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2023-09-15 12:28:33 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题介绍自己学校


1.I’m going to talk about my primary school. The school was called ..... and it was in the town of ..... . The location of the school was great because it was within walking distance of our family home at the time. The route to school was all downhill, which made it an easy walk in the morning, but a tiring journey on the way home in the afternoon!


2.I was a pupil at ..... school between the ages of 5 and 11 - the full 6 years of primary education. From age 11 onwards, I went to a nearby secondary school.


3.My primary school seemed like a big place at the time, but it was actually quite a small school, with only six classes. I remember there being a large room called the assembly hall, where the whole school gathered every morning to hear messages from the headmaster. I also remember spending a lot of time on the playground and on the sports field. I liked all of my teachers; they were caring but strict at the same time, and I think they fostered a positive and fun atmosphere in the school.


4.I have really fond memories of my primary school years, mainly because of the friends I made and the fun I had. One of my most vivid memories is of performing in the school play in my final year. I had to learn lines and play the part of a character in a traditional children’s story. It was a nerve-racking experience, but it felt like my first real achievement.



1. What types of public transport are there in your hometown?

在回答这道题的时候,考生很容易一直举例子,却缺乏逻辑性或者深度,例如‘There are many different kinds of public transportation in my hometown, such as buses, underground, trains, trams, ferries and so on.’ 这种回答很难达到一定的长度,并且感觉没有深度。

所以考生在这里可以进行分类说明,类别可以有很多,比如高峰期in rush hours,人们喜欢什么;或者根据路途的距离来分类,比如短程travel for a short trip,人们会选用什么。这里 我选用的类别是最受欢迎和最常使用的类别。

Actually, there are many different kinds of public transportation in my hometown, such as, trains, trams, ferries and so on. However, the most of popular and common one would be the buses and the underground as these two types of transport are very reasonable and economical. They are most people’s choices, especially the underground, you know, the price’s very affordable and that you will never need to worry about traffic jam or being stuck in the traffic by taking underground.

在这里 我们补充一些,关于不同的公共交通设施的优点和缺点。


very cheap / reasonable/ affordable/ economical 经济实惠的

too crowd / hot/ noisy


Reasonable prices 价格公道

avoid traffic congestion 避免交通拥堵

a little bit packed in the rush hours 高峰期有些拥挤


Fast 快捷

be more expensive than buses 比公车贵

sometimes, not frequent enough 车次不是很多

some places cannot be reached 有的地方到不了


Urbanization 城市化

connect two cities 链接两个城市

very fast and efficient 非常便捷

not flexible enough 不是非常的灵活

注意:taxi是private hire 并不算在公共交通工具中。

2. Are you satisfied with the traffic in you city?



In general, I'm pretty happy with the transportation and traffic in my hometown. I mean the roads are quite wide and some transportation facilities are very advanced, especially the underground and buses, they look pretty new and clean all the time. But I do have something to complain, you know in the rush hours, the amount of cars increases very fast within a short time, some thoroughfares can be very congested. People who just finish their work cannot get a taxi or may waste a lot of time on going home.

另一个方向呢,就是考官会在part 3中和你讨论各种各样的交通工具,他们的优缺点和功能,以及人们为什么选择了这些交通工具。


1. What do you like about traveling?




Relieve one’s stress / release one’s pressure

Give a fresh start

Enrich one’s life experiences

Expand one’s vision/ broaden one’s horizon

suppose traveling helps to relieve my stress from work, especially after a whole busy year, a nice trip really works miracles. It gives me a fresh start. Besides, during traveling, I have a chance to meet new people whose life experiences and stories could definitely expand my vision.

2. Why don’t some people like traveling?




targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks

vulnerable in strange places

not used to the climate, the food and the local environment

tight budget

Well, it’s hard to say why some people don’t like it, because there are various reasons. Firstly, I suppose safety is what they’ve concerned most about. Travelers are more likely to be targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks, etc., because they appear more vulnerable in strange places. Especially during high season, in some hot tourist spots, cases about travelers being stolen, mugged or attacked become quite common. And the other reason is that may be some people couldn’t get used to the climate, the food and the local environment of a new place, they feel more comfortable staying at home. Moreover, perhaps a tight budget deters them from starting a vacation, after all, traveling means spending.

3. What are benefits of traveling?




refreshing and revitalizing

leave all daily routines behind

a new and different angle to see the world

experience exotic culture

Traveling is a refreshing and revitalizing activity which gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life because we could leave all daily routines behind for a few days or weeks. After the break, we feel more energetic to return to work or study.

And through traveling we have a chance to widen our perspective. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new and different angle to see the world. When we travel, we can experience exotic cultures and try new food, I mean, to further discover what this wonderful world offers.

4. Why do you think some people like traveling with others?


make the whole trip more hilarious

economical way of travel

learn to cooperate with others when in difficulties

It’s obvious that traveling with others, especially with friends could make the whole trip more hilarious. And it can also cultivate our ability to cooperate with others when we are in difficulties. Moreover, compared to traveling alone, we could save more if we travel with friends. The amount of money, originally, should be paid by one person, now can be shared by two or even more people.


1. How many hours do you sleep every day?

这道题是简单的信息问句, 同学们要给出对应的信息内容。但切记不要只说I sleep for 8hours 就没有了。后续要给出更细节的东西, 这里介绍给同学们一种方法:一切分情况讨论。

可以借助频率词:usually,sometimes,once in a while,occasionally,或者是on weekdays ,on weekends,on holidays 等。

通常我每天睡几个小时,几点到几点,还可以给出原因,对学生来说睡前完成作业,finish the homework and prepare for the next day。早晨起床花费多久到学校commuting to school,这些信息都很不错。也可以再给出一个其他的情况,周六日或者假期睡多久,给出细节,这样语言上会丰富很多。

Actually,on weekdays,I usually sleep for just 6hours at most. Because I have to stay awake, finish my homework and prepare for the next school day until midnight and I must get up around 6:30 to fresh up myself then commute to school for 45mins. Fortunately, on weekends or holidays, I can stay in bed as long as I wish, maybe for 10 hours or even more.

2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?

这是一道必要性或者重要性的问题,对这一类问题一方面当然可以说明为什么有必要,对于本题就是have enough sleep 的好处:

比如 storage up energy养精蓄锐; get a clear mind for the next day第二天精神状况更好等; 另一个也很容易描述的方面是:实际情况是怎样。也就是大家都知道这个很必要也很有好处,但现实情况下大家更多的还是怎样。 联系现实情况永远都是一个很不错的扩展方向。

Sure, definitely. It’s extremely important to sleep for at least 7hours a day. So that one can storage up energy and get a clear mind for the next day. However, the fact is nothing like this. Almost everyone I know stays up quite late either having entertaining activities, playing smart phones or doing their job or homework. Lacking of bedtime is already a serious social problem nowadays.


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