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屠鸭必备语料 雅思口语高分超能段子手之家庭生活篇

2023-11-08 09:30:16 来源:中国教育在线





幸福的 -- happy

I will never have to worry about the issues of food and clothing

no matter what I want to pursue, they always financially as well as spiritually support me

they always share their life experience with me

they always provide me with the best growing environment

even they have troubles or encounter adversity, they always wear a warm smile on their face. Never let me worry about their personal affairs

温暖的 -- warm

whenever I feel frustrated, they always give me a lot of words of encouragement;

I always obtain physical as well as spiritual support and encouragement from my parents;

they always give priority to concern about what I need;

宽容的-- tolerant

be tolerant of my faults;

always give me a chance to correct the mistakes I make;

I have never gotten a scolding (挨骂) from my parents;

they never feel disappointed with my poor performance in study;

there are no mistakes in the world, but only lessons;

to their minds, the more mistakes I make, the more progress I will achieve···

相互理解和尊重的 -- mutual understanding and respect

we always treat each other in a respectful way

sometimes we may have a divergence of views in some typical issues, but this is not going to preventing us from drawing on collective wisdom and absorbing all useful ideas from each other

although there is a generation gap between my parents and I, we still enjoy a harmonious family atmosphere

舒适的 -- comfortable

I always enjoy the peaceful environment when back home from work or study

although my bedroom is not decorated with luxurious ornament, it is always full of my happy memory

It is a place where I can forget about all the troubles I have and get rid of any annoying things

以上就是对于“家庭”的联想,其实还有很多,就不一一列举了。 平时在我们准备雅思口语的时候,应该多做这样的联想,从一两个单词开始,尝试用英语去说明它的具体意义,尝试结合自己的亲身经历去描述一个深刻的内容。


为的就是当我们在考试中遇到卡壳的时候,能够马上调动一两句“平时已经有深刻体会的、看起来common sense的、 却又无懈可击”的话,尽可能让自己在夹缝中有充分的时间去思考,去调整,去组织语言。



--工作(例如:work for the government, lawer, doctor···)

--严肃(serious, take everything seriously, not take/play a joke)

--认真严谨(do everything based on rigorous standards)

--对孩子要求严格(be strict with what I do)

----望子成龙(hold high expectation for his child)

--对孩子的不良行为很生气(be angry with his child's misbahviour


沉迷电脑游戏 indulge himself with computer games;

不做作业 lazy in doing homework;

说谎 tell a lie; 早恋 puppy love····)

--代沟(generation gap between father and son)

--人生观不一样(have a divergence of outlook on life)

--矛盾吵架(may easily quarrel with each other, even for trivial things)

--出发点是爱孩子(all he does is for our own good)

--有责任感(hold responsibility for the growing up of his child)

--做事认真,不怕困难,不轻易放弃(never easily give up no matter what he does; in his life dictionary, you cann't find the word "give up")

--为我树立榜样(set a good example for me)

--崇拜(admire him most)

--激励我前行(stimulate me to progress and achieve my goal)

--爸爸也需要孩子的照顾(we need take good care of him)

--变老变弱(getting older and may easily suffer from chronic diseases)

-- 我们即将出国,见面减少,因此有点愧疚(once I make a decision to go aboard, that means we cannot fuifill our own responsibilty in family care. Sometimes I feel sorry that I cannot spend more time in alleviating his heavy burden from family)--计划生育(one child policy, no sibling)


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