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2023-10-09 11:03:11 来源:中国教育在线







I would like to try the Salmon fish with onion and olive oil which is a foreign menu for the people of our country. In our country we do not have the Salmon fish and the finest quality olive oil is imported from Italy. The exotic menu I have mentioned is available only in a five-star hotel in our country. If I get the opportunity someday, I will try this food item.

I learned about this item from a lifestyle & travel related TV channel a few years ago. I was randomly checking the programs of different channels and I noticed this TV channel. The cook described in details how to prepare this food item, what ingredients would be required, how to make it tastier and I watched it all with utmost interest and attention. A few years later I found this menu in a billboard beside a big hotel in our city and at that time I planned to have it. Since it is a foreign food item and available only in this luxurious and expensive hotel, it would be quite expensive for me.

After watching the TV program on cooking, I got interested in this food. Apart from that, I heard that Salmon fish is a very tasty food. The way the TV program presented it was very impressive and extraordinary. This program and their way of cooking grabbed my interest and attention. I would like to taste it mostly because I watched it in a TV program and heard that this is a menu worth trying.



Apart from that

got interested in

高分句型:I would like to try the Salmon fish with onion and olive oil which is a foreign menu for the people of our country.

The cook described in details how to prepare this food item, what ingredients would be required, how to make it tastier and I watched it all with utmost interest and attention.





There is a foreign food that I would really like to try, but I wonder if my choice will surprise you? I will tell you what it is, how I learned about it, where it is mostly eaten and explain why I want to taste it so badly.

The food is…. Pizza! Now, of course, this is a food that you can buy all over the world, and I really enjoy the pizza that I can buy in my home country which is England in the UK. However, I recently learned from a friend that the style of pizza available here is nothing like the authentic Italian pizza you can get if you visit its country of origin, and since then, it’s one of the things on my bucket list. That is, something I’d like to do before I die is to travel to Italy, find a local pizzeria and get a really authentic pizza.

So how did I learn what I’ve been missing? I shop regularly at a local family owned delicatessen. The proprietor is Italian, and he is a great foody – that is he takes food very seriously, sourcing only the best ingredients. He and his wife are both vegetarian like me, so they often suggest food or recipes. The other day we were talking and he was bemoaning the lack of ‘proper’ pizzas in this country. He told me that whilst of course, Italian food is very regional including its pizzas, they are nevertheless distinctive.

All pizzas MUST be cooked in a wood-fired oven for a start, the dough should be tossed by hand. The pizza should only be made with the very freshest and finest ingredients, and is best eaten outdoors too, of course, against the backdrop of the Italian countryside!

Pizza is eaten everywhere in Italy, though of course approximations of pizza can be bought the world over. Even so, my deli friend has persuaded me I’ve been missing out, and I’d like to find out for myself how different it might taste if I go for an authentic recipe, venue and location. I’ve never had a real pizza, and I’ve never been to Italy either, I think it would be a winning combination – not to mention that it would also be a great excuse to go to a beautiful country that I have yet to visit. What do you think, would you like to come too?

Written by - Lucy Marris | Careers Adviser (UK)


地道用词: I want to taste it so badly 非常渴望尝试

bucket list 遗愿清单,人生清单

高分句型:I’ve never had a real pizza, and I’ve never been to Italy either, I think it would be a winning combination – not to mention that it would also be a great excuse to go to a beautiful country that I have yet to visit.


Describe a kind of foreign food you tried.

You should say:

what it was;

when and where you had it;

why you had it;

and explain how you felt about it.



Spaghetti and Sushi are two kinds of foreign food I like best. But I prefer Sushi more because making Sushi is easier than Spaghetti. Sushi comes from Japan. They could be made as snacks as well as formal dishes. It tastes fresh and delicious. The fragrance of the rice could arouse the unique taste of the fish along with it. Sushi enjoys great popularity in my country. Well, as you know, China is not very far from Japan. You could see a diversity of Sushi restaurants in many shopping malls. And Chinese even developed many ways to process Sushi in order to localize their tastes to Chinese people. And more and more other Japanese foods are introduced along with Sushi.

I like Sushi because it was a kind of approachable cuisine. Many top-notch delicious foods are also on the pyramid’s top and ordinary people could not have any access to them either they need valuable food ingredients or they are too difficult to make. So, you see, Sushi cost little and its ingredients are easy to get. Besides that, Sushi could make you taste several food ingredients at the same time. You even could create your favorite taste as long as you are creative and daring enough. For a foodie like me, it was so amazing to make so many tries.


想尝试的外国食物Describe a foreign food you would like to try.

You should say:

What it is

Where you can eat it

How you know about this food

And explain why you would like to try it


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