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2024-06-21 12:14:16 来源:中国教育在线



听力词汇 List 71. exploitation/ˌeksplɔi'teiʃən/ n.开发, 剥削2. assignment/ə'sainmənt/ n.分配, 任务, 功课, 作业3. nuclear/'nju:kliə/ adj.原子核的, 原子能的, 核心的4. debate/di'beit/ n.辩论, 讨论 v.争论, 思考 5. generate/'dʒenəreit/ vt.产生, 发生, 引起6. consequence/'kɔnsikwəns/ n.结果, 后果, 重要性, 影响7. solar/'səulə/ adj.太阳的, 太阳能的8. sustainable/sə'steinəbl/adj.可持续的, 合理利用的,可承受的9. encourage/in'kʌridʒ/ vt.鼓励, 促进, 支持10. force/fɔ:s/ n. 力量,武力,军队, 影响力 vt.迫使, 强迫, 强制11. desperate/'despərit/ adj.绝望的, 不顾一切的, 极其想要的12. shortage/'ʃɔ:tidʒ/ n.不足, 缺少13. fortune/'fɔ:tʃən/ n.命运, 财产, 运气14. conservation/ˌkɔnsə:'veiʃən/ n.保存, 保护, 守恒15. comment/'kɔment/n.注释, 评论, 闲话 v.评论, 注释16. polar/'pəulə/ adj.两极的, 对立的 n.极线,极性17. statistics/stə'tistiks/ n.统计学, 统计18. tutorial/tju:'tɔ:riəl/ n.指南, 教程, 辅导班adj.辅导的, 个别指导的19. session/'seʃən/ n.会议, 会期, 开庭期, 学期, 一段时间20. flexibility/ˌfleksə'biliti/ n.灵活性, 弹性, 适应性21. competitive/kəm'petitiv/ adj.竞争的, 有竞争力的22. category/'ktigəri/ n.种类, 范畴23. objectivity/ˌɔbdʒek'tiviti/ n. 客观, 客观性24. cramped/'krmpt/adj.狭窄的, 束缚的, 难认的25. consumption/kən'sʌmpʃən/ n.消费, 消耗, 肺痨26. feature/fi:tʃə/ n.特征, 容貌, 特写, 故事片vt.以为特色 vi.起重要作用27. manufacturer/ˌmnju'fktʃərə/ n.制造商28. contrast/'kɔntrst,kən'trst/n.对比, 对照物 v.对比, 成对照 29. reverse/ri'və:s/ v.逆转, 倒退, 互换,改变 adj.相反的,颠倒的n.相反,倒档30. potential/pə'tenʃəl/adj.潜在的, 可能的 n.潜力 高频同义替换词组:plenty of data ------ lots of statistics ------ mass of data 大量数据 personally ------ individually ------ on an individual basis ------ singly 个别的,单独的medicine ------ medical science ------ study of medicine 医学area ------ field ------ domain ------ sphere 领域pressure ------ stress ------ strain 压力feature ------ characteristic 特征hidden ------ potential ------ underlying 潜在的,隐藏的overlook ------ ignore ------ disregard ------ neglect 忽略,忽视口语词汇 List 71. cynical /`sinikəl/adj.玩世不恭的,愤世嫉俗的例句:She is get more cynical about life.2. dedicated/`dedikeitid/adj. 专注的,献身的例句:She's completely dedicated to her work.3. dignified/`dignifaid/ adj. 尊严的,庄重的例句: In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified. 4. diligent/`dilidʒənt/ adj. 勤奋刻苦的例句: He is both clever and diligent.5. discreditable /dis`kreditə.bl ̩/ adj. 丢脸的例句: his marks were not at all discreditable.6. discreet /dis`kriːt/adj. 谨慎小心的例句: He is discreet in his behavior.7. disorganized /dis`ɔː.gənaizd/adj.有条理的例句: Her desk is very disorganized. 8. doleful /`dəʊlfəl/adj.悲哀的,郁闷的例句: He always shows a doleful expression.9. dreaded/`dredid/ adj. 可怕的例句: I've got my dreaded cousin coming to stay!10. dry /drai/adj. 无味的,干巴巴的例句: I spent two hours on a dry movie. 11. eccentric /ik`sentrik/adj. 古怪的例句: My neighbor is an eccentric young man. 12. efficient/i`fiʃənt/adj. 高效的例句:Well, you are not efficient, and you don`t work well with the other employees.13. eminent /`eminənt/adj.杰出的,显赫的例句:He is eminent among scientists. 14. emotional/i`məʊʃənəl/adj.富有情感的,易动感情的例句:He's a very emotional man.15. extraordinary /iks`trɔ:dinəri/ adj.不寻常的例句: She was a truly extraordinary woman.16. extravagant/iks`trvəgənt/adj. 挥霍的例句: Don't be so extravagant, spend your money more carefully. 17. fantastic /fn`tstik/ adj. 奇异的,很棒的例句: Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic. 18. fierce /fiəs/ adj. 凶猛的,残忍的例句:The house is guarded by a fierce dog. 19. flashy/`flʃi/adj.光鲜的例句:He sent them flashy gifts.20. frank /frŋk/adj.坦白的例句: If you want my frank opinion, I don't think the plan will succeed. 21. furtive /`fɜːtiv/ adj. 偷偷摸摸的例句: The teacher was suspicious of the students furtive behaviour during the exam.22. futile/`fjuːtail/ adj. 徒劳的,无用的例句:Their efforts to revive him were futile.23. generous /`dʒenərəs/ adj. 慷慨的,大方的例句: She was generous with her money.24. gorgeous /`gɔːdʒəs/ adj. 华丽的,豪华漂亮的例句:I never saw such a gorgeous mink coat in all my life.25. greedy/`griːdi/ adj. 贪婪的例句:He is a greedy little boy.26. harsh /hɑːʃ/ adj. 苛刻的例句: He is a harsh person. 27. idle /aidl ̩/adj. 空闲的,懒惰的例句:They didn't want to live idle lives. 28. immortal /i`mɔːtəl/ adj.永垂不朽的例句:Someone believed that the soul is immortal.29. impatient/im`peiʃənt/adj.没耐心的例句: He gave another impatient glance at his watch. 30. impressive /im`presiv/ adj. 印象深刻的例句: The first ceremony which we went into college is an impressive ceremony.31. incurable/in`kjʊərəbl ̩/ adj. 无可救药的例句:All three babies were born with an incurable heart condition.32. indispensable /in.dis`pensəbl ̩/ adj. 非常重要的,无可替代的例句:For a successful class humour is indispensable.33. indolent /`indələnt /adj. 懒惰的例句:The sultry weather in the tropics encourages tourists to lead an indolent life.34. industrious /in`dʌstriəs/adj. 勤奋刻苦的例句: We Chinese people are brave and industrious.35. inevitable /in`evitəbl ̩/ adj. 不可避免的例句:The accident was the inevitable consequence of carelessness.36. inexperienced/in.ik`spiəriənt st/ adj. 无经验的例句: She is inexperienced in teaching.37. innocent /`inəsənt/ adj. 天真的, 无辜的例句:He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.38. instinctive /in`stiŋktiv/ adj.天生的,本能的例句:She had an instinctive taste for music.39. intelligent/in`telidʒənt/ adj. 聪明的例句:He is a highly intelligent young man40. interpersonal /intə`pɜːsənəl/ adj. 人际关系的例句:The successful applicant will have excellent interpersonal skills.41. intriguing /in`triː.giŋ / adj. 有趣的,迷人的例句: His idea sounds very intriguing.42. introversive /in.trə`vɜː.siv/ adj. 内向的例句:He is introversive with few words.43. lax /lks/adj. 轻松的,松弛的例句:Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.44. malignant /mə`lig.nənt/adj. 恶意的例句: Alexander got a malignant slander.45. mischievous/mis.`tʃi.vəs/adj. 恶作剧的,淘气顽皮的例句:Tom was saucy and mischievous when he was at school.46. miserable /`miz.ər.ə.bl ̩/adj. 可悲的,悲惨的例句: Her past life was miserable.47. monotonous/mə`nɒt.ən.əs/ adj. 千篇一律的例句:She thought life in the small town was monotonous.48. notorious /nəʊ `tɔː.ri.əs/ adj.臭名昭著的例句: The town is notorious for its casinos. 49. omnipotent /ɒm`nip.ə.tənt/adj.全能的, 万能的例句: How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering?50. organized /`ɔː.gən.aizd/ adj.做事有条理的例句:The article is well-organized. 51. outgoing/`aʊtgəʊ.iŋ/adj.外向的例句: He is an outgoing and lively person.52. outstanding /`aʊtstn.dɪŋ/ adj.杰出的例句: Her late husband was an outstanding scientist.53. passive /`ps.iv/ adj. 消极的,被动的例句:He has a passive disposition.54. practical/`prk.tɪ.kəl/adj.实际的例句: He lacks practical experience in business.55. pretty shyadj.非常害羞的例句:The little girl is pretty shy.56. radiant /`reɪ.di.ənt/adj.容光焕发的例句: She was radiant with joy.57. rational /`rʃ.ən.əl/adj. 合理的,有道理的例句: It was a rational plan and bound to succeed.58. reasonable/`riː.zən.ə.bl ̩/adj. 有道理的例句:Our mother was always very reasonable. 59. responsible/ri`spɒnt .si.bl ̩/adj. 有责任感的例句:Politicians are responsible to the voters. 60. retarded /ri`tɑː.did/ adj.反应迟钝的例句: Lucy is very retarded and can't read yet.61. revealable /ri`viːl ə.bl/adj. 暴露的,显露的例句:She carefully bears those unrevealable secrets deep in mind.62. romantic /rəʊ`mntɪk / adj. 浪漫的例句: She thinks it will be romantic to be an actress.63. sensible/`sensibl/ adj. 明智的,有判断力的例句:It was very sensible of you to bring your umbrella.64. sensitive/`sensitiv/ adj. 敏感的例句: Don't be so sensitiveI wasn't criticizing you.65. sentimental /`sentimentəl/adj. 伤感的例句: She kept all the old photographs for sentimental reasons. 66. severe /`sivɪər/adj. 严重的(SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)例句:The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders.67. shabby /`ʃbi/ adj. 破烂的,褴褛的例句:The old house has grown shabby with age.68. sociable/`səʊʃəbl/adj. 好社交的例句:Roger is a very sociable person.69. spontaneous /spɒn`teiniəs/adj. 自发的,自然的例句: The crowd broke into spontaneous applause.70. versatile /`vɜːsətail/ adj. 多才多艺的例句: Wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and versatile.71. vigilant /`vidʒilənt/ adj. 警惕的例句: One must be ever vigilant.72. wholehearted /`həʊl`hɑːtid/ adj. 全心全意的例句: I can give her a wholehearted recommendation.


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