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2024-06-19 15:07:41 来源:中国教育在线




1. 快速扫描表格,先横后纵。即先扫描最上面的一行,再扫描最左边的一列。通常横栏为大的信息,纵列为小的分类;

2. 根据并列原则,判断所填写的信息,如数字、国家名、或是其他与同列信息类似的名词、形容词。


1. 答案的大小写与表格已给信息保持一致;

2. 注意题号顺序。雅思听力考试一定是按照题目顺序放音的。如果表格中提供Example(例子),不管例子在第几栏出现,听力材料中一定会先提到例子指示的答案。

例题解析 (分类表格题)

Cambridge 6, Test 1, Section 1

Questions 1-4

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Notes on Sports Club

Example Answer

Name of club: Kingswell

Facilities available: Golf



Classes available: Kick-boxing

3 ______________

Additional facility: 4 ______________

(restaurant opening soon)

Questions 5 -8

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO NUMBERS for each answer.

Membership Schemes


Use of facilities

Cost of classes


Joining fee

Annual subscription fee




Any time


5 ₤______



6 ₤______

From 7 _to __






From 10.30 to 3.30 weekdays only


8 ₤______



1. 考生注意在这之前提到的tennis courts和football均为干扰。tennis court 出现在路标词Golf之前,不是答案;男生提到football之后,工作人员说No, Im sorry. 从而排除了这个信息。工作人员最后说We do have a keep-fit studio, which is ,do have 表示强调,在原文中也重读。

2. 注意并列词as well as,之后出现并列的第2题答案,swimming。

3. kick-boxing为路标词,之后提到的judo and stretch classes是打算增加的课程Were planning to add...,因此不是答案。在yoga classes 之后有表示并列的副词too,这往往是标识答案的信号词。考生要注意类似的如as well as,too,another等词。

4. 男生提到restaurant后,考生就应注意答案马上会出现,因为第4题要求是facilities。接下来,at the moment,表示现有的设施,答案为salad bar。


5. 表格前一列中的数字250为路标词,但之后出现的信息£450马上被否定,最后提到的£500为答案。注意joining fee是指入会费,而subscription fee是年费。

6. 表格第三行题干中silver为路标词,接下来听到except一词,考生要牢记这个经常之后出现答案的信号词,它表示排除,也是在讲话中表示强调信息的词。

7. 通过题目分析得知空格中应填写两个时间点,注意介词between and 替换from to 。

8. 第7题与第8题之间有较长的间隔,考生不要紧张,只要跟上表格中提到的信息,就不会听丢答案。离8题最近的信息£50是路标词。在答案£180出现后又提到一个数字£15,是指平均每个月的费用,考生应熟悉题目要求annual指年度的,这样就不会被干扰。

Gram 克 kilogram 千克,公斤 ton 吨

Pound 磅 ounce 盎司 galon 加仑


square meter 平方米 acre 英亩 hectare 公顷


Liter/litre 升


Fahrenheit 华氏 Celsius/Centigrade 摄氏


Pound 英镑 dollar 美元/澳元

Cent 美分 penny 便士

Key to Sample 2

1. (a) keep-fit studio

2. swimming

3. yoga

4. (a) salad bar

5. 500

6. 1

7. 10a.m.,4.30p.m.

8. 180

Tapescript of Sample 2

Woman: Good morning, oh sorry, its gone 12, Ill start again, good afternoon, Kingswell Sports Club, how can I help you?

Man: Oh, good afternoon. I was wondering if you could give me some information about membership and faciliteis.

Woman: Of course. What would you like to know?

Man: Do you have tennis courts, for example?

Woman: No, Im afraid we dont. Were primarily a golf club.

Man: What about football? I heard you had a team.

Woman: No, Im sorry. Perhaps youre thinking about Fresham Sports Centre.

Man: Oh, right. I know it. Ive played badminton there.

Woman: Have you? Theyve got a lot of facilities we dont have and vice versa. We do have a keep-fit studio (Q1), which is very popular with members, and then as well as that theres swmming, (Q2) of course.

Man: Thats good. I like to swim every day.

Woman: We have a range of classes too.

Man: Do you have judo classes? Im keen to learn.

Woman: Well, at the moment we offer kick boxing. Were planning to add judo and stretch classes soon. Were currently running a range of yoga classes (Q3), too.

Man: What about relaxing after exercise? I assume you have a resaurant o something.

Woman: At the moment, wee got a salad bar (Q4) which is very popular. Well also have a fully-licensed restaurant by the end of ye year.

Man: Sounds good!

Woman: What kind of memebership are you interested in?

Man: Um Im not really sure. What are the options?

Woman: Well, there are three different membership schemes.

Man: I see. Whats the difference?

Woman: Well, the first ones called Gold, and you can use all the facilities at any time of the day or week. You can also join in as many classes as you like for free.

Man: That sounds good. Is it very expensive?

Woman: Well, you pay a 250 joining fee and then its 450 -- oh no, Im sorry, its just gone up by 50, sorry about that -- its now 500 (Q5) for the annual subscrption fee.

Man: Right, got that. And whats the next type?

Woman: Well, thats Silver -- its the same as Gold except you have to pay a small fee of 1.00 per lesson (Q6) for any you do and you can only use the centre at certain times.

Man: I see. So when exactly?

Woman: You can only use the facilities between 10am and 4.30 pm (Q7).

Man: So I couldnt use the pool at 8 in the morning or evening, then?

Woman: Thats right.

Man: OK. And the price for that? Is the joining fee the same as for Gold?

Woman: Actually, its slightly less than the 250 -- its 225, but the annual fee is only 300. Does that sound more like what you want?

Man: Well, its still rather more expensive than I thought. Im a student here in England and Im only here for six months.

Woman: Ah, then the Bronze scheme would probably suit you best.

Man: How is that different?

Woman: Well,some of the facilities have restricted use.

Man: Adn do I have to pay for classes?

Woman: Yes, its 3 for each class you join.

Man: I see. And what are the hours then?

Woman: Between 10.30 and 3.30 weekdays only and you pay a 50 joining fee. The annual fee is 180 (Q8) -- it works out at 15 a month, so that would be quite a lot cheaper.




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