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雅思常用俗语词汇 有哪些

2023-11-07 09:25:59 来源:中国教育在线

近年来,越来越多的中国学子选择留学,那其中雅思常用俗语词汇 有哪些?本文则针对这个问题,为大家整理了资料,接下来咱们就一起往下了解吧。

雅思常用俗语词汇 有哪些

BY THE skin of our teeth - narrowly,just (used when referring to narrowly escaping an unpleasant experience)例子:The children scraped through their exams by the skin of their teeth.

Egg on your face - to feel foolish,embarrassed (because of a mistake or situation that is humiliating)例子:He ended up with egg on his face for his hasty decision.

Fit like a glove - to fit perfectly例子:The lies fit like a glove into the gaps in his story.

Get into hot water - to cause trouble or make a mistake that affects your situation negatively例子:If you dont finish your homework,youll get into hot water with your teacher.

Go the extra mile - to do more than is necessary or expected例子:The customer service agent went the extra mile to help me sort out my problem.

In the same boat - in the same situation or experiencing the same problem or challenge例子:If we dont do something about it soon,well all be in the same boat - unemployed!

Its a piece of cake -形容某事非常容易做或完成例子:The exam was a piece of cake - I finished it in 10 minutes.

Knock it off -停止做某事 (常用于劝告某人停止做某事)例子:Knock it off! Stop talking nonsense and start doing something useful.

Off the beaten track -形容某事非常规或不同寻常例子:I love this restaurant because it offers food that is off the beaten track and not your standard British cuisine.

以上,就是本文的全部内容分享,希望能给同学们带来参考,如果您还有雅思常用俗语词汇 有哪些其他方面的疑问,欢迎随时在线咨询客服老师。

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