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2024-06-25 15:32:54 来源:中国教育在线



1. assessment/ə'sesmənt/ n. 评估,测评

2. schedule/'skedʒul/ n. 日程表

3. overview/'əuvə,vju:/ n. 纵览,概观

4. spreadsheet/'spred,ʃi:t/ n. 电子数据表

5. framework/'freimwə:k/ n. 构架,结构

6. exam /ig'zm/ n. 考试

7. assignment /ə'sainmənt/ n. 作业,任务

8. quiz /kwiz/ n. 小测验

9. continuous /kən'tinjuəs/ n. 持续的

10. specific /spi'sifik/ adj. 具体的

11. baseline /'beislain/ n. 起点,基准

12. knowledge /'nɔlidʒ/ n. 知识

13. field/fi:ld/ trip/trip/ n. 实地考察旅行

14. presentation /,prezen'teiʃən/ n. 演讲,报告

15. research/ri'sə:tʃ/ n. 调查,研究

16. in-depth /'in'dep/ adv 深度地,全面地

17. visual/'vizjuəl/ aid/eid/ n. 直观教具

18. project /prə'dʒekt/ n. 计划,项目

19. participation/pɑ:.tisi'peiʃən/ n. 参与

20. seminar /'seminɑ:/ n. 研讨会

21. proportion /prə'pɔ:ʃən/ n. 比例,部分

22. percentage/pə'sentidʒ/ n. 百分比

23. time management/'mnidʒmənt/ n. 时间管理

24. discussion /di'skʌʃən/ n. 讨论

25. article /'ɑ:tikl/ n. 文章

26. reference /'refrəns/ n. 参考书

27. bibliography/,bibli'ɔgrəfi/ n. 参考文献

28. lecture /'lektʃə/ n. 讲座,演讲


uncertain aboutnot sure about 不确定

expensivecostly 昂贵的

essentialimportant 重要的

set task--- assignment 任务

quick test --- quiz 小测验

an hour-long talk ---lecture演讲,讲座

口语词汇 List 6

1. fine /fain/ adj. 好的

例句:It poured all morning, but turned fine later.

2. unbearably /ʌn'beərəbli/ hot /hɔt/ adj. 热得难以忍受地,冷得难以忍受

例句:Winter is sometimes unbearably cold, and summer is unbearably hot.

3. freezing /'fri:ziŋ/ adj. 冰冻的, 严寒的

例句:Freezing weather will break up the soil.

4. snowy /snəui/ adj. 多雪的

例句:I can't remember when we had such a snowy day.

5. stormy /'stɔ:mi/ adj. adj. 暴风雨的

例句:No one wants to suffer from the stormy days.

6. drizzly /'drizli/ adj. 毛毛雨的

例句:It was a drizzly day with gentle breeze at an autumn afternoon.

7. favorable /'feivərəbl/ adj. 良好的,有利的

例句:The ship forged ahead under a favorable wind.

8. moist /mɔist/ adj. 潮湿的

例句:The moist season has set in.

9. humid /'hju:mid/ adj. 潮湿的

例句:In the east, the air is humid in summer.

10. overcast /'əuvəkɑ:st/ adj. 阴天的

例句:Overcast mornings are the sure forerunners of steady rain.

11. absolutely /'bsəlu:tli/ adv. 完全地

例句:I consider it absolutely necessary.

12. completely /kəm'pli:tli/ adv. 完全地

例句:The pattern of the handicraft is completely symmetrical.

13. entirely /in'taiəli/ adv. 完全地

例句:He devoted himself entirely to music.

14. extremely /ik'stri:mli/ adv. 非常

例句:He is pretty busy and his task is extremely difficult.

15. perfectly /'pə:fiktli/ adv. 完全地

例句:He mimicked his uncle's voice and gestures perfectly.

16. almost /'ɔ:lməust/ adv. 几乎

例句:He's almost six feet tall.

17. nearly /'niəli/ adv. 几乎

例句:The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.

18. enough /i'nʌf/ adv. 足够地

例句:The cake is sweet enough.

19. fairly /'fɛəli/ adv. 公正地

例句:It's a fairly good book.

20. hardly /'hɑ:dli/ adv. 几乎不

例句:I can hardly believe that some celebrities are involved into crimes.

21. scarcely /'skɛəsli/ adv. 几乎不

例句:At first, he spoke scarcely a word of English.

22. barely /'bɛəli/ adv. 几乎没有

例句:The room was furnished barely.

23. awfully /'ɔ:fuli/ adv. 非常地

例句:It is awfully boring.

24. quite /kwait/ adv. 相当

例句:It was quite wonderful.

25. rather /'rɑ:ə/ adv. 相当

例句:I'd rather walk than take a bus.

26. slightly /'slaitli/ adv. 稍微

例句:Shes only slightly underweight for her height.

27. seldom /'seldəm/ adv. 很少

例句:He seldom eats breakfast.

28. occasionally /ə'keiʒənəli/ adv. 偶尔地

例句:They enjoy a night out occasionally.

29. constantly /'kɔnstəntli/ adv. 不断地

例句:Some obese people constantly enjoy their desserts.

30. frequently /'fri:kwəntli/ adv. 经常地

例句:I frequently read novels.

31. continually /kən'tinjuəli/ adv. 不断地

例句:He continually learnt knowledge in his field.

32. relatively /'relətivli/ adv. 相对地

例句:Relatively speaking, it's a cold day today.

33. remarkably /ri'mɑ:kəbli/ adv. 显著突出地

例句:She sang remarkably well.

34. actually /'ktʃuəli/ adv. 实际上

例句:He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time.

35. basically /'beisikəli/ adv. 基本上

例句:Shes basically a bit of a square.

36. abstemious /b`sti:mi:əs/ adj. 有节制的,节约的

例句: He is abstemious in eating and drinking.

37. absurd /əb`sɜːd/ adj. 荒谬的

例句: Their request on refund is absurd.

38. agitated /`dʒ.i.tei.tid/ adj. 激动的,不安的

例句: Don't get all agitated at pocketpicking!

39. amazing /ə`mei.ziŋ/ adj. 惊人的,很棒的

例句:Titanic is an amazing film!

40. ambitious /m`biʃ.əs/ adj. 有雄心壮志的

例句:Only ambitious students get the best marks.

41. annoyed /ə`nɔɪd/ adj. 惹怒的

例句:He became excessively annoyed at newspaper reports.

42. anti-clockwise /n.ti`klɒk.waiz/ adj. 逆时针的

例句:It would be very easy to open the door if you turn the key in an anti-clockwise direction.

43. applicable /`plik.ə.bl ̩/ adj. 能应用的,适当的

例句:The new qualifications are applicable to all European countries.

44. assertive /ə`sɜː.tiv/ adj. 过分自信的

例句: If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more assertive.

45. avid /`v.id / adj. 贪婪渴望的

例句: He was avid for gold.

46. bleak /bliːk/ adj. 阴冷的, 惨淡凄凉的

例句:The economic outlook of some western countries is bleak.

47. bold /bəʊld/ adj. 大胆的

例句: It was a bold decision to go and live abroad.

48. brilliant/`bril.i.ənt/ adj. 辉煌的,卓越的

例句: Its brilliant to see many pop stars at the music festival.

49. brisk /brisk/ adj.轻快活泼的

例句:The actress is walking at a brisk pace.

50. brittle /brit.l ̩/ adj. 易碎的

例句:The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.

51. canny /`kn.i/ adj. 精明的

例句: Johnson was plainly a canny individual.

52. caustic /`kɔː.stik/ adj. 尖酸刻薄的

例句:He enjoys making caustic remarks about other people.

53. cautious /`kɔː.ʃəs/ adj. 小心谨慎的

例句:We should be cautious of thieves if we are in a crowded place.

54. climatic /klai`mt.ik/ adj. 气候的

例句:Some parts of the world seem to be experiencing climatic changes.

55. clockwise /`klɒk.waiz/ adj. 顺时针的

例句: Please move clockwise in a circle.

56. clumsy /`klʌm.zi/ adj. 笨手笨脚的

例句:The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.

57. coherent /kəʊ `hiə.rənt/adj. 一致的,连贯的

例句:When she calmed down, she was more coherent.

58. compassionate /kəm`pʃ.ən.ət/ adj. 富有同情心的

例句:The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence.

59. competent /`kɒm.pi.tənt/ adj. 有能力的,胜任的

例句:She has a competent knowledge of English.

60. conceited /kən`siː.tid/ adj. 自以为是的

例句:Im not as conceited as so many people seem to think.

61. consecutive /kən`sek.jʊ.tiv/ adj. 连贯的

例句:He was reelected to be a chairman for four consecutive terms.

62. considerate /kən`sid.ər.ət/ adj. 体贴的,为他人考虑周到的

例句: He is always considerate to old people.

63. cosmopolitan /kɒz.mə`pɒl.i.tən/ adj. 国际化的(多用于形容大都市)

例句: New York is a highly cosmopolitan city.

64. costive /`kɔstiv/ adj. 小气的

例句: He doesnt have a large network of friends because he is very costive.

65. cozy /`kəʊ.zi/ dj. 舒适惬意的

例句:Apparently it was a cozy meeting.

66. crooked /`krʊk.id/ adj. 弯曲的

例句:He walked down the crooked path.

67. cunning /`kʌn.iŋ/ adj. 狡猾的,精明的

例句: By a cunning trick he became heir of the rich widow.

68. unavoidable /ʌnə`vɔɪdəbl/ adj. 不可避免的

例句:The breakage was unavoidable.

69. unbelievable /ʌnbi`liːvəbl/ adj. 难以置信的

例句: The story he manufactured was unbelievable.

70. unceasing /ʌn`siː.siŋ/ adj. 永不停息的

例句: Her unceasing chatter will surely lay you flat.


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