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2023-10-11 14:19:48 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语中有关树的话题


1. Do you like trees?

2. Are there any important trees in your country?

3. Is there a forest near your hometown?

4. Would you like to live in a place that has a lot of trees?

5. Where can one find trees (or forests) in your country?

6. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?

7. Did you ever climb trees when you were a child?

8. Have you ever planted a tree?

9. Do you think more people should plant trees?


1. yes, I love trees because of their beauty and most important to me their shade and cooling of the temps. they just look so beautiful and serene. I I find it peaceful just looking at them.

2.There are many important trees in my country. The use of bamboo, for example, can be ranged from furniture making to building construction. Besides, the weeping willow trees symbolise the new hope in ancient China, therefore, there are many poem complimenting them.

3.Yes. It’s just the world-renowned Huangshan Mountain with various kinds of trees living there, the most famous one are pine trees.

4.Yes, I’m really into living close to lots of trees since then can provide the shade and the smell and the bird songs. I feel the trees outside the windows just like a umbrella shielding all the hassle and hustle of the world. also I read an story about a girl lived in the tree to save it, that’s just heart-warming and inspiring.

5.I guess trees can be easily seen in my country. If you are in cities, there are always many sycamore trees along the streets; or if you are in the suburb areas, you will see forests in various sizes.

6.Well, yes. Obviously places with lots of trees are more shady, cooler, more humid and much less windy, therefore, people will feel more comfortable and more likely to get close to nature.

7.Yes, of course. I love a mulberry tree. When I'm down I climb up and get myself nestled in its branches. Its been my favorite tree since I was a child, and I've cared for it for years. Its been going through some tough times. We're battling an aggressive parasitic vine, some of its limbs are dying and I cried when it lost a huge branch in the last ice storm.

8.Yes, once. I remembered when my middle school once organised hiking in a mountainous area, we planted several saplings in the forest, and I guess they have grown up into big trees already.

9.Yes, I believe more trees should be planted both in and outside the cities because they can absorb the pollutant gases and provide enough oxygen; besides, tree can save water and prevent soil erosion. Therefore, trees are critically important to keep our eco-system balanced. We are supposed to not only plant more trees, but protect the existing ones.

雅思口语important conver sat ion话题

Describe an important conversation that influenced youYou should say:

When this happened

Who you were talking with

What you talked about

and how this conversation Influenced you










按照Cue card上的几个点来串联,是考场上最为保险的一种技巧,在每个点后面适度扩展,能保证2分钟时间的输出量和结构性。

Sample answer:I would like to share with you one important conversation that influenced me a lot. It was the conversation with my best friend Chole.Actually, it just happened like a couple of months ago. At that time, I was desperate to loose some weight as my boyfriend who worked in another city, would come to visit me. I really wanted to show my best to him so I searched the Internet and found a diet recipe, called "Apple recipe". It said that if you could try eating apples only at most everyday coupled with vinegar, you would lost like 5 kilos at most in a week.At first, things were not so hard it was just moderate feelings of hunger at the end of the day. However, when Chole and I went shopping together during the next day, she found that my complexion was not so good. She asked me what happened, and I just told her the truth. She said nothing but just convinced me to accompany her to the gym. During the lounge area at the gym, she handed me a bar of chocolate and said in an non-negotiable way "Eat this, and we will hit on the treadmill!" She seldom treated me so serious, so I had no choice but followed her, you know.After running for almost an hour, I was exhausted but also refreshed at the same time. When we both lay on the ground, she told me that she thought I was already pretty enough and I did not have to change anything. The so called apple diet recipe would do nothing but harm to my body. What's more, she believed that if I would like to change something, then it's better be for my own sake.

I guess I was convinced at that moment, as I had never thought about it before. The next day after we had the conversation, I resumed to my normal diet, and because of her, I am now into doing exercises, and I hit the gym regularly.

高分词汇:be desperate to 渴望recipe 食谱complexion 脸色non-negotiable 不容商量的hit the gym 去健身房

雅思口语Street you like话题

Describe a street that you like to visit.


Describe a street that you like to visit. 这是一个新题,题干主体信息是:一个你喜欢逛/经常去的街道。注意这里的审题,如果是特别你喜欢去的街道的话,那么你去的次数从常理上来说应该会很多,因此要注意频率副词的使用,另外虽然题目问的是“street”,有一个最好迁移的点就是,和我们的“shopping mall”商场联系在一起,比如说在商场里,能够购物,能够吃东西,还能和朋友聚在一起,闲逛看电影等等;或者你也可以选择一条僻静的街道,比如公园里的街道,有很多人在这里锻炼身体(stretch their body),街道对面有一个湖泊(go boating on the lake),而在话题卡里给出的我们的4个线索里,最好展开的应该是最后一个:why you like it, 你可以说这个地方给我们的生活提供了很多便利(provide daily necessity/convenience),或者它是一个休闲娱乐的地方(provide recreation);同时你还可以说这个地方,让你真的感到放松(wind down),或者让你的心情平静(find a sense of calmness)。

在这里,有几个生词来给大家先交代一下,一个是Pedestrian Street 步行街;statue雕像;landmark 地标 barbecued squid 烤鱿鱼 wind down 放松 feel at home 感觉自在

Sample:The street that I’m fond of visiting is Huangxing Pedestrian Street, located in the middle of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province. The street is about 1 kilometer in length, and there is a metro stop nearby so every weekend I can go there for shopping conveniently. Besides, more than one hundred shops can be found there, including large shopping malls such as Wangfujing, Wanda, as well as modern cafes and bakery shops. The central area contains a small public square with a statue of Huang Xing, the modern revolutionary pioneer, who has devoted all his life to China’s development. Because of Huang Xing’s fame, the street that goes after him has become a landmark in Changsha.In addition, Huangxing Pedestrian Street is also a paradise for us foodies. There are plenty of stalls offering tasty food, such as sushi, smelly tofu, and barbecued squid. You can also notice some western food shops standing at either side of the street, such as Mcdonald’s and Pizza Hut. Every time I go to Huang Xing Pedestrian Street, I could really wind down and feel at home. I can just be a window shopper, wandering down the street, enjoying those colorful and trendy clothes.I think Huang Xing Pedestrian Street is really appealing, both for the young and the old. Not only does it provide daily necessity for us, but also it offers some recreation for us. That’s the reason why I like visiting there.

雅思口语Person in the news话题

Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.

You should say:

Who he or she is;

What did this person show up on TV;

How you know this person;

and explain why you want to meet him/her.


人物:businessman/ entrepreneur/ actor/ actress/ singer/ songwriter/ sportsman/ dancer/ ordinary people ….


Topic:白芳礼——感动中国 Moving China

In his early 90s /Hale and hearty/ salt and pepper hair

Occupation: Cyclo /Pedicab driver(三轮车夫) for 60 years/ illiterate

Personality: generous 慷慨的/ warm-hearted 热心的/ responsible 有责任心的/ diligent勤勉的/positive energy

Story: he saved more than 350 million RMB and donated it to the charity to help students from disadvantaged families/ deprived families to finish tertiary education. In the past 60 years, he successfully sponsored more than 300 students, helping with their tuition fee and living expense.

Influence:mentor 导师/ role model 榜样/deliver positive energy 正能量/thought–provoking 引人深思的…touching…

Well, a person in the news that I want to meet is an old man, Bai fangli. He was a very ordinary person, a nobody. If you meet him on the street you might never pay even a glimpse to him. 6 years ago, he was nominated as the top 100 figures of China in a Chinese TV programme called “Moving China”, mainly because of his extraordinary contribution to the society. The news I saw was on CCTV3 four years ago, when I was in high school, saying that Mr. Bai was given a special prize in Moving China again, and that was exactly the time I knew this old respectable man. In the news, I learned the story of Bai fangli. An old man who lived on a menial job, pedicab driver, for 60 years but saved more than 350 thousand RMB and donated it to the charity and successfully sponsored more than 300 students from disadvantaged families to finish tertiary education, helping with their tuition fee and living expense. When I saw that news, I was shocked and I even doubted it, I mean people are nowadays busy with their own stuff and are less likely to care about others, I mean, they are getting more and more indifferent. And, the connection between neighbors and even relatives is getting weaker and weaker. How could it be possible for a person to give out all his savings helping people he barely knew? But, his story turned out to be a truth as my mom told me that a friend of her has received the fund given by Mr. Bai and finished his education. Sadly, Mr. Bai passed away several years ago, I will never have the chance to meet him in person but I have to say if I were given the chance I would like to talk to him and show my respect and gratitude. The reason is quite simple, just because of that piece of new I started to do unpaid work in community and deliver the positive energy I got from Mr. Bai. I am proud of what I am doing and who I am now.


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