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2023-09-29 10:46:56 来源:中国教育在线




1 、Do you like music?

No, I don'treally like music, and I don't listen to it. It's not something that I've ever been interested in.


2、 What kind of music did you listen to when you wereyoung?

I can't remember listening to much music asa child either. I suppose I must have heard some traditional music at festivals or parties, but I didn't take much notice of it.


3 、When was the last time you went to a concert?

I've never been to a music concert. Maybe Ishould try going to one; perhaps it would be interesting to see an orchestra playing classical music.


4、 Would you like to participate in a live music show?

No, definitely not. I don't play a musical instrumentand I don't sing,so I can't imagine that I'd ever find myself performing to an audience.



根据实际课堂反馈得出,许多学生当被问到喜欢什么类型的歌曲时,往往最常见的答案就是pop music。这其中,还有相当一部分学生会将流行音乐误以为是popular music。虽然大多数情况下,pop和popular是可以通用的,但当表示音乐类型的时候,这是两个截然不同的概念。popular作为形容词的时候表达的含义是“流行的”,所以popular music表达的“流行音乐”体裁不限,范围更广,例如:R&B, Rock, Hip-hop, Pop等。而单纯的pop music则指的是以歌颂爱情为主题,主打年轻人为市场,结合各种乐器碰撞出来的混合效果的音乐。所以,足以见得,pop music是属于popular music中的一种。

当然,需要提醒广大考生们注意的是,考官的耳朵已经开始疲惫了,所以这些“大众”答案已经不能让你脱颖而出了。关于音乐种类,光光知道一个pop music是远远不够的。最好,考生在全面了解各种音乐种类的同时,还能熟悉各种类型相应的代表歌手及代表曲目。下面,笔者将为考生们整理出一些主流的相关词汇表达:

1.classical music古典音乐。在朗文字典上的解释为music that people consider serious and that hasbeen popular for a long time。而classical music在狭义上指的是海顿(Haydn)、贝多芬(Beethoven)、莫扎特(Mozart)为主流的古典乐派的音乐。

2.country music乡村音乐,是一种具有美国民族特色的音乐。这种音乐曲调简单,节奏平稳,具有叙事性。该类型音乐的代表人物为被许多年轻人追捧的美国小甜妞Taylor Swift。代表曲目Love story和You belong with me。

3.pop music 流行音乐,是广受年轻人追捧的一种音乐类型。代表歌手有台湾的Jay Chou(周杰伦)、香港的Andy Lau(刘德华)、美国的lady gaga等。值得注意的是,许多考生也许并不清楚所有歌手的英文名,在考试中提到这些歌手的时候,往往用的仍然是中文名,这会让考官产生恍惚感,也许很难与考生产生共鸣。所以,在考前做足功课去了解歌星的英文名也是相当有必要的。

4.Rock and Roll摇滚乐。中国摇滚的第一声音为歌手崔健的《一无所有》。不过,如果考生想和考官聊到摇滚乐,建议考生们选择国外的代表性乐团和作品,因为过于中国化的东西并不能和考官产生共鸣。相反,如果聊到Beetles(披头士乐队)的Hey Jude,这首曾出现在伦敦奥运会上的歌的话,效果就会截然不同。


Describe a popular music band or a singer inyour country.

You should say:

What it first became popular

What style of music it perform

Who (what kind of people) like this band or singer

And explain why you think they are popular




When it comes to a popular singer in mycountry, I’d like to say a few words on a female singer called G.E.M.

Actually, she’s born in Shanghai andimmigrated to Hong Kong when she was 4 years old. She began to compose andcreate songs when she was just 5. At the year of 17, she won the award of “New ForceFemale Singer”. She was the first one who won this prize that under 18.

She attended a TV show called “I am asinger” and won the second place of finals in 2014. At that period of time, shebecame a household name in China. Her musical style is full of change andexcitement. Her songs include soft Rock, rap, lyric, Broadway. Therefore, shewas regarded as an “almighty goddess”. Due to the TV show, lots of young peoplebecome the crazy fan of her. People became familiar with her representative workslike “what have you done”, “The rose”, and “The foam”.

Her excellence in singing field has beenrecognized by the public, I suppose that’s why she’s so popular in China.


Topic:Describe an interesting song

You should say

where does the song come from

how do you know that

what does the song tell

and explain why do you think it is interesting.

Sample answer:

The legendary song Annie's Song'by John Denver is a piece of music that I really like. I like this song so much that every time I listen to it,I get a fresh and inspiring feeling. This is probably the piece of song that I have listened several thousand times.

This is a song that always inspires me and I like the lyrics and the music of this song. John Denver and his band Beatles and their songs are in my favorite lists. The 'Annie's Song'is a piece of work that the world will revere for a long. This is one of the most rated songs of the world history and I like it for the magical tone it has.

I listen to music almost every day and this song is in my music player. So I would say I listen to this music one in every two days on an average.

This particular song was sung by a gifted singer and the lyric is pretty impressive. The music and vocal was just perfect to make it a legendary song. I love it because of its appeal and magical power to me.


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