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2023-10-12 11:49:15 来源:中国教育在线




1.How much do you know yo ?

To be honest,my neighbours and I only have a nodding acquaintance We don't really communicate that often because there are not many common activities to do together in my neghbourhood.

2.Do you think neighbours should help each other?

Absolutely, neighbours are the people who live just next door to you.If you have any kind of emergency,they are the people that actually will jump up and give a hand to you. In this regard,neighbours should help each other.

3.Do you see your neighbours often?

Not really. My neighbours are all busy businessmen.I don't see them too often.I probably only see them twice a week in the corridor.

4.Do you get along with your neighbours?

Yes, I really respect my neighbours. There are not any problems between us. In China,we have an old saying that goes like this,"a far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbour". From that old proverb you can see people really respect their nelghbours in Chinese culture.

5.What would be the problem between you and your neighbours?

There is not really a problem between my neighbours and me. If I had to mention one,I would say it would be the amount of noise I hear from them. One of my neighbours always likes to play music really loud.Sometimes, it can be disturbing. Apart from that,everything else is fin .


1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

I know my neighbours quite well. They're really nice people, and I always stop to talk whenever I see them.

2. How often do you see them?

I see my neighbours at least a few times a week. We usually see each other when we're leaving for work in the morning or coming home in the evening.

3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?

I think the most common problem is probably noise. It's difficult to live next to people who have a dog that barks at night, or who play loud music.

4. How do you think neighbours can help each other?

Neighbours can do little things like watching your house if you go on holiday or taking a delivery if something arrives by post when you're not at home. I think these little favours are a good way for neighbours to help each other.

5.What do the people in your community do for recreation?

Most of the people in our society, go either for walk or gym for recreation. But, then there are some who go out and play badminton in the court as part of recreation while others prefer playing with kids.

6.Would you like to raise your children in a community like yours? Why or why not?

Definitely yes. Yes, I think the best part of my community is that we all stay together and yet stay separate. So, there is no hindrance of privacy but then in moments of happiness and sadness we all get together and I think this is very important for a child to grow well. Because, until he or she does not knows how to interact with people of different age group, the child does lacks things that help in future.

7.Does your community have meetings?

Yes, we have the monthly meetings on every fourth Sunday and it is important for every individual of the society to attend the meetings.


Describe an interesting neighbour of yours

You should say:

Who the person is

How did you know this person

And explain why you think this neighbour is interesting


Mr. Andrew John (...use one of your neighbour's name...) is one of the neighbours whom I like very much. Since I live in an urban area, people are close to each other and maintain a strong neighbourhood relationship, unlike the metropolitan area.

In our neighbour, we know almost each and every people living there, what they do, what are their updates, what are their profession and their overall personality and characteristics as well. Mr. John's house is adjacent to ours and I meet him almost every day. Mr. John is a retired army person who is now around 50 years old. He lives in his house alone and I have never found his relatives visiting him except some old colleagues. He stays inside his house most of the time and in the evening he sits in the veranda. He is a quiet man and likes to read a lot. I have seen him coming to live in his house almost 5-6 years ago. He bought the house from our previous neighbour.

I had had several conversations with him and I often play chess with him. I like to read as well and our reading habit was the primary reason we started liking our accompany each other. I like and admire this man very much. Though at first impression he seems to be an arrogant person, but in reality, he is an intelligent, calm, good-hearted and charming man. I have heard lots of stories from him. He has travelled to many different places and has lots of experience. Since I have become close to him, he recommends me books that I mostly enjoy reading. He advises me whenever I seek for his guidance. He is sometimes a close friend, sometimes a mentor and sometimes a guardian. I like him because of our unclaimed friendship, his personality, honesty, morality and his great mind.


You should say:

Who the person is

How did you know this person

And explain why you think this neighbour is interesting


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