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2023-10-18 11:15:17 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语范文travel


1. Do you like travelling?

You bet! I am a big fan of travelling around. I spend months all together each year to go somewhere else. I feel that it’s not only an indispensable part of my life, but also can culture my mental development.

2. In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

I guess the autumn is the best time to travel, as it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to go out. Besides, as the foliage of trees will turn yellow or red, you will find the picturesque views all around you. Wherever you go, you will experience a memorable trip.

3. Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

Yes, Chinese people are renowned for their hospitality to visitors. And there are also numerous tourist attractions around the country. For instance, you can visit the natural landscape to see the picturesque views, or you can go to the historical relics to know the events through the long Chinese history, or you can just stay at the metropolises to experience the local people’s lifestyle.

雅思口语weather and seasons范文

1. What do you think are the disadvantages of raining?



I think there are several disadvantages of the rain. First of all, it might bring some inconvenience to our daily life. When it rains, it’s kind of messy to go out. Your clothes and shoes might get dirty and wet, and driving becomes tricky because you could not see so clearly. Some activities need to be cancelled because of the rain as well, like some outdoor activities or some production procedures. What’s more, even the rain is usually good news to the crops, too much of it can be dangerous to them. If the things people grow have too much water than they need, they would wither and the farmers would suffer economically.

2. Can you give any examples of unusual weather in your hometown?



范例1 广州下雪

My hometown is Guangzhou, and it’s almost in the far south of China, so it is very warm even in the winter, and it never snows. But, it snowed last year and it was huge. The snow was actually quite light, and you can barely gather it, but the whole city went crazy and we all went out to feel it. Some people made a teeny tiny snowman on the hood of the car and took photos of it, which soon became meme on the internet. All the people from the north were saying that it was the smallest snowman they had ever seen. Anyway, we loved it.

范例2 东北下大雪

There was a really heavy snow in my city a couple of years ago, which was rare. Actually it is quite cold in winter in my hometown, and it snows every year, but it was always acceptable. But one year, around the new year, the snow lasted for over 40 hours and it was literally waist-deep when it stopped. You could not drive, and you could barely walk on the road, the whole city was trapped. But I kind of liked that snow, because the school stopped for a couple of days, and I really needed some rest.

3. Do you like the changes of the four seasons?



范例1 喜欢四季变化

I have never lived in a place that has similar seasons, but I am sure that I prefer 4 different seasons. First of all, I can wear different clothes, which is very important and very interesting. I guess I like to see the changes because I like to feel the time and the season. When it is always the same, then you forget about it sometimes. For instance, you only remember to praise the summer when the spring is about to end or the autumn is about to start. The changes of the seasons remind me how time flies and how precious and lovely time is.

范例2 不喜欢四季变化

I do not like the changes of the four seasons. In fact, I prefer to live in a place that has only one mild comfortable season. If I want to experience the difference of the seasons, I prefer to do that when I travel. I do not like too many changes in my life, because I have to react accordingly and it is just too much trouble.


1. Is it hard to find a good job in your country?




注意在Part 3 部分不要用太绝对的语言去回答,所以不要太肯定的说一定很难或者非常简单在中国找工作。


I reckon 我猜想

look for an ideal job 寻找一个理想的工作

unemployed graduates 暂无工作的大学毕业生

who knows 我不知道

it would help 会有帮助

all over the place 到处都是

related experience 相关经验

apart from that 除此之外

be a bonus 能加分

Well, to be honest, I don’t actually know anything about that, but I reckon it is no easy task to look for an ideal job over here as there are endless unemployed graduates all over the place. Who knows, perhaps it would help if the job seeker has got plenty of related experience. Apart from that, I guess being humble and polite at a job interview could also be a bonus.

2. What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?


先总起说一下要看具体情况啦,看是面试什么样的工作,不过generally speaking, 可能有好几件事是要注意的。一件重要的事情之一可能是保持整体的形象清爽干净,记得洗头发,不能又油又有头皮屑。此外呢,还要熟悉一下所应聘工作的工作内容。




pay attention to… 感兴趣……

before hand 提前

in proper clothes 穿合适的衣服

greasy hair 油腻的头发

no dandruff or anything 不能有头皮屑一类的

plastic surgery 整容手术

get to know about 开始了解

be familiar with… 熟悉

job descriptions 工作职责/工作描述

Well, I guess it depends on what kind of job people are looking for, but in general I would say there are quite a few things that they would want to pay attention to before hand. Perhaps one of the main points is to make sure they look nice in proper clothes, without any greasy hair, you know, also no dandruff or anything. Obviously they don’t really need to do any plastic surgery for just an interview. Apart from that, I reckon getting to know about the company they are applying for and being familiar with the job descriptions and that is also quite necessary.

3. Why do some young people keep changing their jobs?




如果可以的话尝试不完全跟题目用一样的表达,比如可以把young people换掉,或者keep changing one’s jobs 给转述掉。


feel a connection to sb. 和某人有共同语言

get along with… 和……相处

stay put 安稳得工作

jump ship 跳槽

Well, I guess there can be loads of different reasons to explain why some of the junior staff tend to jump from company to company. Perhaps one of the possible reasons is that they are still not quite sure what exactly they want to do as a career, so they prefer to keep looking for a bit. Apart from that, maybe some of them would have some problems when it comes to dealing with the boss or their workmates, like getting into an argument or something like that.


1. Do you often travel by boat?


first of all, travel有两种意思,出行和旅游,那么我们都在什么时候会坐船出行呢?试想住在意大利的威尼斯(Venice)或者云南水乡(watery place/region)的同学的日常出行除了坐船可能也并没有其他选择(other choices/alternatives),船是不可或缺(indispensable)的交通方式。这道题给肯定回答的话同学们要注意,千万不要说完自己的家乡is just like Venice之后就so, you know~~~考官可能会直接给你一个"NO I DON'T"(不要问老师是怎么知道的,都是泪)我们的答题原则是话一定要讲清楚!讲清楚!讲清楚!(重要的话说三遍)后面依然需要解释一个watery place就是一切城市设施(facilities)都建在水上(above water)而不同于普通的城市,并没有所谓的"路"(there are no so-called "roads"),这样才算讲清楚了。

那么相信更多的同学可能都不会把船当成日常出行的主要交通工具(means of transport)吧,所以先要强调出行目的是旅行,可以用到go on a long journey(进行一次长途旅行)或者go on a trip(没有强调长途的旅行)这些表达。而在旅行途中我们需要坐船的场合(occasion)也无非是在游览景区的水域(go sightseeing on a lake/down the streams,)时,其他时候选择搭乘飞机或火车(take a plane/train)会帮我们节省掉很多时间(save somebody a lot of time)。

Actually I would say yes, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in my daily life, because I live in a watery place in the south-west of China, which is just like the Venice. We go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, I don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.

Not really, mostly when I go on long journeys, apparently it saves me more time to travel by plane or train. When I need to go somewhere nearby my location, I prefer to drive there or take a bus. Actually I can't think of any occasion when taking a boat could be a preferable mean of transport, unless you want to go sightseeing around a lake or down the streams etc., which does not happen on most of my trips.

2. Would you like to go on a boat tour?


看到boat tour这么诱人的字眼同学们是不是都跟老师一样第一个想到了史诗级"灾难片"(误)Titanic了呢!豪华游轮行(luxurious cruise tour)一直都是本老(bao)师(bao)的梦想呢。cruise tour最大的好处不外乎可以看到如海上日落(sunset on the sea)这样独特的美景(beautiful scene/view)了。如果嫌beautiful太烂大街,可以用gorgeous, stunning, magnificent等来替换。当然,只要不像电影里一样撞冰山(crash with an iceberg)就是一种很美妙的旅行体验了。当然,boat tour还包括游江湖河流(boating on a river/lake/down the streams),看着沿途的山水风景(while gazing at the mountains and forests along the way)也是不错的体验。

连boat tour都不喜欢?那你一定是晕船(get seasick easily)了。注意seasick是形容词,按照汉语的语法说I have seasick甚至I seasick都是错的。晕船的确很惨,可能会吐(throw up/puke/vomit)很久。这种糟糕的体验可以用一句it was a nightmare来总结。

Yes, definitely! I've been longing for a cruise tour for ages since I watched the film Titanic, it looked so cool and luxurious to be on a ship with restaurants, bars and everything on it. Also, you can enjoy the gorgeous sunset on the sea, so I think cruising is the best way to travel as long as the ship doesn't crash with an iceberg like what happened in the film.

No, not really. I get seasick easily, so staying on a boat for too long is absolutely not a good idea for me. I still remember that I had a 30-minute boat tour when I was travelling on LIJIANG river and kept throwing up for 10 minutes afterwards, it was a nightmare.

3. Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?


比较常规的思路当然是沿海地区(coastal areas)的人们更有机会(have more chances/opportunities)乘船出行,普通市民可以出海游玩(have a boat tour on the sea),宏观来讲,船只对于城市的作用自然是港口(habour)运输,"通过船来运输"可以直接用动词ship来表达,货物大家都知道是goods,"在港口之间"介词用between/from/to都是可以的。在一些沿海大城市很多人都有自己的游艇(yacht),而且港口对于进出口(import/export goods)也是至关重要的(important/significant/indispensable)。注意import跟export都是及物动词,后面一定要跟名词,不能什么都不跟。如果不想重复goods的话跟一个things/stuff也是可以的。

Perhaps people who live in coastal cities have more chances to travel by boats. Obviously, it's easier for them to have a boat tour on the sea or ship goods from/to other habours. For instance, in my hometown, a lot of people even have their own yachts. Plus, there are quite a few habours which are significant means of importing and exporting stuff.

There're lots of watery places in the south-west of China, which are just like the Venice. For people there, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in their daily lives. They go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, they don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.


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