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雅思your country范文

2023-10-09 09:16:03 来源:中国教育在线

随着人们经济水平的提高,对于很多家庭来说,留学不再是一个可望而不可及的事情,许多人都想要留学,那其中雅思your country范文?针对这个问题,下面中国教育在线小编就来和大家分享一下。

雅思your country范文

雅思your country范文篇一:Describe a festival from your country

I have been asked to talk about a popular festival, so I'd like to tell you all about Spring Festival. The festival is basically a celebration of the new year and a farewell to the old year. According to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year should start sometime in early February or late January. It is celebrated just to usher in a new year and to get rid of the demons from the older generation. I don't know the history of the New Year Festival that well. I only know that it is a festival that has basically been celebrated in a very similar way for hundreds of years, and that it mixes a bit of religion, superstition and festivity of the new season. I do know that it used to be celebrated a lot in the streets with a big parade and two dragons chasing a ball. We still do that now, but not as much; mostly you will find that at the Miao Hui carnivals.

People celebrate it by decorating their house with various emblems and also by getting together, having a big dinner, and giving hongbao, which actually means "red packets" . You see, in our Spring Festival we don't give presents. Instead, a married couple will give a single relative or friend a red packet with money in it. As for the dinner, it can vary-there's no dinner that we have to eat. In the west, I know you usually eat turkey. But in Beijing most people eat dumplings, and part of the fun is just sitting around and making them. Together with all our family members, we often sit around and gamble by playing cards or Mahjong, which is a very famous type of game with chips, played a bit like Bridge, but of course much different. On the second day, we often go around and visit friends. Another way people celebrate Spring Festival is by dressing up in new clothes, and we often go out and attend what we call Miao Hui, which are simply outdoor carnivals, which basically sell a lot of things, and they hold a few events like Chinese opera.

I think that the reason Spring Festival is so popular is because a lot of our economy is planned around it. I mean even though we do think of January as the beginning of the year officially, many think of Spring Festival as the real beginning of the financial year. Also, because the holiday stretches for 15 days, it gives many people a chance to reunite with their family for the longest period of the year. In that sense you could say that it is like Christmas in the west.

雅思your country范文篇二:Describe a traditional building in your country

The building I'd like to talk about is the Capital Library; in Chinese we call it Shou Du Tu Shu Guan. I first saw this building when I was a child. My mother took me there as a quiet place to study. She said that I could probably study there more easily than in other places. Now, I go there about once a month. It's quieter than the National Library and I like the atmosphere there.

The place is now a library for history books and any books published in China are there, but it also has an interesting history itself. It is located in the same area as the old Guo Zi Jian, or in English you might call it the Imperial College. The building was built in traditional Qing architectural style, because it was last rebuilt during that time. The roof is quite steep. Bi Yong Hall wa_ the place where imperial exams were held, and it has two layered roofs with a curved at each corner, just like the buildings at the Summer Palace. It is red and has quite a few wooden pillars holding it up at all sides.

The reason I like this building is because it seems to store the soul of our country. The Imperial College was actually set up in the Yuan dynasty to educate high-ranking Mongolian families in Chin_e, but then it was used by all the next dynasties. In the 50s, it stopped being an educatioml place and became an all-purpose library. You know, to be able to take the imperial exam was every young man's dream in China for hundreds of years. But few could take it and fewer would pass it. So apart from its grand appearance, it has a kind of untouchable nobility to it.

雅思your country范文篇三:A wild animal in your country

One never tires of watching lovely red-crowned cranes. 优雅的丹顶鹤令人百看不厌。

Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. It stands almost five feet tall and has long legs. It has a long pointy beak for spearing its prey. 丹顶鹤雪白的身体,有黑色的颈,黑色的翅膀边缘以及红色的头顶。它几乎5英尺高,有长长的腿。丹顶鹤有一个锋利的长喙,能够戳穿食物。

Cranes are regarded as a bird of good luck in China. In Chinese culture, cranes have existed for over 3,000 years. Then there have been a lot of legends and stories about cranes. Red-crowned Crane can live as long as 60 years. So it is the longest-living of all bird species. For centuries, cranes have been revered in China as symbols of longevity. 在中国人心目中,鹤是一种吉祥的鸟。在中国文化中,鹤已经存在了三千多年了。 有不少关于鹤的传说和典故。丹顶鹤的寿命有六十年,它是鸟类中的寿星。

The image of the Red-crowned Crane can be seen in many places in China. People often draw red crowned crane and pine together. The lifespan of both pines and cranes are very long. So people use them to symbolize longevity. Red-crowned cranes dance the most beautiful dances in the world of birds. While dancing, they half-open their wings, and they jump around and sing for each other. That's why peopele consider crane as elegance. 丹顶鹤的图案可以在中国很多地方看到。人们经常把丹顶鹤与松树画在一起。松树和仙鹤的寿命都长。所以人们就拿这两样东西来象征长寿。丹顶鹤是在鸟类中跳舞最美的。当它们起舞时,半展翅膀跳跃,互相歌唱。这也是为什么人们视它作优雅的象征。

Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species. Despite protective laws, poaching continues to remain a problem. 丹顶鹤是世界上濒临灭绝的物种之一。尽管有动物保护法存在,但非法狩猎仍然是个问题。

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