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2023-10-21 13:13:41 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语food话题


1、Have you ever tried foreign food?

Yes, certainly. There are various foreign foods in China. I have tried rice steamed with pineapple from Thailand, sushi and ramen from Japan, sandwich, Hamburg and chips from the UK and America. All of them are delicious.

2、Do you like to try new food?

Yes, every kind of food brings me a unique experience. It is not just on the level of taste, but also on the level of culture. It is always interesting to learn stories behind a particular kind of food, like why they use this ingredient and choose this cooking method.

3、What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Korean-style roasted meat. The sauce they use is very unique. It has a mixed taste of sweetness and acid, very delicious. I want to have it again.

4、What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

Many kinds of foreign food are popular in China. But the first one comes to my mind is Sushi from Japan. Probably because of its placid taste and fresh ingredients, it was regarded as a kind of high-class food in my country.

5、Do you like any food from the countries near China?

I am quite into steamed rice with pineapple from Thailand. The fragrance of pineapple is perfectly mixed with the smell of rice, which makes it a bit sweet but not too much.


Describe an art activity.

You should say:

when it happened

what you did in this activity

who you did with

and explain how you felt after doing it.

I’m very fond of art; my apartment is full of statues and masks and my walls are covered in paintings and prints. Having said that, I don’t tend to make my own art. I don’t think I’m particularly creative and I’d say I’m more practically or scientifically minded. The only time I can really remember regularly taking part in any art activity was when I was at school, but there was one time on vacation when I dabbled in a bit of art.

It was two years ago when I was on holiday in Indonesia. I was on a tour of some local villages and we came across a woman doing pottery. She asked if anyone would like to have a go, but nobody wanted to be the first one to take her up on her offer. I decided to try my hand at it, so I sat down and got stuck in.

You start by putting a lump of clay on a potter’s wheel and dropping a little water on top. The wheel begins to turn and you use your hands to form the shape you want, maybe a short, fat bowl or a tall, thin vase. I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing, so the woman took my hands and basically did all the work herself. We made a short, stumpy bowl and then used my thumb to put dents in the rim, so it ended up looking like an ashtray.

Once it was finished my hands were covered in clay and I felt a bit embarrassed as lots of people were watching and I had needed a lot of help to make the ashtray. Still, I felt good for being the first person to try and it was only a bit of fun; no one took it very seriously.


Describe an important river/ area of water in your country

You should say:

How long the river is

Where it is

What it looks like

Why it is important


在祖国的大地上流淌着的两条最大的river,想必各位烤鸭都不会陌生,长江和黄河,这两条河都可以拿来说一说。这题今天正好有学生问到。说长江是不是Long River?

(我想说这个直译真的挺好的,但是先辈们已经把长江的英文名取好了,不叫long river,我们得叫它the Yangtse River)。不过,黄河我们可以放心得叫它the Yellow River. 除此之外,对于想说河流的同学们,如果长江黄河离家不是那么近,没去过,没话说的话,可以说一说家附近的河流。若实在还是没有思路的话,可以说说一片水域。什么叫水域呢?英文已经解释很直白了,就是area of water,有水的那一片地方都能说。


Speaking of an important river, I would like to talk about the Yangtse river, which is the biggest and longest river in China. It’s about 6,300 kilometers long.


The Yangtse River lies in the south of China. It stretches to 11 provinces in China and drains nearly one-fifth of the land areas of China.


If you see it on the map, you will find it looks not that special, maybe just like any other rivers, for example, the Nile or something. However, when you take a closer look at it, you won’t feel like it’s something that other rivers can copy.


I remember when I was in the grade 9, I took a boat trip with my parents to Sanxia, where we saw the most stunning view of the Yangtse River along with the tall green mountains like Shennv Feng.


It is indeed very important, not only for the local residents who need the water for life, but it is also crucial for the entire nation, because there’s the Three Gorges Dam lies on it, and it ha’s been generating a lot of electrical power, which is used for all the families and industries in China.


Describe a new skill you’d like to learn.

You should say:

what it is

who you want to learn it from

how you are going to learn it

and explain why you want to learn it.

I think it would be really cool to learn kung fu!

Kung fu, known as gong fu in Chinese, is a form of Chinese martial arts. There are many different styles and I think it’d be great to know any of them.

I’ve grown up watching kung fu films, I’ve also visited the Shaolin temple in Henan and it’s always a thrill to see what they can do. I’d love to be able to study kung fu so that I could perform awesome flips and other moves and impress my friends. They’d be blown away if I could run up a wall or break bricks with my hand. It would also be great for my fitness and I’d probably end up with a six-pack! If I got really good I could be famous and there might be a statue of me, like the one of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong.

Ideally I’d like to learn from an old master, like you see in the movies and on TV. I can picture him having a long white beard which he plays with when he’s thinking; he’d say wise things and quote old proverbs. Even though he’s old and looks quite fragile, he can do amazing moves and is still very quick.

In all honesty, if we’re being realistic, I’d say it’d probably a bit of a pie-in-the-sky idea. I wouldn’t know where to start and I’m not exactly the most active person. I think I lack the dedication required, as I’d much rather be watching kung fu movies than exerting myself!


>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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