decade is this.

1. increased admission

It seems to me that more and more people are now able to go to college while in the past the competition was much stronger.

College admission is opening up, and this is a direct result of the state policy.

The consequence is that many students who have not reached the level of university education are also allowed to sit in the college classroom, therefore the quality of education has been declining.

2. master’s degree/overseas education

It is because this problem that an increasing number of people are pursuing more education after college graduation. These options include master’s program and possibly overseas education, just like what I’m doing right now. We’re fed up with the boring routine life in college, and we’re fighting for a better future for ourselves.

3. increased tuition

Unfortunately, not every child would have the opportunity to continue their education after college. Why? Simply because going to school is so costly.

The tuition has been almost tripled over the past decade and this presented serious financial pressure that some families cannot handle. So some of my classmates have to drop out just because their families ran short of money. Human tragedy! I’m lucky. My mom and dad are making enough money, so I can even go to college in Canada. But I’m not taking this for granted, I’ll be eternally grateful to them.

4. Private training institution

Wherever there’s need, there’s a solution. As more families realized the importance of making education investment in their kids, training demands has been soaring over the past 10 years. Private training institutions such as New Oriental flourished. So as long as you want you will always find a place to study and a class schedule that fits you. Opportunities for personal improvement are many.


A traditional story :Chang’e and Houyi

Chang'e is the Chinese goddess of the moon. The lunar exploration-orbiting spacecraft Chang'e 1 is named after her.

According to legend, Chang'e and her husband Houyi were immortals living in heaven. One day, the ten sons of the Jade Emperor transformed into ten suns, causing the earth to scorch. Having failed to order his sons to stop ruining the earth, the Jade Emperor summoned Houyi for help. Houyi, using his legendary archery skills, shot down nine of the sons, but spared one son to be the sun. The Jade Emperor was obviously not pleased with Houyi's solution to save the earth: nine of his sons were dead. As punishment, the Jade Emperor banished Houyi and Chang'e to live as mere mortals on earth.

Seeing that Chang'e felt extremely miserable over her loss of immortality, Houyi decided to journey on a long, perilous quest to find the pill of immortality so that the couple could be immortals again. At the end of his quest he met the Queen Mother of the West who agreed to give him the pill, but warned him that each person would only need half the pill to become immortal.

Houyi brought the pill home and stored it in a case. He warned Chang'e not to open the case and then left home for a while. Chang'e became too curious: she opened up the case and found the pill just as Houyi was returning home. She either accidentally or purposely swallowed the pill. She started to float into the sky because of the overdose. Chang'e kept on floating until she landed on the moon.

While she became lonely on the moon without her husband, she did have company,a jade rabbit.


You should say:

When did it happen

Where is this place

Why you came early

What did you do when waiting


Last month was a terrible month for me and my classmates since we got 3 deadlines clashed in one week. My roommates and I all stayed up late every night before that horrible week. Just 12 hours before the deadline, I still had 2500 words to write and several English articles to recite(背诵). I had to drink several cups of coffee to prevent me from falling asleep and I finally finished my essay before six oclock. However, I had got to sit the English oral test before I handed in my essay and the test began early in the morning. I had no other options but only slept for an hour and then got up at 7 oclock to review my oral presentation. To tell you the truth, that feeling sucked. I got to the test room ten minutes before its start and I could think of nothing since I didnt get enough sleep. With the time passing by, I felt into desperation(绝望) and I could hardly speak out a whole sentence. Its my worst test performance in the history. After the test, I went to faculty office to hand in my essay, but the copy machine there didnt work. What an day! That was really the most hectic(忙乱的) and memorable experience for me, and I learn a lesson that I should prepare everything early and have a good rest on the important day.


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