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雅思口语part 3范文

2023-10-14 12:15:20 来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语part 3范文,很多同学对于这个问题有疑问和不解,那么下面就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。

雅思口语part 3范文

雅思口语part 3范文篇一:历史景点

1.Why do people go to these historical places?

I think one of the reasons is that people want to learn more about the history of this place. You know this places were usually constructed under certain historical context. For example, the Great Wall was built for defending against enemies in Qin Dynasty. When you stand on the Great Wall, the tour guide might tell lots of historical stories related to it.

2.Can you tell me something about historical music or films?

There are bunches historical music or films regarding to Sino-Japanese War. Although we now live a pretty peaceful life, many of Chinese population were slaughtered decades ago in Sino-Japanese War. So these films remind us of the history of that time period. For example, the film “Don Cunrui” does show us the story of a hero who hold the explosive to bomb out a blockhouse, sacrificing himself. These heroes should not be forgot.

3.Is there any implied meaning of this building?

Bird’s Nest looks like a nest, which we can know from its name. A bird nest is the spot in which a bird lays and incubates its eggs and raises its young. So this building does have the meaning of taking good care of life. It also looks like a cradle, which do have the meaning of good wishes for future. And one of the special part of the construction is that there is no column and the whole building is connected with web structure. I guess it means that something amazing might happen in this sports arena.

4.What should government do if someone is against the proposal to restore the historical buildings

I think government should try to increase these people’s awareness of protecting historical buildings. You know these buildings are usually of long histories, some of which can even be dated back to hundreds years ago. So it is common that these places need certain degree of restoration, or they might collapse or have similar problems. So the government should, first, tell those who against the proposal some possible problems these historical buildings are facing now. And, to convince them, government should also show these people the cultural and historical value of these buildings.

5.Does everyone think old buildings are important?

No, not everyone. Some of us might think these buildings are shabby. Usually they are not well-quipped and the design is always outdated. That’s why many people living close to Nanjing Rd. in Shanghai always hope government can implement house demolition in that region. You know, they are currently living in very old buildings, having to share restrooms and kitchens with others. Many of them choose to move out and rent out these old buildings to those from rural areas.

6.From your perspective, do Chinese like visiting History Museum?

Not really. Take myself as an example. I am a person who are not interested in history. You know, when I was a student, I always fell asleep in the history class. So, it is likely for me to visit a “History” Museum even if it is free. And many of my friends do not have any interests in history, either. People are more willing to visit some other kinds of museums such as Shanghai science and technology museum. In this museum, people can not only learn some knowledge regarding to animals, astronomy and the like, but also can experience some interesting facilities.

7.What kind of buildings should government protect and preserve?

I think government should protect and preserve the buildings of historical and cultural values. You know, these buildings can be great tourist attractions, where people can learn more about local history and cultural. My middle school used to organize a visit to the Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China. During this visit, we knew about the origin of the Communist Party of China, some interesting historical stories and so forth. In addition, these buildings can be a great revenue source by selling admission tickets or souvenirs.

8.Should people pay to visit it?

Yeah, I think so. You know preserving these buildings requires a large amount of capital investment, since they are usually built long time age and are in poor physical conditions. More efforts and money are need to maintain or renovate these old buildings. And by selling admission tickets, government can gain enough revenue for maintenance.

9.Should government pay for everyone?

No, of course not. I think government should pay for those disabled. This group of people are usually of poor financial condition and cannot afford to visit these buildings. However, for ordinary citizens like me, the ticket price like 50 RMB is not a problem at all. You know, the average salary of Shanghai has over 8000 RMB/month. So, the government doesn’t need to pay for us. Of course, some discounts should be offered, which might encourage us to take more visits.

雅思口语part 3范文篇二:喜欢的花园

1.What is your opinion about the phenomenon that many people like to plant vegetables by themselves?

It's a very common and healthy way for people to eat vegetables planted by themselves. I think they're mostly based on the considerations that the environment we live in has been polluted heavily and there are severe food security problems in China. People are fearing that they may get sick by eating polluted food outside.

2.Why do people like houses attached with garden?

Firstly, I guess it's because people are like rare things as there is a huge population in China and people are mostly live in apartments, it is very seldom for people to live in a house with garden. The second reason I can think of is that nowadays people mostly work among skyscrapers and it'll be very comfortable and released for them to see green stuff back home.

3.Do you often go to visit gardens?

No, not really, I think that's probably because there are few gardens in the downtown area.

4.Are there any houses or apartments with gardens?

Yes, there are houses with individual gardens and they are mostly in the rural area. As for apartments, usually there is a garden in the middle of the neighborhood.

5.Except houses, is there any other types of housing with gardens?

Eh, No, I don’t think so. I only know about apartments and houses

6.How about organic food?

Organic food is very popular nowadays because people today pay more attention on healthy, natural and nutritive food material.

7.On which occasion would people use flowers to decorate in China?

On occasions when people move into a new house or a important guest in coming to pay a visit.

8.Will flowers be utilized under other conditions?

When you visit a patient in the hospital or pay respect to the dead in a cemetery.

9.Should parks sell tickets?

No, I don't think it's reasonable for parks to sell tickets cause parks are public green space for people who live nearby to walk and get some fresh air. And it's usually constructed and run by government, which means citizens have already paid for it by taxes. So, I don't think it's appropriate for parks to sell tickets. They should be free to the public.

雅思口语part 3范文篇三:被污染了的地方

1.What kinds of pollution is serious in your country?

Well, in my opinion, air and water pollutions are serious in my countries. With the development of economy and technology, a large amount of harmful gases are discharged from the factories, polluting both the air and the water. Besides, the abundant use of chemical pesticides also makes the water seriously polluted.

2.What can individuals do to protect our environment?

Well, it is everyone’s civil responsibility to protect our environment and there are many things that individuals can do to protect it. Firstly, we can reuse the resources after reclaiming and reprocessing.Secondly, we should diminish the amount of garbage produced by ourselves. Thirdly, we can recycle resources by passing through a series of changes or treatments as to process, recover or make available for reuses through natural process of biochemical degradation or modification.

3.Do you think individuals should be responsible for pollutions?

Well, individuals should be partially responsible for pollution and do their part to control what they can at their home, going to work or play, but the government has a larger responsibility to remove more vehicles off of the roads and to control the exhaust from power plants.

4.Why is there a need to involve government in environmental protection?

The need is very obvious. The citizens of our country have no control over power plants, manufacturing businesses and the use of automobiles. These are the largest contributors for air, water and land pollution. Without the governments intervention, there would be no environmental protection at all.

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