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2023-10-07 18:44:26 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题喜剧演员


Describe a popular comic actor /actress you know

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What comedies have he/she performed

And explain why he/she is popular


I’d like to tell you about a well known actor who is very funny, his name is Rowan Atkinson, he’s proably best known worldwide for his funny character Mr Bean. I first saw him in a movie on DVD and I thought he was really hilarious.


Later I discovered some other old DVDs of TV shows he had done in the past. I think I’ve watched nearly all of the shows he’s done now. In fact I watched a movie of his just a couple of weeks ago with a friend… it was a spoof spy movie like the James Bond movies but he was useless at everything and it was very funny. I hadn’t seen it for years but my friend found the old DVD and we decided to watch it.


He’s funny because he is so ridiculous and yet loveable at the same time. He always seems to have the best intentions but he gets himself into terrible problems and funny situations just doing normal things.


The things he does are very simple, but very funny and I think it’s because most of his comedy is based on real life everyday situations that lots of people can relate to it and just how easy it would be for it to happen in real life. His style of comedy is very clever.


He’s popular not only in my country but all around the world. As I said I think that people like him because it’s not complex humour – it could happen to anyone, but it normally doesn’t, however, it always seems to happen to him.他不仅在我的国家很受欢迎,而且在全世界都很受欢迎。就像我说的,我认为人们喜欢他,因为这不是一种复杂的幽默——它可能发生在任何人身上,但它通常不会发生,然而,它似乎总是发生在他身上。

Another thing that’s different to many other comic actors is that he doesn’t normally speak a lot, he’s funny because of his facial gestures and body movements… the comedy doesn’t rely on smart or witty dialogue… just on the silly situation or events that he’s involved in. That’s something that makes him appealing to a very wide audience.另一件与其他喜剧演员不同的是,他通常不会说很多话,他很有趣,因为他的面部表情和身体动作。喜剧不依赖于聪明或机智的对话……只是在他所参与的愚蠢的情况或事件上。这让他对广大观众产生了吸引力。


How (or why) do some actors/some comedians become famous?


Probably because they appeal to a large group of people. If it’s a comedian, it may be their style, the topic of their humour or just the connection they make with their audience. Some movie actors become famous for one particular film which brings them to the attention of a worldwide audience.

It might be a Hollywood blockbuster which is popular all over the world. And of course some actors become famous or popular because of their good looks or the character which they play in movies.

Do comedians earn a lot of money?


It depends, there are different types of comedians. Those who work on TV, those who do films and then those who do stand up comedy in theatres and clubs. I suppose some of them don’t earn that much money, but on the other hand, those who do become really successful can earn millions.

Do you think these people deserve to earn so much money?


Yes, I don’t see a problem with them earning a lot of money. If people like them and are willing to pay to see them, either live or in a movie, then they deserve the money they receive. It’s just like any other artist or entertainer. If they are good then they will probably earn lots of money because people value what they do.

Do many young people (or, children) try to imitate film stars (e.g., imitate their life-style, clothes, etc)? (If yes, how, why?)


It’s hard for a young person to copy the lifestyle of a film star, but the fashion industry does a good job of copying the clothes that they wear and making them available to ordinary people to buy.

That’s probably the most obvous way people maybe try to copy someone they like. They buy similar clothes or shoes or maybe even do their hair in the same style. There are a lot of celebrity magazines which cover the styles of famous people including movie stars so people are obviously interested in that sort of thing. Maybe people like to copy them because they feel that they identify with the actor or a particular character.


Describe an adventurous person you know.

Who the person is

How you know the person

why you think this person is adventurous

And explain if you can learn anything from this person

Ok, I’m going to describe an adventurous person I know. Well, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, I don’t really know that many adventurous people, so I’ve had to rack my brains a little to think of someone, and one person that came to mind is a guy called Tom, who’s in his late fifties right now, but lives life as if he was in his early twenties. As for how I know him, well basically, he used to be a colleague of my dad’s, and since they were also good friends, we would often invite him over for lunch or dinner at weekends.


And regarding why I think he’s adventurous, well, I suppose there are quite a number of reasons, one of which would be that he’s not afraid to take risks, because after he left my dad’s company, he went on to start up his own company, even though he didn’t have that much experience. Unfortunately, it didn’t do too well, but that didn’t stop him from trying again in another industry!


So that would be on the work front, and when it comes to travelling, he always likes going to places which are off the beaten track, because he finds them more interesting, and he will never go on holiday to the same place twice!


So finally, with regard to whether or not I can learn anything from him, well, thinking about it,

I’d say there are a number of things, for example, he’s a guy that lives life to the fullest, and from looking at the things he’s done, I’ve kind of seen how to really enjoy life and live every day as if it were my last. Finally, I would add that Tom has not been afraid to try anything new, no matter how old he was, a prime example being that he started to learn windsurfing, which is a very physical sport, when he was in his mid-forties. So that’s taught me that age should not hold you back in anything, and if you want to try something new, then just go for it. As the old saying goes, "variety is the spice of life".


Ok, I think I’ve covered pretty much everything, so thanks for listening.



Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future

You should say:

Which will you choose

What it will look like

How much it will cost

And explain why you'd like to buy it.

Ok, I’m going to describe a car I would like to have in the future. Well we’re spoilt for choice nowadays with the huge range of cars and vehicles on the market, but one car that appeals to me a lot is an SUV. And as for what it will look like, well, thinking about it, I wouldn’t want it to be too flashy, as it might draw unwanted attention, so I’d rather go for something relatively low-key.


So this being the case, I would choose a plain and simple colour like white, because although it’s one of the most common car colours, I still reckon it looks the best, as long as the car is kept clean! Going on to my next point, then, which is regarding how much it will cost, well, to be honest with you, I’m not really that sure as I haven’t done any research, but I guess the price range of a mid-end SUV would be somewhere between three hundred and four hundred thousand renminbi, so it won’t be cheap, but hopefully by the time I need one I’ll have sufficient funds to get one!


Finally, if there’s time, with regard to why I’d choose an SUV over other cars, well, to put it simply, I reckon SUVs are among the safest cars on the road, and the reason for saying that it is because you are sitting higher up, so on the off chance you collide with another car, you’re less likely to get injured than if you were sitting in a normal car. And just one final thing to add would be that I would definitely make sure the car is equipped with ESC, which stands for electronic stability control, which means that if you make a sudden turn to avoid something, your car will automatically remain in control. So this, for me, would be essential, as the traffic in China is pretty chaotic, as I’m sure you know! Ok, I think that’s pretty much everything, so thanks a lot for listening.



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