2023-10-10 13:08:45 来源:中国教育在线
雅思 口语话题一个名人
Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet
You should say:
who the person is
why s/he is in the news
why you would like to meet this person
I would like to meet Mr Jonathan as he appears in the news for his bestseller. He is a writer and his recent book “The Amazing Riders” has become the bestseller. So, the local news agencies have made reports on him and his reputation is soaring up. Interestingly, Mr Jonathan lives in my locality but I was unaware of his intellectual skills. His bestselling book is the talk of the town and the news agencies, newspapers and magazines are after him to make stories about his book and contribution to the contemporary literature.
I would like to meet Mr Jonathan for some solid reasons. The topmost issue about meeting him is to know about his writing. He writes smoothly and when the readers read the stories, it appears that the events are before them. In fact, I, as a reader of his book, has become his great fan. His narrative style is also different than the other writers. He uses a different tone to describe the events through his writings. Besides, his plots are also interesting and will make you amazed. Before publishing the book, he was not that much familiar in the locality and people knew him as a simple man. But now he has become a celebrity by dint of the news.
I have so many questions for him to ask. If I get the chance to meet him, I will ask him first about his story plots and outlines. Some of his plots are highly interesting and they attract the attention of the readers. Further, I will try to get information about his narrative style. I think he will also share with me that how much time he spends to make a story and where he gets his inspiration to write. These are the initial queries from my side for him.
1.When was the last time you worked with a team?
这是part1部分非常典型的一种考法,会问到你最近的一次发生过某件事情的时间。所以,从时态上来讲,一定是一般过去时,或者可能说到对现在的影响,我们用到一点点的现在完成时。具体到你团队协作的时间,如果你确实记得,那么具体地说一下是最好的。很多时候,我们也不是很清楚的记得了,我们就给一个大概的时间范围就行了,可能是昨天,是上周,是上个月的某一天。Well, I can’t clearly remember the exact date, I think it was someday last month, when …
具体的活动,我觉得可以从三个方面去想:1. 工作上:加入你是班上的班干部,是学生会的负责人,你很有可能会去和你的属下去参与举办一些小型或者大型的活动。比如体育比赛,唱歌比赛等等。I was designated to arrange a sports competition with my team.如果是已经工作的考生,那么就是你单位的某些项目了。你根据真实的情况去描述即可:My team was asked to carry out a project about promoting the sales of one product of my company. 2. 学习上:小组讨论、seminar、presentation等等。Group discussion:classmates discuss a specific questionSeminar:a discussion led by a professorPresentation:investigation into a issue and present the result/ findings by using slides and giving a speech. 3. 生活上:全家人一起做一些事情,比如制定旅行计划,或者为某个亲戚办生日派对等。My parents and I worked together as a team to make a trip plan for our family and my uncle’s. 在每一个回答后面,都可以再扩展,可以大概列举一点点的具体的内容,甚至加一些细节。这个根据当时考试的状态来决定。 下面给一个示范回答:
It was last Wednesday, when I and my teammates were required to do a presentation task about the course regarding environmental change. I was in charge of preparing the PPT slides, and others gave the speech.
2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?
题目里面的工作和学习其实是两件事情,但是,由于是part1的题目,没有必要区分得那么详细,我们简单把一个人学习和小组学习的优缺点都说一下。单独学习:更少干扰:Less distraction, concentrate更好的时间安排:arrange courses according to their own time arrangement根据自己的兴趣:according their one’s own interest 小组学习:交流、合作、竞争:communication/ cooperation/ competition有意思::more interesting相互借鉴:draw experience from other members提高效率:improve work/ study efficiency
3. What’s the most important thing for teamwork?
我个人觉得比较重要的有:Commitment:由于是小组任务,需要每个成员多对任务本身有足够的投入。 Each team member should be committed to the task, even sacrifice their own interest when necessaryResponsibility:每个人要对自己的工作负责人,而不是指望别人Task distribution:任务分工要明确,每个人知道自己做什么 task distribution should be clear so that each member know exactly what to do and when their job should be finishedMutual help:成员相互之间要互相帮助,以最终完成实现目标为前提Leadership:有一个明确的,有能力的领导,也是决定成功的关键 a competent leader is also a key to the ultimate success
4. Do you like to be a leader?
领导,就是我们刚刚其实提到过的,团队里面的一个非常特殊的成员。因为他要负责整个团队的成功和失败,安排每一个环节。如果你希望成为领导,可能是因为:我愿意管人,天生就具备这样的基因: I like to manage people, I think I was born to be a leader, because I have inherited related gene from my parents, they are both good leader of their companies.我很有责任感I have a great sense of responsibility, I will be much willing to shoulder the responsibility of the achievement of the team or its failure.
如果不希望成为领导,可能是因为:责任太大,我hold不住: as a leader, one has to assume too much responsibility, which I do not think I am capable to do我喜欢被安排,完成自己的部分就好了,要去管别人,我会有很多的顾虑
I prefer to be given clear job to accomplish as only part of the whole project. If I were asked to manage a team, I might lead the team to the wrong way.
Describe an experience that you were scared(new)
When it happened
Where you were
Who you were with
Why you were scared
How you felt about it
I have been through some terrible things in junior high school.One day, I went to the amusement park, and bought a balloon on the clown's hand. Unfortunately, during the roller coaster ride,the balloon flew away because the speed too fast.
When we played a lot of recreational projects, we still wanted to ride a roller coaster once again. Suddenly, when I was riding the roller coaster, I found the clown holding balloon and smiling at me.I’s pretty sure that balloon was mine.Why was he holding this balloon? And why laughed at me.
At that time, I was very scared, so I felt a very depressed.I didn't know what happened,but I really knew that was my balloon. And the clown mysteriously looked at me and smiled. These things are unbelievable.
雅思口语big company话题
1. What is the difference between big companies and small companies?
不用列举太多的不同哦,只要2-3个即可。还有一点儿要注意的是,我们不要多太绝对的语言,比如‘all the big companies’或者‘every small company’这样的字眼;可以多使用vague language,比如‘perhaps’‘probably’‘most likely’‘possibly’等。
plenty of clear differences 很多明显的区别
whereas in contrast 然而反过来
while on the other hand 而另一面
get promoted 升职
get a promotion 升职
Well obviously there are plenty of clear differences, but I guess one of the most obvious one is that there are a lot more employees in big businesses while on the other hand there might be only a few people in a really small place, like family business or stuff like that. Apart from that, another point I can think of is that you might be able to have more chances to get staff trainings to work on your professional skills in a bigger place whereas in contrast when you just start working in a small place, they might just expect you to skip the training part.
2. What are the good things about working for a big company?
‘good things’就是好的方面的意思,也可以用‘advantages’‘benefits’‘positive aspects’这样的词去替换。当我们回答的时候可以尽量绕开‘good things’这个原题的表达,用用转述。
positive aspects 积极的方面
clear benefits 明显的优点
plus point 优势/优点
Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits, but I would probably say that the most obvious part is that people might have more chances of getting a promotion in a big business because there will be loads of positions so you can work your way up. As well as this, another good bit about working in a proper company is that you are more likely to be granted some benefit like health insurance, group travels or stuff like that.
3. Why do some companies prefer senior employees?
remain at the same place 停留在同一个地方
first thing you might have noticed 你首先可能注意到的
slightly more stable 有些更稳定
Well, I guess it’s mainly because there are loads of benefits when it comes to hiring senior employees. First thing you might have noticed is that older staff are always more experienced in a certain area. I mean they know what they are doing. Plus the HR department doesn’t have to spend too much time or money training them. What’s more, new graduates might tend to keep changing their jobs and that whereas older employees would want to remain at the same company and they are normally slightly more stable.
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