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2023-10-21 11:52:07 来源:中国教育在线




Task:People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate make us lose the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

When it comes to the issue about the influence brought by the pervasive use of technologies, some people argue that devices like mobile phones and computers do not damage the ability to communicate face to face, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

To begin with, the presence of mobile devices and computers trap their users in a virtual world. In the past, the public might be accustomed to having parties together where they could interact with peers. However, social platforms on the Internet allows people, especially the young generation, to talk with anyone they want, because of which individuals may not attend offline activities. Naturally, people will be nervous to converse with others face to face without regular exercise.

In addition, the rise of cellphone and social websites will also dampen the enthusiasm for face-to-face communication. Currently, what do people do when they have a meal together? A lot of people, although they sit closely, attempt to post their pictures online and they hardly talk to people near them. Current technology renders it possible for users to talk to others with great distances, but it is also a double-edge sword since users may prefer to chat online rather than talk directly.

But the refuting voice may come from opponents that computers and mobile phones facilitate face-to-face communication with the function of video chat. However, they may ignore some deficiencies of video chat. It is true that people could see each other on the screen, but the fact is that people cannot observe and interpret body language of others. In face-to-face conversation, gestures and emotions could be observed clearly while online communication makes it too difficult to identify the real emotions of a person if s/he intends to hide his/her feeling.

In sum, the capacity of face-to-face communication does drop, considering that the obsession with mobile phones and computers not only lowers the frequency of face-to-face communication but also makes people lose passion for talking face to face.


Task:The chart below describes the percentage of films released and percentage of sales of the tickets in 1996 and 2006 in a particular European country.

Sample answer:

The graphs compare the proportion of films released and sales of tickets in a particular European city during a 10-year period from 1996 to 2006.

Firstly, we can see that 32% of films released were dramas and 30% were comedies while the percentages of fantasy and romance were lower, at 7% and 5% respectively. Over the next ten years, more dramas and fantasies were released. By contrast, the figure for comedy decreased by 5% and for romance remained the same at 5%.

Regarding to the sales of film tickets, although the proportion of released comedy ranked the second place during ten years, the sales of its tickets were the highest, keeping climbing to the peak at 27% in 2006. The upward trend was also seen in other three categories, with the biggest rise of 10% in fantasy.

Overall, from 1996 to 2006 it can be seen that drama was the main type of released films but the sales of its tickets was not so good. Romance which was released with the least percentage gained the smallest sales of tickets.



In many countries,people can eat a wide variety of food today.As a result,they eat food from other regions than local food.Do you think the advantages of the development outweigh disadvantages?



The advanced transportation and more diverse food preference render it possible and necessary that people can choose food which is not cultivated locally. As popular to some extent it might be, I do not suppose that it is a wise choice to follow this trend without second thought.

The food, cultivated and sent from other places, can offer more choices for the ordinary customers indeed. This is because their options for food do not only confine to their home-produced vegetables, fruits and meat, and they are likely to be bombarded with a wider range of food. This can subsequently intensify the competition between the food suppliers, and the customers can enjoy are latively lower price.

However,compared with the benefits this practice can provide, leading a life that depends on food from other areas cannot be sustainable and turning to local food is thus environment-friendly. The local food means that the distance from farm to table is shorter and renders the transportation convenient. Without long distance transportation of food, the emission of exhaust will be cut down and less greenhouse gases will be discharged into the environment. In the meantime,delivering food from one place to another will consume a host of fuels because lorries or vans are driven by energies, it is really not so insightful to put such a heavy burden on the transportation only for the enjoyment of more food.

In conclusion, the local food is sufficient to sustain the locals to have a balanced diet and healthy life, more transported food can do little else and even bring about some environmental problems.


Some scientists believe that intelligent life forms may exist on other planets and some want to send message to contact them. Others think it is a bad idea because these life forms may be too dangerous. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Scientists in some space research institutes have been sending message to some corners of the universe since they were able to do that. Possible consequences of doing so, seemingly, have not been carefully analyzed yet.


Primarily, building connection with other intelligent species with humans' current technology does require incredibly high cost. This is to say, tremendous fund ought to be utilized for related technology research and establishment of some certain facilities instead of being used for solving some livelihood problems. Even though mankind were setting up connection with aliens who are living in a couple of light years away and are obviously less civilized with less advanced technology, with limited space technology that humans have currently we would be able do nothing further. Investing billions of dollars for saying hi to someone who might not understand at all is definitely not a wise decision.


Worse, unknown creatures that receive humans' greeting are more advanced and intelligent ones than inhabitants of the earth. What will happen at that time is more likely to be what people often see in science fiction movies nowadays. "White house is being attacked and Air Force One is shot down by missiles from unidentified flying objects". Intelligent species are not willing to co-exist peacefully or harmoniously with other creatures whose civilization apparently lags way behind. Their greed drives them use wars to make the earth their colony offering whatever they need from this planet. If that happened, humans would extinct and the only survivors would live their life in zoos of aliens.


As has been mentioned above, possible outcomes of sending message to unknown life in somewhere of the universe are what humans cannot afford or what we cannot accept. Therefore, space telescopes are not what we should spend money on, as paying for risks is never worthy.


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