雅思剧场 雅思口语听力绝佳素材 安娜职场记之3:危机
2023-11-02 14:13:03 来源:中国教育在线
很多同学都很关注【雅思剧场】雅思口语听力绝佳素材 安娜职场记之3:危机这个问题,那么接下来就跟着中国教育在线小编一起来看看吧,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解。
| Here we are again at Tip Top Trading, where Anna's interview for a sales job has been suddenly interrupted. Office assistant Denise has entered the room, looking very worried. What's wrong? And will Anna have any suggestions that might help? |
Denise: | I don't know what to do! |
Paul: | So what's the matter Denise? |
Denise: | You know the PowerPoint presentation? |
Paul: | The one we've been preparing for the last two months? |
Denise: | Yes. |
Paul: | The one that's very, very important and that we need this afternoon? |
Denise: | That one. |
Paul: | Aha. |
Denise: | We've lost everything! |
Paul: | No! |
Denise: | I had it on a USB stick, to transfer it, but the stick has vanished! |
Narrator: | Right Anna, now is your chance to help them find solutions to the problem. You'll need phrases like: |
| Can I make a suggestion? |
| Why don't you...? |
| Have you tried...? |
| Maybe we could...? |
| How about...? |
| I have an idea! |
Paul: | But don't you have it saved on your computer? |
Denise: | No, it was taking up a lot of space, so I deleted it. |
Paul: | So you have lost the only copy we have. |
Denise: | Yes. |
| What idiots! I've never seen such a disorganised office. Go on, you'd better help them, Anna. |
Anna: | Can I make a suggestion? |
Paul: | Yes, please do! |
Anna: | Why don't you try looking in your recycle bin? It might still be there. |
Denise: | I did. It isn't. |
Anna: | Have you tried asking your colleagues if they've seen the memory stick? |
Denise: | I did. They haven't. |
| How about looking through your rubbish bin to see if you threw it away by mistake? |
Denise: | (getting shirty) I don't do silly things like that! |
Paul: | All very sensible suggestions Anna, thank you. |
| Maybe I could do a big office search for you...? I'm good at finding things. |
| There are confidential documents in this office – non-staff are not allowed to see them. |
Paul: | Now, now Denise. Why don't you drink up that nice tea? |
Anna: | I have an idea! Did you ever email the presentation to anyone? |
| Golly gosh, you did Denise! You emailed it to me to proof-read. It'll be in my inbox somewhere. Good thinking Anna! |
Denise: | I was just about to suggest that myself actually. |
Paul: | Problem solved. Thank you Anna! |
Anna: | Pleasure. |
Narrator: | Well done Anna! |
| Right, now please leave us Denise. Anna and I will continue our interview. Would you like a biscuit Anna? |
Anna: | Thank you. Oh, what's that? |
| Oh golly gosh, the USB stick! It was mixed in with the plate of biscuits that Denise brought in. |
Anna: | It's wet! |
Can I make a suggestion?
Why don't you try looking in your recycle bin?
Have you tried asking your colleagues if they've seen the memory stick?
How about...?
Maybe I could do a big office search for you...?
How about looking through your rubbish bin...?
I have an idea!
| Anna, we need someone who can think on her feet and who is a first-rate people person. Someone who sees solutions, not problems... someone like you! So if you want the job, it's yours! |
Narrator: | Ah, now think carefully Anna – do you really want to work for these people? They seem a bit... disorganised. |
Anna: | I would definitely like the job! Thank you! |
Narrator: | So be it. Join us again next week for Anna's first day as a sales executive at Tip Top Trading. |
vanish: v.disappear, esp suddenly or mysteriously。可以看成是disappear的同义词替换。
disorganised: adj. lacking order/arrangement。可以看成是disordered的同义词替换。
have it saved:注意这种have sth done的表达,非常实用且地道。
confidential 机密的
一些生活词汇:rubbish bin 垃圾篓,usb stick u盘,inbox收件箱,golly gosh天啊撸,what idots 蠢哭了。
we need someone who can think on her feet and who is a first-rate people person. Someone who sees solutions, not problems... someone like you! So if you want the job, it's yours!
这是一段非常打动人心的说词,很难想象是一个面试官对应聘者说的话(更像是告白)。paul在这向我们展示了如何优雅地夸奖人:先极尽所能的夸奖某一类人(以示客观),最后将对方归为这一类人。其中 think on one'e feet(脑袋转得快), first-rate people person(喜欢并善于跟人交往的人)值得收藏。给我们的启示是,在雅思口语的人物类话题上,我们在描述某人时,比如,an old person you admire ,可以采用这样一种二步式:首先i admire someone who can...and who is...someone who... 接着,引出主人公‘someone like XXX’.这样磅礴的引入,肯定能吸引考官的注意力,因为这段讲述里,你不但引出了主人公,还引出了ta的特性,也就是你接下来将要描述的ta的各种优点或故事了。值得学习。
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