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2019年1月雅思口语Part2 3新题预测之范文和解题思路:人少的旅游地

2023-11-02 10:45:38 来源:中国教育在线



Describe an interesting place in your country that not many tourists get there描述一个有趣的地方,在你的国家,没有很多游客去那里【解题思路】You should say:1, Where it is located2, Why it is interesting3, What you can do there4,Why are few people go there它所处的位置为什么它有趣你可以在那里做什么为什么很少人去那里Part3What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country?What can governments do to prevent pollution in tourist sites?What are the advantages of visiting less known places?What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?在你们国家什么类型的旅游景点最受欢迎?政府能做些什么来防止旅游景点的污染?去一些不太出名的地方有什么好处?


【口语范文】As far as I am concerned, an interesting place generally can attract many tourists' attention.However, there are still some funny places in my country, but not so many people pay a visit.For example, an extremely interesting place I really want to share with you is my hometown.My hometown, Xin qiao, though it is an unknown place, it is actually a small, lovely and beautiful countryside of China. I do have a deep passion for my hometown.在我看来,一个有趣的地方通常可以吸引很多游客的注意。然而,在我的国家仍然有一些有趣的地方,但不是很多人去参观。例如,我非常想和你分享的一个非常有趣的地方是我的家乡。我的家乡,新桥,虽然它是一个不为人知的地方,它实际上是一个美丽的中国农村。我对家乡有很深的感情。To my way of thinking, my hometown is interesting and is worth paying a visit. You maybe think why I think so. Now let me tell you. My hometown is labeled as Folk Painting Town of China. There are so many folk painters in my hometown.Though they are not famous, they are creative, talented. They are good at creating lots of works in their styles. It is very interesting to enjoy these characteristic works. In addition, my hometown has an ancient tradition. I can't wait to tell vou what it is. My hometown will hold Dancing Bench Dragon in Spring Festival every three years. A big village will cooperate and make a bench dragon of hundreds of sections. It is so funny and excited to see hundreds of villagers perform Dancing Bench Dragon.在我看来,我的家乡很有趣,值得一游。你可能会想为什么我这么认为。现在让我告诉你。我的家乡被称为中国民间绘画之乡。我的家乡有很多民间画家。虽然他们不出名,但他们很有创造力,很有才华。他们擅长以自己的风格创作很多作品。欣赏这些有特色的作品是很有趣的。此外,我的家乡有一个古老的传统。我迫不及待地想告诉你那是什么。我的家乡每三年春节都会举办舞龙晚会。一个大村庄将合作,制作一条数百段的龙。看到数以百计的村民表演舞龙,真是既有趣又兴奋。Although my hometown has a lot of funny things to enjoy and play, in fact, not many people visit my hometown. In my opinion, it is possibly because it is a small village, not a big city, so the government doesn't pay more attention to the levelopment of my hometown. Besides, my hometown just don't get a better promotion, so that's why few people come to my hometown.



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